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Bill Clark

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Posts posted by Bill Clark

  1. FYI, One of the elders in the Studebaker group has identified the car as a 1922-24 Studebaker Big Six model EK "special" sedan. The "special" designation due to the two side mounted spare tires, trunk and some other minor amenities.  Thanks to the people here for your help.


    May be an image of text that says 'The Studebaker Corporation of America South Bend, Indiana Detroit, Michigan Walkerville, Ontario BIG-SIX SEDAN Oct. 1922 (SPECIAL) Cmp as 2650 បwន THIS Richard Quinn collection IS A B. YEAR 975 Touring Roadster (3-Pass.) Coupe-Roadster 2-pass.) Sedan 975 STUDEBAKER MODELS AND PRICES-f. .factories LIGHT-SI SPECIAL-SIX BIG-SIX 5-Pass., 112' 5-Pass., 119'W. 119' 7-Pass., 126' 60 H.P. Touring ..$1650 Speedster (4.Pass.) 1785 Coupe (4-P................. 2275 Sedan. 2475 Sedan (Special).. 2650 B. Touring $1275 Roadster (2-Pass.). Roadster (4-Pass.). Coupe (4-Pass.) .....187 1225 1550'

  2. I've sad stories about blowing up gas tanks and batteries and people smashing both knees between a car and a bench and people falling out of cars, but this is the funniest.  I bought a pair of old horns at the now defunct York, PA Studebaker show and brought them back to my buddies flea market spot.  I asked him to cut the nasty wires off of the horns and as he did, he buried his pen knife into my forearm. Blood shot everywhere.  We stopped it with some brown paper towels and electrical tape and was in and out of the York hospital with stitches in less than a half hour.


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  3. I enjoy Hershey every year and thank all those who put on a great flea market and great car show.


    There needs to be someone managing traffic at the PA 39 end of Boathouse Road in the evening.  On Thursday and Friday evenings at around 5PM, there is traffic from spectators leaving the two lots at the end of Boathouse Road.  I went back to my trailer on Boathouse Road those two afternoons and had the opportunity to pull out with this traffic.  There is two lanes of traffic headed north and two lanes of traffic going south toward Hershey Park Drive.  It is a very unsafe condition for cars pulling out and going south who have to cross two lanes of traffic and merge with traffic going south towards Hershey Park Drive.  I was told there was someone there until about 4:30, but then they left.  There needs to be someone there until at least 5 or 5:30.


  4. I've been to more than a dozen Grand National Meets and they never cease to amaze.  Always great cars and usually in a great setting.  This meet set the bar for great place to have a car show.  I usually have some anxiety about trailer parking and getting in and getting out of these shows, but this one was a treat.  It was well organized and from my perspective was as smooth as any.  My only anxiety was probably self inflicted.  I must of messed up my registration, because instead of expecting to be judged for a preservation tab, I had a windshield card that said Repeat Senior.  I had hosed off and vacuumed my beater Met before leaving home, but when I got to the show field I spent some extra time cleaning.  My apologies to the judging team for having to spend time with my car.  It was next to a Isetta so it was invisible anyway.  And as a bonus, it was a great picture taking day.  Great show.  Thanks to everyone involved.  Bill  Red and White Met.

  5. A 60 Met Convertible burned a valve and the owner, a mechanic, parked it on a manure heap for 25 years.  There was one owner between the mechanic and myself and we did not know each other.  I spent a few years working on it and after I was about done I took it back to the mechanic for an inspection.  The smile on his face made it one of my more fun restoration days.   It went on to be a Grand Nat Sr.




  6. I thought this years flea market and show was great! It was the thrill of the hunt for old car parts and old friends and I was not disappointed. Saturdays show was one of the greatest and I'd especially like to thank whoever moved the class 04 cars back onto the show field. The weather was just perfect for pictures and I got to use the eraser feature on my Galaxy. As long as the people keep moving you can get a clean picture of the car. A few of my snapshots are here. Thanks to the Hershey Region for a job very well done.


    <iframe src="http://s190.photobucket.com/user/clarkwd/embed/slideshow/2014%20AACA%20Hershey" height="360" width="480"></iframe>

  7. I didnt take my beetle this year because I didnt like where they were parking us in 04B last year.
    This quote was in reference to 2011 Hershey.

    I had a Met at Hershey again this year, but did not register it for the show. I missed seeing the show due to a family emergency, (all's OK), but I noticed in the program that the Class 04 cars were once again parked in with the daily drivers. As I stated in my first post, I don't mind the idea of class 04, but after spending the time I did making two Grand National Seniors I don't feel appreciated, being told to park my Mets in the rough.


  8. Now, you bring up our Buddy, Steve's, name again. He must have been looking over us last week.:)

    Steve's son was in his old spots with friends from home, peddling some of his stuff. I bought a showroom sign from them and went back to my space for my wagon to haul it out. Before I could go get it, I got a call that someone else wanted to buy it and would double my money. I told them to sell it. My guess is the second buyer sold it before the day was out and doubled his money again. We all had a good laugh when I went back to get my share. There is nothing quite like Hershey.


