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Leif Holmberg

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Everything posted by Leif Holmberg

  1. If you really want to get this car identyfied you need to scan the photo to at least 300 kb instead of the 30 kb as it`s now.Or change the resolution on your camara-telephone to get a much bigger photo!
  2. All those green market parts looks right to the car in question.
  3. Here are a picture of a 1917 Jeffery that looks right.
  4. I think it`s an Oakland 1921,the luvres dosn`t looks right to Buick?
  5. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1FKPE_svSE1042SE1042&q=cadillac+1928+dash+panel&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=ihr218mPO9KPkM%2CmW4Q5PTxxSi5UM%2C_%3BdulaWIrXEjm1XM%2CYMCx8CHIGO7pFM%2C_%3BmaUM-dpimunU1M%2Cpb3KBmCLQGROVM%2C_%3B7D-fJ1MxBL0llM%2CinGyzfzoBdHAhM%2C_%3B6QKg7rxBh0Rz6M%2CBK4--ckR3kEsBM%2C_%3B3L0XeRWxkcZOsM%2C357UUTfQ4LHdrM%2C_%3BhRnOhRF3l6zMRM%2CHWwLyOWGiWh7SM%2C_%3BAj2bdpXMOQg0jM%2CXWcXeFfvSKVUVM%2C_%3B1aHJ1LQGamnDGM%2CinGyzfzoBdHAhM%2C_%3BIsQJpZucpS0U0M%2CXWcXeFfvSKVUVM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kROjl-lwx7IwdkSMnAoOGmZ7KoX6Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-rIya5LP-AhWEHHcKHd9yDsUQjJkEegQIOBAC&biw=2560&bih=1289&dpr=1
  6. looks close to Cadillac 1928-1929.
  7. I think there are 6 bolts dismontable tires, but it`s a very unusual side apron? That would made it easier to identyfie the car? Never seen that type side apron before. Volo cars are really hard to find on the internet at least for me!
  8. My last private letter from Dave Corbin just a couple of days before he past away in 2012 ,we where talking about 1920s Canadian built Buicks. A really great guy,I´m still missing him.
  9. After rebulit the S-G you have to re-check the timing.
  10. 1950 Cadillac looks close,but I think this is an aftermarket hood mascot?
  11. Thanks for your help,after looking a lot of both Dodge and Nash I think it`s a Dodge 1924,j ust becuse of the place of the cowl light, as well as the shape of it, the five bolts on the hubs, and the stripes on the wheels. If looking at the top of the doors the strips look very right to my first photo, too. Many thanks for your help.
  12. Any idea what kind of 1920:s car it is on this "blurry" photo?
  13. I agree with keiser31,and the rear axle seems to have a fully float hub? 1910:s I think with that rear spring.
  14. Thanks Curti.It looks like you say. Do you have any idea about the "logo" that looks like a bird and a barrel.
  15. Need your help with those 2 gas pumps,I can`t find that logga with a"bird" and a "barrel" ?Those gas pumps was used here in Sweden in a small place Svärdsjö Dalarne in 1910-1950.
  16. The picture above is a no.5 ASH outer cap I think. I bought this from "hubcap collektor" in AU 10-15 years ago, but it was was not right dimention for my 1924 4 cyl. Buick. The picture here now are the ones I have on my 1924 4 cyl.Buick with 22" wheels. I think that are no.4 ASH caps, I don`t think they are the same as Buffalo wheel-caps.
  17. How about pictures arond the switch?
  18. To me it looks like a Star or Durant 1926.
  19. sagefinds-Oldtech Thanks for your help,I couldn´t imagine it was a Chevrolet!
  20. Need your help to identyfie this touring car probebly 1916-1922?
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