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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I think I have one. I will be back home late Wednesday night and will check, and if I do have one I will send it to you no charge. Jim
  2. Polarity is important as the pump will run backwards if the polarity is not right and will not pump. Before taking the connector off the pump connection note which wire is red and which is black. Hook up your 12V source to the terminals on the pump + to where the red was and - to where the black was.
  3. Thanks, Steve. I have no problem referring to the switches as "repaired". Dave, I am leaving this morning and will give you a call. My plans are to be in Green Bay tonight, leave for Chicago about noon on Monday and return to GB sometime Tuesday. We will then come back home Wed. I will meet with you probably Tuesday and also hope to stop at Randy's Jim
  4. Wow Mike. (( I edited this response to add the following, if you do nothing else, read below the PM I sent to Steve.)) Mike, I wasn't referring to you when I mentioned rip off artists. I was referring to the fellow who consistently lists on Ebay the headlight switches for over $ 400 which he never sells. I have heard that you try and sell parts as close to new as possible and of course that costs money. The person that post was directed at was Steve. I am not sure why he has not responded and equally not sure why you did respond. I sent Steve a very nice PM and tried to point out there is room for everyone. He did not respond. I sent him another PM after I specifically mentioned in my first PM about the headlight switches not being rebuildable and not only did he not respond to my first PM about 24 hours later he called my rebuilding of switches a back yard operation. He has not responded to my second PM. After sending the second PM I got to thinking maybe he didn't see my first PM so I sent him a nice email. He did not respond. You are right about professional courtesy and that is exactly what I PMd Steve about but instead of getting a response from him we get a long post from you accusing me of referring to you as a rip off artist and I never said that or referred to you. You do mention in your post "professional courtesy has always stopped me from ever saying anything in a negative light about you" I have had numerous people tell me you refer to my parts as being dirty, greasy and and shipped in old used cardboard boxes or something to that effect. I will go a little further and here is a copy of my PM to Steve which he did not respond to but instead 24 hours later did the exact opposite and referred to the headlight switches as a back yard operation. Steve, When I see some statement that is completely false I think it should be corrected. You seem to be genuine in your wanting to be part of the Reatta community and help out both with advise and parts. That is a good thing and I have no problem with your selling "spares". For the most part looking on Ebay your prices are not that far off from mine. What I do take issue with is your criticizing me and my parts in order to make yours look good. Some of what I am referring to is previously your adamant statements that headlight switches cannot be rebuilt and that if a person gets a part from me it will be a dirty and rusty part, or the innuendo to that fact. After your post about cars that get rain on them will corrode I thought it was so far out that I posted and I put in there the quote about engaging brain before putting mouth in gear. Shortly after, in your latest post, you say a reflector will blow up when it gets frozen. You do not have experience with a frozen lens so how can you make that statement, which by the way is completely false. I have seen at least 15 of them that have frozen in the winter and they do not blow up. Most of the time nothing happens or at the most the red reflector will separate a little more from the black backing. The forum is for helping others and not for anything personal which is why I am sending you this as a PM instead of posting it. Please go back in and reword your statement and please when making a statement give it some thought. Independent thought might also be warranted. In my opinion in some cases you are getting some bad biased information which when repeated only makes you look bad. Jim
  5. Padgett, Thanks for the nice words referring to the headlight switches. I agree that $ 500 is high. The U Pull It in Minneapolis got in a Riv last week and I went down there and got quite a few of the electronic parts from it. Talking to the employees they only pay up to $ 100 for cars that are destined for the U Pull It. They are associated with a yard with newer cars and the better ones go there. Scrap prices here are up to about $ 125 per ton, I know, I just brought a Reatta to the crusher. When the U Pull It gets one in they have all the overhead involved in processing it so to pay more than that they loose money in the long run. I also deleted my other post in a different thread. Jim
  6. I tried but my efforts fell on deaf ears. I have seen many many of these reflectors with water in them and in the cold weather they do not blow up. Most of the time nothing happens but sometimes when the water freezes it will separate a little more the red plastic front that is glued to the black plastic backing. This glued area has already separated a little and that is how the water got in there in the first place.
  7. [quote=steveskyhawk) The headlight switch alone is worth from $200- $400 depending on visual condition and is free of tampering or a backyard rebuild. I tried but my efforts fell on deaf ears. $ 200 to $ 400 for a headlight switch is only if you buy one from a rip off artist and there are a few of them selling parts. I have good '90 headlight switches available for $ 55 exchange and I guarantee them. Steve refers to my switches as back yard rebuilds but these are simple switches that can be reassembled using good parts from other switches. Inside them are two metal rocker contact pieces that sometimes get pitted and some plastic parts. I am not sure why he continually tries to put down my parts but I stand behind everything I sell and I sell at reasonable prices. I sell almost ALL parts not just bling.
  8. To keep the car, $ 1200 was too high considering both ends were damaged. I usually am able to buy parts cars with no damage in the $ 400-$700 range.
  9. As a guess, I would say about 1/4 of the reflectors get water in them if the car sits outside. The water gets in for the same reason dirt gets in. The red reflector is glued to the backing and the glue separates allowing water and dirt to get in. Anytime you are following a Reatta at night and one reflector is dark and not reflecting it has water in it. Stop and shake the back end of the car and you will see the water moving. When this happens on my reflectors I drill an 1/8 inch hole in the bottom ends to allow the water to come out. The main assembly can be taken apart as they have a sealer between the three sections but the reflectors are glued together and cannot be easily taken apart.
  10. I have been selling Reatta parts for about 11 years at reasonable prices. I do have a good reflector and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  11. Jim

