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ol' yeller

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Posts posted by ol' yeller

  1. I'm not proposing a car show or anything like that. I'm thinking we meet at a restaurant with a big table, spend an hour or so talking about our addiction amd maybe go for a drive somewhere. With only three of us, we might not even need the big table. Stanley, I'm thinking Centrailia, maybe the Country Cousin's Restaurant to make it halfway for us. I'm not sure my cardiologist would be too happy with that choice though. Maybe Denny's? I'm open. If someone from the greater Seattle area is interested but can't make the drive, I'll have one empty seat. You don't have to own a Reatta to take part, just an interest in them

  2. As a follow up to a thread in the Reatta Buy & Sell, I'd like to propose that us Reatta owners in the Great Northwest get together for a meet & greet and maybe even go on a nice ride on some country backroads. There seems to be quite a few of us and the pool is getting bigger all the time. I'm open to suggestions and as I'm retired, I have time to make the arrangements. If there is enough interest from our Oregon Reatta brothers, we could even meet up in Centrailia which would give the wives something to do (discount malls). Am I being a stereotypical chauvinist? Sorry. Let's hear from you all and I'll try to set something up. I'm thinking late March or April but I'm wide open to any suggestions at this point.


  3. I am going to a meeting this morning about the Portland National. It will be exciting to have one that close to home. I'd love to help arrange a local meet. Later today, I'll start a new post in the Reatta section of this forum. Metricwrencher, both my girls graduated from WWU in Bham. It is one of my favorite college towns. It would be fun to display my car alongside yours at the Chuckanut show. Don't forget the All Buick Open held in June in Puyallup. I'm not sure of the date, usually it is around the middle of the month. The show is hosted by the Puget Sound Chapter and displays over 100 Buicks, old to new regardless of the weather.

  4. Charlie, that car looks like it was ridden hard and put away wet. They also aren't disclosing the mileage. IMHO, it is a $1000 car at best. That is why it has been on CL so long at $1995. It is also being sold by an auto recovery place. I wonder if they have a title.

  5. I've been debating about going to that. My problem is I'm not sure my health can stand that much driving. I think my wife is still working on that day (at a school) so she can't with drive me. I don't think she would let me go alone. There is also the added complication of King Greg Week as my 60th birthday is on the 24th. Still, it would be cool to go. We are all going to Disneyland with the grandkid the end of this month.

    ...and when ya'll get together, you can plan your route for coming to the Reatta Rally in Los Angeles June 23rd. :D
  6. Interesting thread ressurection. I hadn't seen this site before. Does anyone have a website that can search for Reattas being parted out at wrecking yards? Failing that, does anyone know of any Reattas in wrecking yards in Washington/Oregon?

  7. Since I have been back on Ebay, it appears that the private seller has almost disappeared. It also seems that most often what is listed doesn't sell. It would be interesting to know what the percentage of sales vs listings is on Ebay but I'm sure Ebay wouldn't want that out there. All I look for is Reatta stuff and it seems that the vast majority of stuff doesn't sell and is relisted over and over. I think Ebay is going to eventually crumble from too high prices and no buyers. I just don't understand why someone would pay $35 for an AC front brake rotor when you can get it for $10 less on Amazon through Ronnie's site. And who would pay $85 for an $8 lightbulb from the FLAPS?

  8. Ebay, the home of overpriced auto parts. Since I came back to the Reatta fold last August, I have been watching Ebay to pick up any hard to find Reatta parts. In the past I was able to restore a couple of much older Buicks picking up NOS or hard to find used parts on Ebay for a good price. Nowadays, it seems everything on Ebay is way overpriced. The other day,I saw a foglight bulb priced at $85. Why go to the trouble of even making that listing? Mis identified headlight switches are asking $200-500. Parts that are readilly available from Ronnie's site or from Jim Finn are being offered at anywhere from 20-100% markup. Parts that won't work on Reattas even though they say they will such as 4 piece floormats. Do any sellers on Ebay actually get buyers for this stuff? Who would pay these prices? I now go to Ebay only for entertainment as there seldom are any bargains there. I miss the old Ebay. I guess I'll find other ways to spend a rainy morning. Rant over and I feel better now.

  9. I saw one in a car either on Ebay or Craigslist. It had two holes with plastic black liners in the top of the armrest. It looked much more stable than anything else I've seen. I can't find it now, I wish I had saved the picture. If you actually used it, it would render the armrest a little useless though.

  10. Kevin, My side trim is OK. The original owner had bumped a couple of corners and there are a couple of spots where the black is scraped down to white. The side trims are perfect. I just think I like the look of the body colored trim. I understand it was an option so doing that wouldn't be too big a sin.

    Wheels are another thing as I would keep the originals anyway in case a future owner (or me) would want them. I never did like the styling of the stock wheels but that is just my personal opinion.

    The debate over original vs functional never was much of an issue for me. When I restored my '65 Skylark I added window tint, disc brakes, radial tires, added several options it didn't come with, and a suspension upgrade. The problem in my head now is that this Reatta which belonged to a collector before me is a very nice car and is mostly original. They are only original once. I hold no hope for making a mint on a resale but the idea of a Senior award is tempting. After that all bets are off. I'm really not that into collecting awards but this one would be so easy.

    Also, could you PM the website of who made your floormats? I'd love to get some made for mine as well so the originals could be kept nice.

  11. On my previous Reatta I put the 16" chrome wheels from a 98+ Regal GS and I thought they looked real sharp (see attached pic). On my now 90 white vert I'm debating changing to these wheels in the future. I am the second owner of a mostly original car so I have the original versus functional conflict going on in my brain right now. I'm also thinking of changing the radio (mine is having minor problems) to one with a CD player and bluetooth. I also love how Kevin's coupe looks with the white trim. My car is white top, white car, black trim, and maroon interior. I'm thinking about keeping it original for the 2014 National in Portland and then making these changes.post-31031-14314173756_thumb.jpg

  12. I don't have experience with the model year but I did get one out and back in a 1965 Skylark four door. I didn't have to remove a door to get it out or in but it did take some angling of the seat. Yours is somewhat different as it has headrests. I assume you have removed them. I'd get some help to twist and turn the seat to wiggle it out. On mine, I had removed the steering column so that made it much easier. Column removal wasn't that hard. On my '65 bench, the seat frame was one welded piece. Take note on how it finally came out so installation can be done without damage to the new upholstery. Last resort, you could remove the front passenger door.

  13. To add to Padgett's list, the dessicant is over 20 years old so the drier should be replaced. When changing to R134A the orafice tube should also be replaced. Both can be had inexpensively on Ronnie's site.

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