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Jeff Perkins / Mn

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Everything posted by Jeff Perkins / Mn

  1. I think light over dark looks better on these early 50’s cars but I do like these Belvederes in most any color combo. Wish it was close enough to take a look at........
  2. This has been the case every time I have bought a car partially assembled. Lots of head scratching and some teeth gnashing. The best old cars I have purchased (3 I can think of) were owned by airplane mechanics.....workmanship was excellent.
  3. Sorry Frank21, all parts have been sold. Welcome to the AACA Forums, lots of good info, people, and help here!
  4. The first car I ever restored was a ‘50 Chev convert so I always have a soft spot for these. I would not do this..... but that car would make a sweet little mild custom. I repeat, I would NOT do that!
  5. Welcome! That is a classy looking car. Looking forward to progress...keep us posted please!
  6. Yer right Lebowski........we have two seasons......winter and road construction!l I really like the interior in that car!
  7. I actually did buy an old car 9 years ago with the intent of pulling my trailer....a 1948 Packard Station Sedan. I sold that car two years ago (seller’s remorse) and the idea of towing with an old car went with it. Now I am into the resurrection of a 1919 Model T and do not want to take on or store another project. But with me often the wind does change directions........ ps. I do have old car friends in Spooner but they do not know the car.
  8. I never thought of this until now.......I could pull my Airstream trailer with an Airstream car! Hmmmmmmmm......
  9. Another great Keith Barron production.....I can’t imagine the time and effort it takes to produce such a video. A very good instructional as always.
  10. Welcome!! Nice story which will be fun to follow. There is a blog on this forum about rejuvenating a 1938 Plymouth Sedan. Keith B. has posted lots of helpful information and videos which you may find very useful. Please continue!
  11. One of my favorite Chrysler body styles but not a favorite color........
  12. In the Minnesota Winter of 2004 I drove a 1947 Chevrolet 1/2 T. truck (W/ 6v.) every day in Jan/Feb until I received my brand new truck. Prior to getting “the old rounder” out of storage I serviced everything that Matt H. pointed out in his posts. The most important was clean connections and HD cables + the ground from the frame to the block. That truck always started every morning, many times below 0 F. and several times below -10F.
  13. I got the phone # and will call later as there is a 2 hr. Time difference between them and I.
  14. I will always have a soft spot fo ‘60 Buicks as it was my first car ( not this model....see the other ‘60 Buick posting). I would much rather have this one. Although slightly customized it looks nice. Needs Skylark wires w/ black tires.
  15. Identical to my first car! Color, interior, everything. I still remember the VIN....6G400-1285. It was a neighbor’s car, he wanted 3 cents a pound (4,324 lbs.). I countered at 2 1/2 cents a pound, we settled at $100. I was 15 at the time (1969).
  16. I even had a tough time with the Beugler wheel......didn’t do it. I had a similar experience as David......a 22 yr old traditional rodder offered to stripe my car freehand. He studied my 1929 Ford for 1/2 hr. then proceeded to stripe the car in about 10 minutes. He did a wonderful job and charged me $40! I gave him a $20 tip. I still have my brushes if anyone want to give striping a try.
  17. Congratulations Keith, your post is well received in these quarters. Love that B/W photo!
  18. It has “Fluid Drive” which is often referred to as a semi automatic transmission.
  19. I might as well join the party sharing cars for sale that we find. This one is on Facebook and I presume one must be logged in to see it. I did visit with the owner and he offered the car to me for $4500. It has a beautiful new interior and all new glass among other features.That being said, I have no interest involved in this sale. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/399086560957653/?surface=product_details
  20. When I hit the big 6-0 I realized that it WAS getting more difficult to have fun with the maintenance side of the hobby. An alarm went off and I made some big changes that now allow me to “make like a monkey” when I work on my cars. Now approaching 67 I find it more fun and easier than ever to work on this stuff. I did run ethanol free gas in my ‘48 Packard and it made a big difference over regular gas. Not so with the old Fords....4-1 compression doesn’t need the good stuff.
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