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Everything posted by Jim

  1. dchgomag, I also missed this post. I am in Duluth about 350 miles from you and have all the parts you need. I have been selling Reatta parts for about 11 years. Shipping from Duluth to Madison will be reasonable as well as are my parts prices. If the bracket you are looking for is the one GPGTX2000 mentions is on Ebay, I have that bracket for $ 15. I also have the complete taillight assembly with the BUICK letters and I have the back up lights and license plate lights available. Because we are close, I can ship a complete taillight for about $ 15 as opposed to approximately $ 50 it would cost from somewhere else. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  2. In the '88-89 Reattas the most common parts to go bad are the CRT/touch screen and the headlight switch. The IPCs were very good. In the '90-91 Reattas the IPC is the most common part to go bad and when they do they will read ERROR and 00. They can be intermittent or go black and stay black. Cleaning the contacts on the rear might help but usually not. I have some good tested working IPCs available and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  3. Even with a totally shot accumulator the pump should bring the internal pressure up to 2600 pounds and then shut off the red light and the pump will stop. After the pump stops pump the pedal a couple of times and see if the red light comes on. If it comes on in two or less pumps of the pedal the accumulator is shot.
  4. Jim

    Teves parts

    Dave, A few months ago I spent about an hour searching for these sensors and even though a few places said they had them either the front or rear was not available anymore. I don't remember which. I did put the numbers into Ebay like you suggested and 1646148 did come up on Ebay. The seller doesn't state if it is a front or rear and he also states, even though they have 6 listed, he states at the bottom it might not be available. Since he is selling 6 of them they must have them though. You also listed 1648453 and maybe because of a typo you listed both numbers as rears but when I put that number into Ebay there were none listed. The Ebay price on the one listed is $ 86.92 with $ 11.03 shipping. That is not a bad price for a new one. You mention Advance has them. I suspect they are listing them but actually do not have them or they are quite a bit more than $ 80 as I found last time I looked for new ones. If a person can buy one from Advance for $ 80 I would certainly recommend buying them there. A few years ago I was able to get them to come out of the knuckles but as time has gone by, because of corrosion, they are almost impossible to get out without damaging them. Even on a rust free Texas car that I dismantled recently the sensors would not come out. The only way I can get them out without damaging the sensor is to, using a cutoff wheel, destroy the knuckle. Basically I am cutting out the sensor. Consequently the reason for the price I have to charge due to the labor I must put in to remove one.
  5. The original converters are welded/heat crimped to the SS pipes. Quite a few of my parts cars have had the cat replaced before I got the car and the muffler shop would just cut out the old cat and weld in an aftermarket replacement.
  6. Jerry, The emergency brake assemblies are different between the '88-89 Reattas and the '90-91s but I am sure I have both available. Please send me an email at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  7. Jim

    abs brakes

    The pressure switch senses low pressure turns on the red and yellow lights and starts the pump. When the sensor senses about 2500 psi the switch turns off the red and yellow lights, in that order, and then at 2600 psi the switch shuts off the pump. When you see some seepage near the pins on the pressure switch that will be an indication the switch is bad. I have been selling Reatta parts for 11 years at reasonable prices and have a good switch available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  8. Jim

