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Everything posted by ksparks

  1. yes, the seller had many more photos on the his original craig list posting. not sure why only one now.
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/165907816334?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l1120&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=6dd352c4fc56432b9896cc99bdf96aa6&bu=43184824074&ut=RU&exe=0&ext=0&osub=-1~1&crd=20230127060158&segname=11021
  3. thanks for posting, do we know what is next to the Franklin?
  4. if he is on FB there are few Briscoe owners here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/197491484165115/
  5. THAT is an amazing find Bob. i am very happy for you. Keith
  6. if you want an original car with no plans to restore i think a fair and non offensive offer would be 6500 usd. as others have stated still a risk depending on condition of the wood, engine etc.
  7. thanks for posting. i dont have but you need a dash for a 28 please let me know. thanks keith westair.ks@gmail.com
  8. Hi Peter, there should a stamp on the frame also that should match the engine number Keith
  9. yes, he had a few nice unrestored items for sale , early 30s Desoto, 1918 buick, early teen bodies etc. i have sent him a few emails over the last years. If the same gentleman he a lot of stuff that he stated that he needed to "dig out " of sheds for photos etc. Please send me a message and i will forward my email. a very nice guy if the same one we are talking about. Keith
  10. Hello Gary, i am helping a friend to locate a right rear axle shaft for a 1931 Commander. If at some point in the future could you please check your Hollander or studebaker parts ( if a part number ) to see if it was unique to the commander? only if you can.. Much appreciated and thanks. Keith westair.ks@gmail.com
  11. love it and thanks for sharing. but good point reference price on a project.
  12. thanks for sharing. i would be curious what else might be on the property.
  13. Well Iván knows his stuff. Those of us that knew mr miller only listened in respect...we are a generación removed now from his era..so most are creations without proof otherwise
  14. i might be able to use it. Columbia went out of business pre depression but i cannot remember the year. any photos. thanks i will send my email
  15. hi, to generate interest and value suggestions, i would suggest some photos
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