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Jeff Perkins / Mn

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Everything posted by Jeff Perkins / Mn

  1. Well…..I have been brought home many a time behind the “rope of shame” in my old car life. Judging by your attention to detail If you would have installed those plugs I bet this would have not happened. Lesson learned?
  2. Once a month, usually about the 1st of, I get the Chrysler out for a warmup and a quick drive to keep things loose. We have a lot more snow this month so maybe we will just stay in the driveway.
  3. Steve, If that would bring back your (wild and impetuous?) youth, let me know and I will immediately go on the hunt for my first car!
  4. I believe I have several pictures of this car somewhere deep in the recesses of my computer. I will post them if found. I’ve seen this car at the Naples (FL) Depot Car Show. It sure looked like a very nice survivor. UPDATE: my pictures of this car (3) are prints, not digital, and are not as good as those posted. Sorry!
  5. I really like this car….very understated. I believe I would change the wheel color though.
  6. Thank You @58L-Y8 for posting the additional pictures and seller’s description. I was being kinda a little bit lazy…..
  7. For Sale on Facebook, has lengthy description with many pictures. This is an interesting story. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/302286735293074/?ref=category_feed&referral_code=undefined&referral_story_type=listing&tracking={"qid"%3A"-6911445770137537871"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"4804143152955867"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A4804143152955867%2C\"target_type\"%3A0%2C\"primary_position\"%3A0%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A3669963075265495040%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A504%2C\"value\"%3A8.517791483069e-5}"}
  8. Wow…..and we crab about -20F here in Minnesota! As long as I am in the waxing mood (see above) I decided to go to my storage building and wax my favorite non-automotive toy.
  9. I polished all the chrome on my 1948 Chrysler today…..yes, there is a LOT of chrome on this car! Next up is a wax job. Winter fun!
  10. @Narve N Here is an interesting item for sale forwarded to me by a friend.
  11. @Laughing Coyote Good idea and you are an excellent craftsman…….the fact of the matter (especially around the Perkins house) is if you have an empty shelf, it won’t be for long!
  12. I also owned owned/drove one of this model for 10 years back in the late 70’s-late 80’s. Really a wonderful car to own. Always wanted another but never did…..last July I bought my’48 New Yorker and am just as pleased as I was with the Dodge. Love those 40’s Mopars for reasons such as stated by @Brooklyn Beer.
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