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Jim Bollman

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Everything posted by Jim Bollman

  1. I agree the Owls Head museum is great, been there twice and would go again. Another great Maine museum is the Cole Museum in Bangor. Completely different feel than Owls Head. Owls Head is bright, roomy and fancy, Cole is a big dark, crowded warehouse like place. It has every spot filled you have to constantly look up and under and around to see it all. Lots of trucks and vehicles you will not see anywhere else. We did both museums on the same trip last Spring and loved them both but for different reasons.
  2. Gee I thought it must be a Buick. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
  3. My first car was a 1949 Crosley Wagon. Bought when I was 14 and still have it. Yep that's me. just befor I turned 15.
  4. The thing I remember about 3 on the tree is that several of the ones I had over the years were worn enough that they would get stuck in second gear. The only fix was to shut off the engine open the hood and realign the linkage. Worse time that happened was when I was in college with my 62 Metropolitan. Was going in to Chicago for some long forgotten reason. I was on a major road, multiple lanes wide, that goes under a building (those familiar with Chicago probably know where I'm talking about, memory says it was the post office) with a stop light roughly where you come out from under the building. Yep stuck in 2nd when I tried to down shift at the light, and a Metro doesn't really have a lot of extra power to start in 2nd. Was like a Chinese fire drill getting it fixed before to many drivers lost their temper. Luckily tempers seem to take longer to over heat back then.
  5. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I also recall thinking that perhaps there could be a "What's Crankin' Over on the Forum" column dedicated each month to a popular post from the column that might entice folks to check in here more often.</div></div> I run a Crosley Message board for the Crosley Auto Club and I do about 2 pages of excerpts from our board for each issue of our Quarterly. I usually keep it mostly on technical side, but throw in some of the humor when it seems like it would translate to printed form. I quote it directly using the posters alias. I only edit for space, obvious incorrect statements, and some spelling. I consider it useful to not only get others to join in but so those that will never go online to be part of that part of the club.
  6. They do have a web site but I couldn't find it. I have seen ads in I think Old Cars, maybe a different magazine that listed a URL that I went to. Had pictures of some of the houses and listed some of the lots that were for sale.
  7. You could mount a couple of incandescent flood lights in the corners to give you instant light and power failure light.
  8. I have the high output ballast double 8 footers. They start down to 0 degrees and actually put out more light then standard 8 boot fixtures. My main shop area is all painted white with white ceilings so it lights up pretty good. 12X30 area with 4 double 8 footers plus 2 double 4 footers over two work benches for more light.
  9. I have had a car engine block made into a lamp next my chair in the living room for over 20 years. Granted it is a Crosley CoBra block complete with over head cam installed. It sits on it's back so the cam is vertical and the piston holes point towards me to store stuff. The top piston hole has a piston in it that I machined so that a small clock would fit in it. I have an understanding wife. (1st an only) Then some of you probably have seen my use for cast iron Crosley blocks at Hershey.
  10. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Maybe if the judging system wasn't a big secret we'd know if your assumption is right or wrong. </div></div> Not really a secret you can go to judging school and have access to judging manual. School is free and you get a manual for free if you go to school. I believe the manual can be downloaded also. What I was told early on in my judging career and have always gone by is if it looks right it probably is. If it looks out of place or wrong and I don't know, talk to the captain and other team members to see if any of them know, if none do, the captain asks for proof. That is why I said earlier if it looked like an original battery you wouldn't loose any points.
  11. I would guess if it looks fake it would loose points. If it looks like an original battery, how could you loose points. We are not allowed to tap on it to see if it feels hollow.
  12. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had a tank that had a sticky sludge left in the tank after a "restoration"product went bad after many years. I placed several handfulls of rocks, sand and gravel into the tank. I then used a pressure washer (1500#) and "sandblasted" the inside. It took off everything including rust.After removing all the sand (which took hours of flushing) I put in a few cans of dry gas and re-instaled it. Perfect! </div></div> A friend of mine had good luck loading up with similar material as you, closed off the filler hole and sender unit hole and strapped it in a cement mixer. Ran the mixer for awhile and then pressure washed it all out.
