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Greg Sealock

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Posts posted by Greg Sealock

  1. I agree with Mr. Buick too. I have it engrained in me to buy american. My problem is, have you seen some of the latest stats as far as the true % of parts/ labor, domesic or foreign as it relates to the US auto market? That being parts made/ assembled here vs. parts bought/assembled abroad for the vehicles being sold here. Some of the studys that I have read would lead you to believe that some of our counterparts of the late '80's and early '90's, such as Toyota are far more loyal domestically than the traditional "U S" auto makers. Is this accurate?

  2. Last fall I watched an older couple pull into the scrap yard with a '53 Buick two door hardtop on a trailer. I think the only major thing missing was the hood, even most of the glass was still in good shape. It would have been a great parts car for somebody at worst, a good starting block for someone that would like to restore it as well. I immediately went inside the office in a futile attempt to purchase this vehicle to save it from the crusher. I was told that once the vehicle was on the scale they would not sell them.

    I cried for two days!

  3. Reattaman you sure are fixated on the "spots". And in defense of manikmekanic, you were the one that started the name calling when you referred to him as "tacky". Sometimes a person should probably learn when to say "uncle" and move on to another post.

  4. I think they are just like all businesses, some people like them, some don't, just like EVERY large Buick parts seller there is. They have ALL been hacked apart, and/ or praised in this forum. Obviously, it is all based upon your personal experience. Personally, having dealt with pretty much most of them, I like CARS best.

  5. What is your definition of ugly. As a guy who loves cars from the'50's, as you appear to do, is not the amount/ quality of chrome a factor? Personally, and yes I know what opinions are like and how we all have them, the '58 Limited is the ultimate Buick as far as style, class, and quantity of chrome. If ever given the opportunity, once my children are all out of the house, and the resources, a '58 Limited is a "must" for me.

  6. With the much discussed Buick image problems on this forum, how about the Buick Geriatric (it could be a small compact car), Buick Metamusil Mobile (sorry if I slaughtered the spelling, it could be a retro-woody style wagon for hauling the grandkids), Or the top of the Line, low maintenance Buick Depend(s).

  7. If there is anyone in the northeast Nebraska area, Northwest Iowa, Southeast South Dakota Area (or willing to drive) I just heard of a 1972 Buick Electra, apparently gorgeous, with just over 6,000 original miles, original condition, that will sell at auction on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at an estate sale near Howells, NE. The auction company is Stock Realty and Auction, I know they have a web site, but I haven't had time to look for the address. I just want to see it go to someone that will appreciate it!

  8. Both of my grandfathers were mechanics. They impressed upon me their love of older vehicles, and one in particular, older Buicks. Both passed away before I could learn anything mechanically from them. My father was never a car guy, so I didn't learn anything from him either.

    I bought a '53 special back in 1998. Out of fear of screwing something up, not having any confidence in my mechanical abilities, I have always paid, regardless of the price, to have all work done on it. Sadly (happily for him, he deserves it), my mechanic, possibly the last one familiar with "Betsy" in my town, retired a month ago. Since then the fuel pump went out, leaving me with a dilema. I purchased a fuel pump thanks to this site (thanks Marv Ribbich), and today installed it (I know that some of you are probably thinking big deal). I guess my point is to those of you who worry about whether you can do something, give it a whirl! Even though I know it was such a small procedure, it was my first time trying anything like it. It was a great sense of accomplishment, so go for it! Simple little things like this, involving sweat equity, just make me love the ole Buick even more!

  9. I just found a brass center cap at a local antique store. It is 3 1/2 " in diameter, the center portion is raised and shaped like a stop sign, and "BUICK" is stamped across the center. I bought it for $5 for the heck of it, but all of the old pictures are either in black and white, or the wheels are fuzzy if they are in color that I have been able to find. I am assuming it is from the teens or early twenties. If it sounds famimliar, or if I got screwed let me know.


  10. Today I felt like I was kicked in the gut! While taking a load of scrap to a local scrap yard, I observed an elderly couple pull in with a '53 Buick Special two door hard-top on a trailer. The hood was gone and the windshield was broke, but all of the other crome was there, the body was fairly solid, and all of the other glass was intact, at the least a solid parts car. The scrap dealer does not allow you to pick parts off of cars. The cars are instantly crushed,stacked, and then run through the shredder. I attempted to buy the car from the scrap yard, but they claimed that they were not"licensed" to sell vehicles, that it would be crushed. What a shame! They pay $65 a ton for vehicles, so at roughly 3700lbs, the guy crushed a true gem for under $130.00. My only regret is that I wasn't out the front gate 5 minuters earlier, and observed the guy on the road so that I could have saved her.

    What a truly sad day for old Buick lovers!

  11. Just the fact that you have found this forum will help you more than you could have ever imagined. The internet is a wonderfull thing. Between this forum, ebay, Cars Inc., and other parts outlets (most with online web pages), I have never had a problem getting a part for my '53 Special.

  12. Ralph,

    I sent you an e-mail last night, as of this morning it apparently still has not been delivered, it appears that it may be because I am not in your address book or something like that. The message sent back to me said that it will keep trying for up to two days. Can you send me your telephone #? Mine is (402)564-3954, or 649-9143 (cell).


    Greg Sealock


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