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Posts posted by caf

  1. Hi Guys, Thanks for all your advice and encouragement. I never was able to obtain a phone number for the Cache Ill. Hub warehouse. Evidently they do not want anyone calling there. I think it would be easier to get Geo.Bush on the phone than anyone at that warehouse. They must have so many problems it would swamp the phone system. So I guess they just don't deal with it. Sure wish I could solve my business problems that way!! They did reimburse us for our expense, although it seems sad that after keeping these springs for 45 years they would get mislaid so easily. My lesson from all this is to insure for as much as you can afford, that way you get plenty, or at least they pay more attention to the shipment. Thanks again for all your help, Chuck

  2. I've found that LEXOL leather conditioner is about the best for preservation of leather. I usually apply it with my hands and then wipe dry with a towel. It is supposed to preserve and keep it soft. I know that the upholstry in my antiques always looks great after an application and it sure has kept it in nice condition for many years.

  3. I hope someone out there can either help or have some information for me. About 3 weeks ago I shipped a pair of leaf springs from Calif. to New York. I received a letter from UPS saying they were lost and the carton broken. I had shipped them in a wooden crate so as to minumize damage but I guess they somehow managed to destroy it anyway! probably because it weighed 120 lbs,which is within their limit but probably angers the handlers. Anyway I tracked the shipment by computer and it showed that it arrived at a hub in Ill. ( Cache Ill. I think.) At that point it broke apart and they stopped dealing with it. I feel certain that the parts are at the warehouse,and I did talk to someone in Indiana who said they might be able find them but have not had any response. They will refund costs, but the problem is that they are impossible to replace and the new owner wants them very badly. I think that if I lived nearby and went there with some Jack Daniels that someone probably would find them posthaste. I know it is a huge place but they must put lost stuff in one area and a set of 36" long springs weighing 40 lbs each should't be impossible. Does anyone out there have any ideas or experiance with this sort of thing? I'm sure this isn't the first time, In retrospect I should have insured them for 5 million and they would have made it!! Any and all thoughts on this problem would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck F

  4. I haven't seen any ads for the Chickasha swap meet. Are we to assume that it has been cancelled this year?? anyone know?? Also on another topic, Does anyone know where the 1911 Simplex--the 1912 Packard 6-48 or the beautiful 1911 Olds Limited that sold at the Browning Auction at Pebble Beach ended up. They seemed to have disappeared, but I know some of you out there know where they are. Thanks , Chuck

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