  13. Here is my shop. It is 48' wide and 30' deep with the center 24 foot being two story, with room in the rafters above that for long stuff. I built it about 25 years ago. The only big things I would change are: Larger doors in the center bays (doable to some extent). I would put a steel I-beam down the center to eliminate two posts in the center so I would have a clear 24X30 center work area(probably doable). I would make it a foot or two taller to get higher ceilings (not doable). I haven't bought a lift yet but 9.5 foot ceilings are just a little to low for full benefit of a lift. I should have made in 36' deep so two regular cars would fit end to end (I'm thinking about an 8 foot enclosed shed out the back with cut outs to the main area). The right side is my main shop area and is insulated and heated. I have a large overhead door between the shop area and the rest of the barn so I can move projects in an out (I collect little cars). The door is up in good weather so it is easy to move back and forth. I have a pocket door between the shop and center section so I don't have a door in the way when it is open. I also have a large trap door (4' X 6') in the floor to move large things upstairs with a front end loader. Upstairs is the parts department and general junk storage.
  14. Didn't realize Don Garlit had anything Crosley in his museum. Nice looking Super Sports. The engine out front is a military version of the Crosley engine. Notice the mag and shield ignition. The round pulley you see out in front of the radiator is a rope pull start.
  15. Here is a guess. I apparently never looked at the engine compartment and under carriage of a 64 1/2 or early 65 before. My Mustang knowledge started in 1968 when I bought a 66. When I first saw your pictures I would have said all the colors and a few other thing were wrong (if I didn't know the MCA background on the car). The Mustang judges are usually good but could they have assumed a later car and took off for the paint colors. Here you would have the potential for much bigger deductions. In a future AACA show I would go with factory documentation and when the Captain introduces himself, tell him you have full documentation for the color scheme and anything else they have questions on.
  16. I saw another car trailer at the truck stop North of Hershey on 39 with the rear caved in about 2 feet on Saturday afternoon. Must have been a rash of bad drivers. I have lots of 3M reflector tape on back and both sides of my trailer. It really makes it visible.
  17. I agree it was a great spot for the show and it was nice judging on the grass. As already mentioned more Porta=Johns would have been nice.
  18. I would guess there was more wrong then the inner fenders and there was a very high pointing car in that class. He can ask for a copy of the judging sheet to see where he lost points.
  19. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Steve, With you being young, I'd consider a life membership. Novaman said that his life membership was $300, where I paid $600 three years ago. If I had joined back when Novaman did (20 years ago) I'd have been able to do it for half the money.</div></div> You guys are making me feel old, but smart. I did my life Membership at I believe $150. I had planned it for awhile and as I remember they raised the dues but not the Life Membership so I jumped in, the next year they raised LM also.
  20. Since my name came up, I will respond. The CCOC was restarted because an individual got upset with the Crosley Automobile Club, that has a paper and web presents. http://www.cac.crosley.net http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/Crosley_Gang and sponsors the large National show in Wauseon. I'm the web master and on the Board of Directors of CAC and we welcome all Crosley related cars be them bone stock, racers or modified. By the way the name Crosley Car Owners Club is probably owned by Service Motors (largest Crosley vendor in the world), they bought the original club and ran it the last few years of it's existence.
  21. You didn't say what brand skates you bought. A friend bought a set of 4 from Harbor Freight and had the same complaint. When he looked at them closer he noticed that the cast wheels ran with no bearings or bushings, directly on the axle. He took them all a part drilled them out and installed some bushings he had and lubricated everything. Said he can roll his MG around with one hand now. A 37 Packard may still take two hands and a little back but you might want to look into fixing what you have.
  22. One thing for sure we will have weather again this year.
  23. Our region gives free admission to pre 1927, may be the same one 1937hd45 is talking about. I don't know the total numbers but I do know we went from 3 early classes that shared a row and didn't fill it to overflowing 2 rows, since we started letting the early cars in free. I am trying to get the show committee to let all pre 42 cars is free. A local regional show will never draw what a specialty meet will but the increase in participation is noticeable to a lot of the people at the show. I don't think it is all money either, we are showing we want them. Add that the early cars are the ones that are less likely to come on a bad day and so the owner may not want to pre-register, it is just one less road block.
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