  9. I just want to say thanks to the Hershey region for putting this on. This is an enormous task and the volunteers and paid security people all do a great job. I arranged to have people from LA, Texas, Nebraska and Georgia come help work a Metropolitan Club membership tent. They traveled all that way and arrived to almost nonstop rain. To make it worse, I had to leave early for a family emergency Thursday and took my Met with me. (All's well now at home) For myself, I got to walk the flea market a bit, had some fun window shopping and renewed a bunch of acquaintances before I left. The others, who were nearly flooded out in the camp ground, got soaking wet and had their EZ UP destroyed by the rain, still held out to the end, got to see bits of the flea market, the car corral, the auction, the Saturday show and make new friends, have been writing to say what a great time they had and to encourage me to do it again next year. My friend, the late Steve Boettger, used to call these the High Holy Days of Hershey. Even bad days at Hershey are great days.

    Thanks to the Hershey Region


  10. Bob

    When I started doing mine, I looked for the list of award winners on line and reviewed their letters. Its certainly a good idea to look at the winners to see what the judges like. I also judged my newsletter myself. I think the score sheet is pretty straight forward and has much less subjectivity than the car judging. My April letter is here and all the old ones are in the Newsletter Archive on the link.


    Iroquois Region, AACA Inc - Home

  11. Bill I tried your suggestion on this Windows 7 machine, but got the complete page instead of the photo only.

    Let me find some more info on this situation after lunch today.

    Thanks. Linda, we'll work on it. BTW, Linda, send me your e-mail address.


    I was not clear Wayne. You will get the entire page. Then use Word to crop it back to just your beautiful picture. (Click on the picture, then Format>> Crop)

    Works for me


  12. Wayne: I was looking to use several articles from the Winter Rummage Box and wanted to use the photos as well, of the authors, but I am unable to copy them.

    Any suggestions?




    On my Windows 7 machine, I can copy a screen to my clipboard by pushing the Print Screen button. I'm not sure if I did something special to make this work or not. I open the Rummage Box, scroll down to Wayne's beautiful picture, then hit print screen. Go to Publisher or Word and hit control V or paste. You'll get the tiniest picture, but you can crop it back to what you want and then make it bigger without loosing any of the magnificent quality.


    Iroquois Region, AACA Inc - Home

  13. As I'm collecting trivia, show information and other drivell for my newsletter, I often have three or four windows open as I'm entering the text in a notepad window. As I switch back to the source documents, the notepad with what I'm writing goes to the back. Same thing might happen with a video you are watching. When you go to another window, the movie gets covered up. According to one of the Microsoft support forums, they have no utility to make a window always be on top and they suggested an add-on, Always On Top. The one I found was at this link.

    Download Always on Top - Keep Any Window Visible Always

    Click on the hyperlinked word Dropbox and run the exe. (Don't click on any thiing called Download. Its an ad)

    When you want a window to stay on top, simply hit control-space. Another control space makes it behave normally.


    Iroquois Region, AACA Inc - Home

  14. I use Publisher. (My sympathies to those using Word for a newsletter). When I cut and paste into Publisher, publisher often puts each line in its own text box. Thankfully, Notepad is really stupid. I use it to strip out all the formatting and usually when I copy from anywhere into Notepad, then copy into Publisher I get raw text I can format as I wish. My issue here was with the carriage returns. If nothing else, this discussion has highlighted this so that editors can now know what to do when these quirky things occur. Thanks to everyone for your attention to this.

    March is done and in the mail. I'm gonna take a break for a couple weeks and get my hands dirty.


  15. Let's try this...

    Uploaded Rummage Box directly from my PC.

    My apologies for dragging on this discussion, but I think we can improve the Rummage box article format and make it more usable. A typewriter carriage return is when a typewriter operator grabs the carriage return handle and simultaneously throws the carriage back and moves to a new typing line. A carriage return is a character that is sent to a mechanical printer to similarly start a new line of print. It sort of grew up to be a paragraph mark in a word processor and in Windows character code its a mark that forces the text after the mark to be written on a new line.

    I opened your link above and cut and pasted Chuck's article out of the pdf into a notepad. I then copied Eric's into the same window below Chuck's. You can make the window wider and narrower and the text in Chuck's article grows and shrinks to match the window size, but Eric's does not behave as nicely.

    If you copy and paste both articles into a Word file, then display all formatting marks, you can see that Eric's article has paragraph marks that are forcing a new line at the end of each of his line of type. These paragraph marks were what was making the handling or Eric's article clumsy. It would work better for me if the Rummage Box articles are all done like Chuck's and do not have those extra unnecessary character controls.


  16. How do you convert the PDF to text? The Publisher format of the Rummage Box is the same. There is always a chance that the web site itself may create some new problems. (It has undergone some changes)

    I just open the rummage box issue I want, select the text and copy it. I paste it into notepad so all the formatting gets stripped out and all I have is the text to then copy and paste into my newsletter. I can then set the type to match the rest of the letter. The problem is the carriage returns. It does not seem to matter if I turn word wrap on or off, I still have to delete the carriage return from the end of each line to make the text flow. I can do it, but its tedious and we should make it easy to get these executive writings into our local newsletters.

    The Museum website is displaying text. It was easy to lift the Motorcycle exhibit article and get the text without the carriage returns.


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