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Posts posted by caf

  1. Don't you love how they made the smoke bonnets on the headlamps match the radiator shape? Pope Hartford used to have a smoke bonnet with a miniature fender shape on the top and rambler used a wheel design on each side, the attention to detail was just fabulous.

  2. Hi Randy: These lamps came both nickle plated and brass originally, unfortunatly the nickle is too bad to save. Since the mate I found is brass I felt they would make a great pair if the nickle could be removed safely. In effect, instead of two lamps that can't be used I would have a pair that are not only authentic but useful as well. Don't worry I believe in leaving no muddy footprints in history. In fact none of my cars have been converted to electric start, I still crank!!!

  3. A friend of mine years back had a wrecking yard and he said if the fluid was up you could tap the base of the motometer on an inflated spare tire to get it down. I never tried it but it sounds like it would work.

  4. I have heard that there is a large collection of early autos in Hawaii, possibly the Sullivan collection?? Does it still exist or as it been sold off. I used to have a listing of its cars but it has been so long I can't find it anymore Just wondered if anyone out there knows about this or where over there it is located. Thanks for you help.

  5. When I purchased my A it ran the same way. I checked the timing and found that it had been adjusted with the lever in the advance position. I retarded the lever and reset the timing and it made all the difference in the world.

  6. About three years ago there was a beautifully restored ancient little french car at Pebble Beach. As I looked at it I noticed a really nice aluminum diecast carburetor that was painted gold. It also had an electric starter added. But It still won a really nice trophy. So maybe standards are not as high as you think. I really wish I hadn't spent so much for the original Holley I bought for my Olds. I could have found a nice diecast or even a T carburetor instead. Much cheaper and easier, don't you think??

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