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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Jim

    Great 88 found

    I bought an '89 Reatta parts car in Atlanta last September and on it are the same wheels you have on your car.
  2. Jim

    Sold a green '91

    Ed, I would like you to meet Marck he would like to buy your car. Send me the commission check. Marck, I would like you to meet Ed, he has a really nice low mileage '91 for sale. Send me the finders fee. Jim
  3. I just sold one of my green '91s. I put it at the end of my driveway and it was there for two days. I had three people call and want to come and look at it. A person showed up at 7:30 Saturday morning and bought the car for the asking price of $ 2300. I am pretty sure the owners will be painting the body side mouldings yellow as the car went to Wisconsin. Dave?
  4. Dave, Good answer. I deleted my other post about a lady looking for a switch to purchase outright as I found one for her at a reasonable price and sent the information on to her. Jim
  5. Jim

    Finally failed

    Another possibility is the ABS pressure switch is going bad. Remove the connector on the pressure switch and look inside at the pin area. If you see even the tiniest drop of fluid near one of the pins, the switch is failing.
  6. Jim

    Select 60 emblem

    Barney, Thank you for the excellent information. I had heard this before and then forgot. If anyone would have the correct info it would be Ed Mertz. When I bought my '88 Select 60 last December I got the emblem with it, with the intention of putting it on my '90 Select 60. I probably still will but now know it won't be right.
  7. In talking to Barney a few moments ago, he confirmed my suspicions that the pins are different. The '90 pin is sort of like a hood hold down pin and the '91s are a coarse thread type pin. I have '90 convertible parts. No-----------I do not have any extra door to top weather stripping. ( I do but if I want to keep living with my wife I have to keep it for her car.) I have a lady needing a '91 pin. If anyone knows of any available please email me and I forward the information to her.
  8. Jim

    Reatta parts

    I have returned from my trip to Mexico and am available again for shipping parts. For some of the newer folks on these forums I have been selling Reatta parts for about 12 years and usually have most parts available at very reasonable prices. I only charge the actual cost of shipping with no "handling" fees. The only exception is I ask that Paypal users to add 3%, on totals over $ 50, as that is what Paypal charges me. I usually have in stock some of the harder to find items such as IPCs, CRT/touch screens and all years of headlight switches. On the CRTs, and headlight switches I do rebuild them and thoroughly test them in my personal car to make sure all functions work and they are also nice appearing. I can normally supply all body and mechanical parts as well as interior parts in most colors. I also have stored on my computer instructions on how to remove and replace a lot of the parts. Ronnies site is also an excellent place for instructions. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  9. There are special Select 60 hood emblems out there. I have one as seen in the picture next to my name. I got this emblem when I recently bought an '88 Select from a long time owner. Did these emblems come with both the '88 Select 60s and the '90 Select 60s or just with the '88s. I do know they never actually came with the car but were given to the dealer separately along with the car but the question is which year? Thanks, Jim
  10. On the convertibles there is a pin that holds the back of the top down onto the tonneau cover. The pin I am referring to is pictured in pix F and G in the post titled "noise issue with Top or Tonneau (with photos" Is this pin the same on the '90 and '91s? I suspect they are different because the '90s you push the back rib down and it latches whereas on the '91s there is a motor driven pull down. I have a lady needing a '91 pin. If anyone knows of any available please email me and I forward the information to her.
  11. That is a very interesting site. I put in the vin for my '90 S 60 and spent way too much time looking at codes. I then put in the vin for my '88 S60 and didn't come up with anything. What I was sort of looking for but didn't see it was a code for the special S 60 hood emblems. This tells me they were an '88 item and not a '90 item. Jim
  12. The '90 headlight switches are one of a kind and only fit the '90 Reatta as that is the only year they had that switch with the fog light button on the bottom. The '91 Reattas and the Rivieras had a similar switch but did not have the fog light button on it. I have good '90 headlight switches available. These switches have been disassembled, cleaned, checked for any worn parts and those parts replaced if necessary and then put back together. I then test them in my own car to make sure all functions are good. I sell these switches for $ 60 exchange and guarantee them to be good. Steve's statement about him hearing reports about "rebuilt" switches is CRAP. These switches are a pretty simple arrangement and have two rocker type contacts. Sometimes someone will push too hard on the lights button and the switches can fall apart. About 50% of the time when this happens it will blow the parking light fuse. In the '88-89 Reattas the headlight switches are a completely different arrangement of contacts and in these switches the contacts can get pitted or dirty and when this happens heat can be generated and can cause the wires to melt behind the switch but the '90-91 switches are completely different and this will not happen. I have disassembled at least 50 '90 style switches and have never seen pitted contacts. I have an electronics background and am 100% sure no fire will ever start from a '90-91 style switch and challenge anyone to PROVE that a fire started from the headlight switch. Yes some Reattas have caught fire but not from the headlight switch. They did make a '90 mid year change in the wiring of the Reattas but the switches did not change and whether I assemble a switch or the factory assembled the switch it will go together the exact same way as it is a very simple assembly. Now unfortunately, I am leaving for Mexico for 16 days and will not be able to ship a switch until I get back and even worse I know Steve will come back with some false information and I will not be able to respond because I suspect I will not have internet access while I am away. He has stated in the past he does not have any electrical background but likes to sell his parts at high prices and criticize anyone who might sell for less than he does. I take this very personal because to the best of my knowledge I am the only one repairing these switches and Steve keeps taking shots at my headlight switch service. A person should never have to pay more than about $ 125 for one of these switches on an outright basis.
  13. I am not in Mexico yet but will be starting Tuesday. Currently I am in the cesspool of yellow and green, at my grandson's baptism. This is my first typed out message on my new IPhone and now I see why all the kids spelling and punctuation is so bad.
  14. Richard, Sounds like an offer I cannot refuse but unfortunately I am only SEL VFR rated. Jim
  15. Each year we go to Mazatlan which is far enough in from the border to be relatively safe. We do not stay in the Gold Zone ( hotels and resorts area ) but in the old historic end of Mazatlan. We either rent house or last year we did some house sitting for some folks who were going to be in the US for a few weeks. I feel completely safe as we mingle with the "locals". We eat in their local restaurants and sometimes at the street vendors. We have never had a problem with the water from the restaurants or the street vendors as they all use water from these big 5 or 10 gallon jugs. I have a friend here who has been going there for at least 20 years and recently built a small house in the old end of town and he is the one who introduced us to that part of town and the local restaurants and street food vendors. In 20 years he has never been sick. I would not drink the tap water and actually everyday we go to the market downtown and buy fresh produce and when we bring in home we soak it for a few minutes in a water based solution of disinfectant or bleach. Another way I keep from getting sick from the water is to drink beer. Bottles of Pacifico in the Gold Zone are about what you would pay here but in the old end of town Pacifico is about 80 cents per bottle. Steak and shrimp in the Gold Zone are prices like here but in our end the same meal is about $ 6. California does have some warm weather but last year on my trip home I had to change planes in LA. We flew for a long time over southern CA and all I saw from the plane was miles and miles of smog covered mass humanity.
  16. Jim

