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Everything posted by rocketraider

  1. More inclined to call it wretched excess... insanity influences it either way.🥴
  2. Word in Oldsworld is Richard's has (finally) been sold and is operating under new ownership.
  3. Build an electric with comparable range to an ICE vehicle and get it where it can be fully recharged in the same time a fuel stop and pee break takes, then you'll have something. Until such time all GM is doing is chasing its tail. When such a vehicle is finally developed, my money says it won't be GM that does it. Marketing people, accountants, and bandleaders won't get it done. GM has too many of those and not enough engineers to pull off mass-market EV production that is absolutely foolproof out the door. As in tested and proven reliable beyond all doubt, the way Cadillacs were before 1980.
  4. 🤮🤮🤮 Connie kits IMHO should be unallowable on any vehicle except a Lincoln Continental or 1st-gen Thunderbird. Chrysler toilet seats are barely acceptable. The ungainly things ruin the styling on everything else they're tacked onto.
  5. Can you read anything off that plate above the oil pan? If it's a rebuilder's plate it may help confirm what you have.
  6. If it were up to me the Virginia Whitetail would be totally exterminated. The K was not the only car a branch head took out. One ran into the side of a 1973 Delta 88 convertible so hard it sprung the top frame- this happened at 10am on a city street. I have lost four cars to them and 3 more sustained significant but repairable damage. Branch heads, fooey.
  7. Antique Week paper has been late last couple weeks (see slow mail thread) but 12/22 issue arrived today, coincidentally with at least four sign auctions advertised. Natcherly they're all over and done but I can't afford to play in that sandbox anyway.
  8. I always thought those things were sexy... I drove an 87 Aries sedan for a couple years. It was the last car Mama bought and after her death I said this thing gets 30mpg and wagon and truck get 15- why am I not driving it to work? It served me well until Bambi came dancing out in the highway in front of it. Bambi destroyed my K, but at least I gave her a flight thru the air before she landed back in the road and got run over again. A good car in above average condition, 94k when Bambi destroyed it. NCSHP said if it was less than $1000 damage and no injuries they wouldn't send a trooper to the scene. I said the car was way more than a grand in damage but wasn't worth $600 on its best day. Branch heads, fooey. If a farmer didn't manage his livestock and keep it out of the road any better than the state does, he'd be under the jail.
  9. Refer to the other thread on slow mail... Wouldn't be fit to eat time it got there. I like it best hot out of the stove, and day-old corn bread is good too. But we never had any left... the dog starved! Dogs will certainly eat cornbread if they can get it. Why you think hush puppies were invented?! Not that ol' Hector ever got any of those either. My grandmama was partial to hush puppies. Maybe we should send GM BoD a pan of good cornbread. Reckon any of 'em would know what it was?
  10. Cornbread properly done is round, baked in a well-seasoned and preferably OLD cast iron skillet, and made with cornmeal from a small grist mill. Too many people also make the mistake of putting too much sugar in it. If you can taste any sugar there's too much. As many issues as that Bravada had, and as many horror stories as some of you have posted here with $80k+ GM vehicles, GM is not even on my radar for a replacement vehicle.
  11. GM lost me as a new car customer 15 years ago. A 1997 Olds Bravada taught me the lesson. Biggest POS I have ever owned- I've had $500 beaters that were better cars. It was always some niggling little thing on that vehicle and for what it cost ($29k in 1997 money) there shouldn't have been a thing wrong with it. Add in beyond sorry dealer support on all the problems that "high-line" vehicle had and GM could gold plate that new logo and I wouldn't go back to them for new vehicles. The Ford store has taken care of me well since 2005.
  12. Their lawyers didn't earn their pay on that one... should have called Kalfus & Nachman...
  13. Pi are round! 🥧And Pi squared are a cobbler! Migawd Padgett, didn't they teach anything in GMI?!🎓
  14. 😼 A Dilbert came out years ago, about time we were yet again rolling out the newest consultant-driven flavor of the month. Dogbert the consultant was laying it on thick and the pointy-haired boss says "Aren't you the same consultant that sold us another program identical to this last year?" Dogbert's tail wagged as he said "I can promise you the name has changed!" Pointy-haired boss with eyes agog "When can we start!" Had that on my cubicle wall for years. That same plant manager chuckled at it every time he came by.