    logo wear

    The Reatta division of the BCA has lots of logo wear. The next BCA national meet will be in Ames IA the end of July, and lots of Reattas there.
  12. Off subject but since I have you here, the 2011 BCA national meet will be on July 6-9 at Danvers Massachusetts. Bring all three of your Reattas. Jim
  13. I agree twice with Steve. I recently checked Kelly blue book and I think it was NADA for a friend on the purchase of his '91 low mileage convertible. Both books show a '91 convertible worth about $ 8500. They go by auction values and not too many '91 convertibles go through auctions. They don't have a clue what some of these cars are worth. A couple of years ago I flew to Orlando and picked up a very nice Reatta convertible with original tires. I then drove it to Naples where the next day it was driven across Alligator Alley to Miami. On the way back to Naples, the person with me was in a hurry to get back for a party so even though I felt a vibration we kept going and one of those old tires blew and took the right front fender right off the car. Fortunately Larry Keie was living in Florida at the time and he had a black fender to put on the car for my drive home. Don't drive a car on the highway with old tires on it. Experience.
  14. Jim

    Dash Button Lights

    Howard is right I believe. The two parts to go bad the most often in the '88-89 Reattas are the CRT/touch screen and the headlight switch module. When the headlight switch modules go bad often it is hard to turn the lights off, the slider/dimmer does not work and all the background lights on the dash and console will not come or or will not dim. Headlight switches are the one item I recommend folks do not buy on Ebay unless the seller states that all functions work. Thank you, Howard, for the recommendation and I do have a good headlight switch module available and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  15. Jim


    I forgot to address the Riviera question. The windshields in Reattas only fit Reattas and the Rivs are different. I am currently looking for and excuse to drive through Indiana and maybe further south. I could deliver a windshield that direction in mid May and/or I would be interested in buying a Reatta parts car somewhere that direction. jfinn@cpinternet.com
  16. The flashlight mentioned in the other post has been set aside for you. Jim
  17. Jim


    I have good windshields available but will not ship one. It must be picked up or sometimes I can deliver one. Where are you located. Jfinn@cpinternet.com
  18. Jim

    Need a center cap

    I have some good used center caps and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  19. I agree with Harry, if it has 5 connectors in the rear it should be compatible with the CD player. I also have about 20 CD players on the shelf and not a good one among them.
  20. Jim

    89 Reatta CRT dead.

    The two parts that go bad the most often in the '88-89 Reattas are the headlight switch module and the CRT/touch screen. When the CRT goes black or is intermittent almost 100% of the time it is the CRT itself. The reason you can still operate the A/C and radio is the touch screen is still working but the CRT is not lighting up. The brown connector has two shielded wires and it is NOT battery and ground. Hopefully you did not damage the CRTC, the other end of the brown connector. The two shielded wires are the video input and the Horizontal sync input from the CRTC to the CRT. I have a good CRT/touch screen available and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com My CRT/touch screens have been tested for a minimum of two weeks in my personal car.
  21. Strange coincidence, A few months ago I bought a Reatta convertible parts car and it had the same wheels on it. My wheels are in good shape and have very good tires on them. I would sell the tires and wheels for $ 300. I am in Duluth MN and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  22. Since Ebay is now 95% crap by overpriced Ebay "stores" people. it is hard to find some items. I went through about the first 14 pages which covered only the first 7 days of an normal auction and did not see your car listed. Maybe I missed it but it would help if you listed in your post the auction number.
  23. I did have one extra flashlight and offered it on a previous post but it has since been sold. Jim
  24. Jim

    Plenty of parts

    I would never jump in on someone else's thread to try and sell my parts unless the seller mentions he does not have the parts or has not responded in a timely fashion. That is simply unprofessional. I did mention in an earlier post that I do recommend anyone buy from F 14 crazy. He is a nice fellow I wish him well selling his parts. I see he does not have a taillight listed but if he can help, do get one from him. If he does not, I do, and can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
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