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ted sweet

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Everything posted by ted sweet

  1. no but hve with hagerty and jc taylor and no issues
  2. can this be printed. all i can do is print 1 page at a time
  3. it will still be a problem as long as part of the showfield is isolated from the main field
  4. ted sweet

    Car idles rough

    sounds like a blown power valve
  5. you don't have to park that far away when shopping at walmart
  6. I tried the op s recomendated product and see mouse dropping next to the packs
  7. unfornately i have no place to store a trailer nor a 3/4ton truck to pull it with.
  8. I wasn't ther on Saturday becausei drive my mustang to the show and it isn't sitting in muddly field in the rain the rest of the week
  9. http://www.abc27.com/video?clipId=9405078&autostart=true
  10. weather channel as total rain over 5 inches in last day
  11. glad I stayed home, 2.25" of rain so far and another inch to come.
  12. there is all mkes show in downtown ballston spa at the same time
  13. Hershey has priced me out of the market, hotels with 4 night mins at close to 200 a night. im saving my money to go to the good guys show in charlotte.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.625691734136882.1073741853.162849943754399&type=1
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