    Reatta parts.

    I am going to be away from home starting Feb 15th and returning home Mar 4. Mazatlan will be much nicer than the 13 degrees below zero we are having here now. I am not sure at this point if my emails will work while I am there but I definitely will not be able to ship any parts for that two weeks. If anyone needs anything the last day I can ship is Feb 14 or anytime after Mar 2 Jim
  17. I am going to be away from home starting Feb 15th and returning home Mar 4. Mazatlan will be much nicer than the 13 degrees below zero we are having here now. I am not sure at this point if my emails will work while I am there but I definitely will not be able to ship any parts for that two weeks.
  18. Yes, I remove the black bezel around the bulb and then after removing the three motor mount bolts I remove the clip on the flat steel arm at the end opposite the bellcrank and then the motor, bellcrank and flat steel arm will all come out.
  19. Jim

    '91 Coupe Parts

    I have fenders and doors available. Shipping to CA might be expensive. In a post about a week ago I mentioned there is a fellow in the Napa CA area whose car caught on fire and he would like to sell the whole car. I believe it is red. If you customer is interested you or he can email me and I can provide a phone number. Jim
  20. Dave, We will be in GB on Feb 12 but am not sure if I can meet you. Will be busy all day and then leave early to go back home on Sunday. If I can get away I will give you a call. I am a Viking fan but have always disliked the Pack, so much so that I would rather see the Viking lose than the Pack win. Many many people in WI have actual shrines in their homes to the Packers and most packer fans put the team above family, work or God. Most football fans argue with the wife on Monday after a loss but Packer fans are still beating the wife and kicking the dog on the following Thursday. Packer fans are the worst of the worst. It is an old saying used by everyone. My two favorite teams are my home team and whomever is playing the Packers. I am not a Steelers fan but hopefully they can win and then I will buy a Steelers hat to wear when I go across the bridge to Superior WI. Did I mention I don't like the Packers? Almost as much as I do not like Toyotas.
  21. I have seen this car and it is the nicest Reatta I have ever seen. I have judged at many BCA/Reatta events and never seen a nicer car, even ones with almost no miles on them. I saw the car when the previous owner had the car and he was fanatics fanatic about cleaning and detailing. This person would even make a Green Bay Puker fanatic look like a slacker. Go Pittsburgh.
  22. Jim

    Tranny question

    I sent Richard an email with my thoughts on replacing or rebuilding his transmission and then read these posts. The posts I found most interesting are the ones about the coil pack/module being bad and the modulator etc. I recommended to Richard and recommend here, going to a local type transmission shop, not a dealer or a chain shop, and see what they think.
  23. To add a little bit to Barney's suggestion, turn on the key and wait for 5 seconds. Turn off the key for about 5 seconds and then turn it back on for 5 seconds. Then start the car and see if it runs OK. If so that will tell you if you have a bad filter or pressure relief valve. Also if you run the car regularly it should run good after the first start but if a car sits for a long period of time and then you start it up it might die when you put it in gear. In this case the computer loses some of it's memory and you simply have to drive the car for a few miles so the computer can relearn all it's setting.
  24. He is an older fellow and when I questioned him about the fire, wondering where it started, he wasn't sure. He said he was driving the car and when he stopped, smoke started coming from the somewhere in the dash. When he opened the door the fire really took off. I also tried to pin him down on where he thought it might have started but he didn't know. I do not have collision and comp on some of my Reattas but I also have parts cars so I can fix any damage or replace a windshield if I need to do so. Now that a lot of the high mileage or rusty Reattas are only worth $ 1500 or less, paying for collision or comp isn't worth it. The last three Reatta parts cars I bought were running driving cars and I paid $ 500 for two of them and $ 300 for the other. Some Reattas are simply not worth paying the higher premiums.
  25. A fellow who has bought parts from me over the years called and said his '89 caught on fire yesterday and is now available for parts. He did not have comprehensive insurance so he is just taking the loss. The inside and dash burnt pretty bad. If someone is interested send me an email and I can provide a phone number.
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