    Electrical Problem

    I have been selling Reatta parts for almost 11 years at reasonable prices and have a good CPS available. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  9. I have 6 new pens still in the wrappers and one extra used flashlight. I do not need any parts. Make me an offer on a pen or the flashlight. Jim
  10. I have been selling Reatta parts for almost 11 years and usually have most parts available. Many of my parts come from rust free cars and electrical parts I test in my personal cars for at least two weeks to make sure they are good working and in good appearing condition. I have very reasonable prices. Very often I will also include instructions on how to replace the part in your car. I have met Philip ( F14 crazy ) and he is a very nice fellow so I certainly recommend getting a part from him but if he does not have the part you need I am sure I can help out. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  11. I posted yesterday and today I had to relog in. I have Firefox.
  12. All of the Reatta balancers are supposed to slip off. I have had some good ones on parts cars though that I had to leave on the car when it went to the crusher because even after getting the bolt out, the balancer would not slip off. There is no place to attach a puller. There are several ways of breaking the bolt loose but I have found removing the pan under the flywheel and then clamping on some vise grips to hold the flywheel from turning works the best.
  13. One problem with sending in CRT/touch screens is you only get your CRT repaired. The CRTs and the touch screens are two separate items that are bolted together and work together but do separate functions. The CRTs can be repaired but the touch screens are not available anymore so when you send in your CRT/touch screen you will get back a good working CRT but you will get back your original touch screen. About 50% of the time the screens will have some delamination of the coating on the touch part or particularly where you change the volume buttons the screen will be worn through. I have been selling Reatta parts for 11 years and have good tested and appearing CRT/touch screens available for less then the repair price. I do take exchanges and this way regardless of the condition of the screen I receive I send out a good working CRT with an nice appearing touch screen on it. When you get one from me, I don't just plug it into my tester and make sure it lights up but install it in my personal car that is driven daily. I keep it in at least 2 weeks to make sure it works properly and does not wiggle at the bottom like some do. Since the wiggle is intermittent very often, 2 weeks of trial makes sure all the bugs are out. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  14. Mike, In your expert opinion, in 5 words or less, which number do you think is closer to being accurate for the productions numbers of the green '91s. 50 or 116.
  15. I have a better polo green coupe now. There were only 50 or so made so it is hard to find a nice one. Many years ago an employee of GM, I think it was Stan Leslie, went through GMs records and did a search of all '91 Reattas built by date. Every '91 is listed. I did a quick count and came up with 116 green '91s so they are not all that rare. I own 3 green '91s and a 4th one I previously owned was a parts car and has been crushed after removing all the good parts. 1446 is the one that has been crushed. My cars are vin 987, 1393, and I own the last green '91 made 1451. It is my daily driver.
  16. In doing some checking on my parts cars it appears only the '88 trunk lids were like the one Tom has pictured. I have several '89s here as well as '90 and '91s and they all have the same lid, whether coupe or convertible.
  17. I have been selling Reatta parts for about 12 years and usually have most parts available. I do have a good working and appearing passenger side mirror available and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  18. They do the same function but are different.
  19. Jim

    Reatta parts

    I thought I would mention to anyone who has inquired about parts that I will be away from home starting early Tuesday morning and will not be back for 3 weeks. The last day I can ship parts would be Monday March 1. Sunny Mazatlan is calling me.
  20. Steve, Welcome to the club. I was the assistant director for several years and instead of moving up to director I made a phone call and talked Chuck into taking the job. He says he will never forgive me. He said under protest he will maybe stay on in the position for another year. We are always looking for good folks with ideas good or bad to hash around and help the members and have the club evolve. Join this week and come to Iowa in July and experience the midwestern summers and a free meal and libations ( hopefully ). Maybe you can even take Chuck's job in the future. Here's a shot at Jake, Iowa has a county named Cerro Gordo. I am told that means Fat Pig. Now what state would name a county Fat Pig. Jim
  21. Jon, I couldn't agree more. I am deleting my posts and will respond to Ronnie in a PM
  22. Chuck, I was talking to Ed yesterday or the day before and he mentioned that there has been some new members recently but we may not get credit for them. Maybe I missed it but can you post what is necessary for the division to get credit and win the good food and libations in, and I have been there many times, beautiful Ames Iowa? ( my youngest son received a full academic scholarship to Iowa State and graduated with a EE degree )
  23. I have owned in my lifetime over 800 automobiles. Back in the early 70's I bought a used Plymouth Cricket which was actually a Hillman Minx. About 3 years ago I bought a used VW beetle because it has a diesel engine and I get 50 MPG. That is the only two foreign cars I have owned. There used to be a saying ( racing ) "win on Sunday, sell on Monday' or something like that. My thoughts are race on Sunday boycott on Monday. All this mess Toyota has gotten themselves into by hiding the defects in my opinion is terrific. On Monday I do not shop at NAPA, Home Depot, buy Red Bull products and so on. The other day I was coming out of the Post Office and I would have had to walk between my car and a big red Toyota PU with a big Toyota script on the top of the windshield. The woman obviously liked her Toyota. She had just started her engine and I waited and waved for her to pull out. She wondered what I was doing so I told her I didn't want to endanger my life by walking in front of a Toyota. McDonalds had a slogan " I'm loving it " Toyotas mess, I'm loving it.
  24. On the Reatta discussion page ( AACA Forums BUICK CLUBS Buick Reatta ) there is a post by Booreatta titled "BCA National". Chuck started this thread and Barney followed up. Then there are some posts critical of the BCA. This might be a good place for those of us who think there are a lot of benefits to belonging to the BCA to do some posting. There are a lot of folks on the fence about joining the BCA and other marque clubs and this might be a good time to post some reasons for joining the BCA and maybe refute the couple of posters who are constantly negative of the BCA.
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