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Everything posted by michel88

  1. WTB 1940 Buick Roadmaster: Need transmission parts or a good transmission for large series cars (60,70,80). I am looking for: Main Shaft, Input shaft, and 2nd & 3rd syncronizers. Please help! my car is apart on my buddys lift and tying it up. I am located in Owings Mills Maryland.
  2. The overdrive transmission would make it a nice cruiser that could drive on the highway.
  3. I agree it looks like the small engine. The exhaust manifold would be 3 pieces.
  4. West, You came home from the hospital in a very classy car, the 1942 Packard 180 Limo. I think your brother Winston came home in the most classy of all, the 1934 Bugatti Type 57. I had to settle for my Dads 1940 Buick Super coupe. I have very happy memories of that car which was 4 years old at the time and my father kept it for another 7 years.
  5. Jake, That is a nice original 57 Buick, one of my favorites. Wish I had more money and garage space. It is good to put these on the Buick Buy & Sell forum. It will help it to get a good owner and keep it from being "rodded".
  6. When I got my 51 Ford Country Squire it had been in a garage for 27 years and never started. After getting it started using a small lawn mower gas tank it ran and sounded good. I got the gas tank cleaned by a radiator shop and sealed it. It smoked for a short time but as I drove gently it ran very good and doesn't use any oil. Now it runs great, better than any other flathead V8 that I have ever owned.
  7. I have two cars that are similar to cars my Dad had back in the Fories and Fifties. My Dad bought a new 1940 Buick Super coupe and continued to drive it until 1951. He then bought a new 1951 Ford sedan. I was born in 1944 and was brought home from the hospital in the '40 Buick super coupe. I still remember that car and have good memories asscoiated with it. I remember going to the local Ford dealers and getting the '51. I was already very interested in cars and could easily identify the cars I saw back then. I have a '40 Buick Roadmaster coupe and I also have a '51 Ford Country Squire wagon. These cars are not exactly like the cars my Dad had but are close. I am wondering if a lot of car collectors are like me and have cars similar to their Dads?
  8. The word that came to mind for me was YUCK!
  9. I have the 40 Buick book and I agree that it is worth it. A lot of good and interesting facts.
  10. You could also consider "Auto Restorer" which is full of technical and restoration articles. It has no advertising at all, so every page is good info.
  11. I had a '65 Buick Skylark 2 dr hdtp that was midnight blue that I used as a daily driver from '84 to '92 and it was a great car. It got a lot of admiring looks and it is one of my favorite cars. The 300 cu. in. V8 was a great running engine that got decent mpg also.
  12. Where was all this pro-GM opinions on the "GM on Life Support thread? A lot of you were very opposed to giving GM a break on that thread. I don't get it!
  13. How do you like the steering wheel with two crossed guns. It's a real shame that a rare convertible Regal was made into this POS.
  14. I don't agree with your statement that people WILL buy cars from bankrupt auto makers. Would you really buy a car from a company that is bankrupt and probably won't be there to honor a warrany? It was O.K. to give wall street 700 billion with absolutely no strings attached, such as paying any of it back. Now it is such a big thing to pay 14 billion (2% of 700 billion) to save millions of jobs and what little manufacturing that is left in the U.S. I don't get this Republican point of view.
  15. michel88

    removing a radio

    It would be a good idea to post this on the "Lincoln & Zephyr" forum. They probably could answer your questions.
  16. Wayne, I bet their GPS still got them there. Even if you take a wrong turn deliberately it will still adjust and recalculate a new course. I'm a real estate agent and when I used to show 5 or 6 house that were located many miles apart it was difficult. I had to go to mapquest and get directions from one to the other and it was much harder looking for road signs without any prompts especially in the dark. My GPS had always got me there. I admit I don't have the best sense of direction, so it is a big help in my job.
  17. West, you have made an excellent summation of the big three loan/bail out. It makes no sense to let our American car makers fail. I wish this message could be read before the congress! By the way, Matt I could feel my blood pressure rising as I read West's post.
  18. It may be a sense of nostalgia, but I still prefer looking at Hemmings rather than on the website. Same with newspapers, it's great to read them in the morning with a cup of coffee. I have subscribed to Hemmings for well over thirty years and will continue to do so. I like the changes with articles and auction reports with pictures and descriptions of the cars.
  19. Nobody seemed to care that AIG got 100,000,000 and it was not a loan as far as I know. With the economy in a very precarious state, why not give the American auto makers this loan? If they go into bankrupcy the economy may really tank. In order to make bankrupcy work loans are needed. Banks are lending very little at this time.
  20. Wayne, if the U.S. Auto industry completely collapses it would be a disaster. By some estimates one in twelve American jobs is dependant on the auto industry. As part of the plan automakers could be required to give the government preferred stock in the companies. Also as in the 1979-1980 Chrysler bailout workers may have to make wage concessions. Some of the executives who were so short sighted could be let go and no exectutive bonuses should be given. As auto enthusiasts I am sure we would be sorry to lose Buick and others that have been around a hundred years or so.
  21. I have a different point of view. We can not let our American car companies fail. It was different in the great depression because it was a case of survival of the fittest companies. This time it would mean there would be no more American cars. This would affect parts suppliers and many manufacturing jobs. It would put 1 million plus Americans out of work. Would it be better to spend the money on unemployment and health care for them? This is a patriotic "bailout" that would put America first which is what we need to do. Back in the eighties there was the same negative attitude toward bailing out Chrysler. Guess what, it worked and the loan was repaid with interest. The 25 billion is only 3.5% of the 700 billion. We gave AIG 85 billion. We need to help the American auto industry and it should be done with the stipulation that they don't just keep doing the same thing but develop green technology like the Chevy Volt.
  22. I am very happy with my Garmin Nuvi 350. I am a real estate agent and sometimes have to show 5 or 6 different houses to a client. It sure makes my life easier. Before I had to print out mapquest driving directions from one house to the other. It is safer also because you can just listen to the audible directions and keep your eyes on the road. Much safer than looking down and following maps or printed directions. I don't see a downside to the GPS.
  23. The thermostat blocks the coolant from flowing through the engine and radiator until the coolant is at the proper operating temperature and then opens and circulates the water. This happens much quicker with a thermostat. Without a thermostat you are running the engine for a long time with the oil thick and cold and not circulating through the engine and lubricating it properly.
  24. Gordon Buehrig was one of the best automotive designers. His 810/812 Cord is a beautiful design, and the dashboard is in keeping with the rest of the car.
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