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Everything posted by alsancle

  1. Ed, the chrome outer cover and painted inner cover seems to be standard on all 8-35 and above Royale's. Also, 90% of them had blackwall tires but you could make that argument for all Classics in period.
  2. Lora Lawrence Corum is certainly not a common name. I'll bet you can track some stuff down through genealogy websites or newspaper obituaries.
  3. We have had a 812 Conv Coupe since the early 1960s. My dad drove this car all over the place including the previously mentioned Boston to Auburn trip twice. It never ever broke down. All the engineering issues that were a problem when the car was new have fixes that the club guys are worked out over the years. If your Cord is properly sorted and maintained it is every bit as reliable as any other 1930s cars except that it is better looking than almost every one, more interesting than every one and faster than most. Our car has the factory blower so it might be more peppy than a 810 but it has great performance for a prewar car. A Cord that is driven on a regular schedule will give you no trouble. A Cord that sits in the garage for 30 or 40 months and then goes out for the occasional ride will be a nightmare. Here is my mom and dad at Auburn around 1968, top left corner.
  4. I would say you have a much better chance of finding your old paperwork than finding your cars with general info on the internet.
  5. The nicely restored (although slightly incorrect) 8-35 Sedan at Pebble sold for 100k as noted in another thread. Here is a period shot of the same model car.
  6. More like a couple of comments than a discussion but it is at the end of this thread. To a purist there are a number of minor issues going on with this car, but somebody spent a lot of money. http://reoroyale.freeforums.net/thread/31/8-35-sedan
  7. This car sold for 100k which is a lot of money for a standard sedan of any make. Impressive. There is more discussion on this over on the Royale forum: http://reoroyale.freeforums.net/
  8. That is cool footage. Here is a screen capture of the Stutz.
  9. I have never driven a 31 Auburn so I can't comment on that but your cord is a great road car even at modern speeds. Also, do not be scared as they can absolutely be sorted for driving and there is a tremendous amount of knowledge in the club on how to do it. As a boy I made two trips from Boston to Auburn and back in a conv coupe. I remember the trips very clearly although I was only 4 for the first one.
  10. I put mine on the floor board center below the front seat, simply reach down and switch it. Putting on the chassis, or under a fender is a pain in the rear.
  11. I can help right now with the Cord. Older restoration 812 Conv Coupe 125k-145k. Factory SC add another 30/40k depending on condition. This assumes it runs. If it doesn't run I would say 125k or less.
  12. I'm sure it was a cost thing as this car was already well under water before they got to the interior. Thanks for the pointer on the issue with the foam. I'll keep that in mind if an upholster ever tries to convince me to toss the springs because it will be easier.
  13. Dave, if somebody knows what they are doing, can they replace the original springs with foam and make it identical? Is this just not a great job? I'll admit I can't tell but I'm not an upholstery guy. I know a nice sedan like this sold for around 70-80k a few years ago which is strong money for a body style like this.
  14. I have always liked these and have noodled with the idea of buying one over the years. Neat car that you just don't see too often. I'm not an expert but I think you are not getting any response because those numbers really don't tell you anything, other than maybe confirm the year. Post some pictures and you will get lots more comments for sure.
  15. Bob, since you have actually sat in one that puts you in some very rare company! Do you have any pictures from back then?
  16. Hey Bob, I was just trying to think of the most expensive car there is and I believe this one sold privately for the most money of any car ever. These thread pop up at least once a year and I don't find them overly interesting but I figured since Curt waded in I might post something
  17. Taking the seller at his word, would you prefer this number's matching 340/-4speed car with build sheet and fender tag and a good original color to a absolutely beautiful lime green slant 6 auto on the column car? Agreed it is a rot box, but it ticks all the other boxes off.
  18. Replace "sister in law" with "friend of the family" and I believe there is no difference. If there is, you better only let blood relatives sit in your car.
  19. 40k seems like a pretty good deal I agree. Since they don't say I'm assuming it is a standard 8 as opposed to the super 8. There is a pretty good premium on the Super 8. I would second the motion on buying somebody else's restoration. If you pay 50k for a nice car, chances are the guy you are buying it from has a lot more into it than that.
  20. What is the difference between driving your sister in law to church on a Sunday vs driving her to church on Saturday for a wedding? If the latter is not covered then your sister in law should never be in your car ever. We have used cars for friends and family weddings for years (J.C. Tayler insurance) and the resident lawyer (my dad) said everything is cool. But it was never a commercial transaction, just friends and family.
  21. The insurance is not an issue as long as NO money is changing hands. Having the car break down, not start, etc is probably a bigger issue. Since no money can change hands you need someone who has a really big heart and lives nearby.
  22. You need to be more specific. There is a huge difference between a 1922 and a 1929 and I'm not sure if there are 3 guys in the entire club that could deal with both.
  23. Listed in SCM as selling post block for 750k.
  24. Search the forum for "wedding" and you will get lots of hits explain why this is not feasible unless you have a friend or relative you already invited to the wedding.
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