  15. Someone will still find a reason to be offended by it. Me, I think it's disappointing more than anything else. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Sometimes I miss that old GM arrogance!
  16. Mark, I remember a company from years back that specialized in cloisonne emblem restoration but I can't tell you if it's the same company. If they can restore lucite-filled emblems they have a wide-open market. Half the Oldsmobile people I know are trying to find those for their 70s cars that the plastic has either fallen out or crazed so badly as to be unusable.
  17. My experience with signs is that they sell for different money in different parts of the country. A local auction I frequent (or did till the plague screwed up everything) often had very good quality originals along with the occasional repop. Prices were reasonable, in north central NC. A competing auctioneer from about 150 miles away would come and bid the signs to 150-200% of average-to-high retail for this area and then resell them in the northeast, where they'd sell again for up to twice what he had paid for them. You better believe I cut that oily sombich's profit on more than a few occasions, just for the sheer meanness of it!😼 and that is not how I normally behave! Once heard it said "ain't no friends in the auction house!" and he was one who was gonna win the bid at all costs. I like people like him. They're fun.
  18. IIRC Mercedes was the one who foisted all these silvers and grays on the car-buying public back in the 80s. Seems it was part of their "high-tech appearance" marketing scheme. Then the rest fell into that hype. I will never again own a white, silver/gray/charcoal, or black car. I've said for years all these bland depressing colors are part of why the world's in the shape it's in. I watched "Pleasantville" yesterday and was reminded why I believe that.
  19. Corporate double-speak and jibber-jabber dep't: I worked with a guy who was literally in love with the stuff and took every opportunity to spout it- especially when people above plant level visited, then he'd really crank up. He had no idea what he was talking about, and watching the higher pay grades listen and nod attentively while he rambled on convinced me they didn't either. But the consultant told them they had to have it or they were doomed, in the meantime grinning all the way to the bank. Odds are the consultant didn't know either, but lay a high price tag on a few buzzwords and watch the money roll in! Wicked beast that I am, I bought a Jibbajabba toy at Walmart and set it in his desk chair. Toy's packaging said "I say nothing all the time!". Even the plant manager chuckled when he saw it, because he was wise to Tony's shtick. https://images.app.goo.gl/2YEmjotKA8sAwbtRA
  20. Ours in the powerplant were banks of 60 2v cells. The original Exide installations from mid-1960s functioned well on into the late 90s. Then along came a salesman who convinced the plant electrical superintendent that gel-cell batteries were the way to go. You never have to rebuild these! So we got new gel-cell batteries and their charging equipment. As long as they were subjected to normal essential power load, they worked well. The first time we lost station AC power (happens more often than you'd think) and those new gel-cells were subjected to all four emergency DC oil pumps starting at the same time, they failed miserably causing $9 million in turbine and generator damage. I haven't trusted a gel-cell battery since. Not even in me artomobiles.
  21. 10v tells me it was part of a set of 12 jars for 120vdc, likely a farm or rural battery set. Glass battery jars in good condition are common enough that this is way overpriced. A 5 cell jar is unusual though; most are single cell.
  22. Corporate-speak. Why do I not miss it?🤦‍♂️ I realise corporations often have to reinvent themselves to survive. But when corporate execs don't really understand their own business, and then rely on highly paid consultants who understand it even less, all the reinvention in the world is not going to save your ass. It's disheartening that these overpaid execs and consultants are allowed to get away with destroying viable businesses and then walk away with severance, golden parachutes, and enough stock to continue influencing the company's direction even in their disgrace. Criminal charges would be more appropriate. But, they leave one company and trip gaily to another, where they lay a snow job on another board of directors and the cycle repeats. MBA= Master of Bulls**t Artistry. Or as the late great Jerry Clower said "educated beyond their intelligence".
  23. And we all saw what that did for Oldsmobile 20-some years ago. You can only move the deck chairs around so many times.
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