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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Dave, Your switches came in this mornings mail. I will be sending it back either this afternoon or on Monday for sure. Jim
  2. The other day I did a count and now have 8 switches that I have disassembled, cleaned and replaced any bad parts and reassembled with a nice looking "lights" button. I then completely tested them in my personal Reatta. I also have 8 '90 switches that have never been opened up available.
  3. I checked and I must have sold my extra set so at this time I do not have any available. Jim
  4. I may have an extra set for a "driver". I know I have one very nice set but want to keep it in case I ever get a really nice driftwood convertible, to replace the driftwood convertible that my wife is currently driving. Hers is very nice but would be nice to get a "show" driftwood. I will check and let you know. Jim
  5. For your "communication error" make sure the cover that goes on the ALDL connector is in place. The ALDL connector is near the parking brake lever and it should have either a brown or gray cover on it. It might be just hanging there. Inside the cover is some shorting pins that help keep the bus alive.
  6. Ed and I saw that car for sale last year at the Charlotte Auto Fair. Really ugly.
  7. I fully concur with Ronnie on kudos to Kingsley for all he has done on this project and what is left to do. I wanted to send my contribution in Kingsleys name for this reason and for others but also felt, like Ronnie pointed out, that ALL the vendors, not just myself and Marck, should contribute to this endeavor. Thank you Kingsley and Barney and anyone else doing the leg work. I would like to remind, this is not a solely Reatta division project and you do not have to be a member of the Reatta division to get involved. The shipping money is being handled by the Reatta division but preserving the car is for the good of all Reatta owners and those who like the Reatta. I will probably never get to see the car. I am envious of our California members who will be able to.
  8. My parts book shows a retail price of $ 73.70 and a wholesale price of $ 42.10. That is for the 1648389 and the 20676245.
  9. When we post something, even helpful hints we need to be sure we are accurate. I am 100% sure Marck is not trying to say anything bad but he is sometimes being fed bad information. To say the membership is dropping is not true. In a phone conversation with Ed, the sec/treas, a few days ago, he mentioned that it is not dropping.
  10. With respect to Marck's posting about the Paypal account and BJM asking if Eds Paypal account is his email address, it should be noted that if Eds address is his Paypal account it would be his personal account and not an account of the Reatta Division. The two hardest jobs in the Reatta division is the treasurer ( Ed ) and the Gills who put together the newsletter. Both these positions are volunteer and in both cases quite a few hours per month are donated to the club. To ask Ed to use his personal account and then have to transfer those funds to the Reatta div is a little more than we should ask of him. Maybe at the next division meeting as someone suggested we can figure something out but right now lets just send checks as is suggested. It is 45 cents and an envelope.
  11. I agree, I am sending a check and Marck has said he will. So far so good. Any others?
  12. Good job on posting the "store" Another example of why Reatta owners do not have to pay high prices. I see the accumulators are currently $ 93. That is a very good price. The pumps at $ 452 are pretty high though. Maybe I should raise my prices on used pumps. I recently sold one that was almost new for $ 85 and am currently completely out of pump/motors. Sold 6 in the last month or so for about $ 60 each.
  13. Trey, Your other parts did go out about an hour ago. I also have a good seat belt for your Reatta and will send you an email. Jim
  14. Jim


    --------and look what happened to Dorothy, toto, the tin man, the lion and the scare crow in Kansas. Thank you Tom for all you do.
  15. The accumulator is just on there tight. It has an O ring for it to seal and is not rusted in place. I use a standard Allen wrench and simply put some sort of a pipe extension on it. Sometimes I take a large screw driver or tire iron and use that to sort of hold the pump/motor from twisting too much while I am breaking it loose. Marck is right, sort of. A new accumulator needs to be pumped about 25 times with the key off to relieve all the pressure in the accumulator but a shot one like you have might require 40 -45 pumps because it is so full of fluid and no nitrogen. Takes a lot of pumps to get all that fluid out.
  16. Don, That is a good price. I normally sell pressure switches for $ 55 and your accumulator if were to be bought today would be about $ 110.
  17. A few years ago I painted some shift knobs tan with the exact matching paint. I have one in my wife's driftwood convertible and sold a couple of them. I have one left on the shelf for $ 15 plus $ 7 for Priority Mail shipping with delivery confirmation. Jim
  18. Ervin, I did the survey. I was the assistant director of the Reatta division for several years and the way it works is anyone can run for an elected office. Sometimes we have a hard time finding someone to run for office. One year I talked Chuck into running and now he won't talk to me anymore. Just kidding. Chuck did a great job and now has moved up the ladder. In the newsletter just previous to the national BCA meet the ballots will be mailed to every current member of the Reatta division and then at our annual meeting that coincides with the BCA meet someone is picked to count the ballots. The totals are then given to the current director and he announces the results at that time. No one sees who voted for whom. The ballots are removed from the envelopes and stacked. They are then counted and this way everything is anonymous.
  19. I also have some good IPCs available at a reasonable price. Nancy ?????? I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com
  20. I found out who it was that sent me the switches. It was an Ebay seller and I received the switches by mistake.
  21. Follow up and making a short story longer. In reference to my mentioning about another small flat rate box. I was wrong. About a year ago I ordered some boxes from the PO and got these bad boxes, thinking I was getting SFRBs. I took about 30 of them to my local PO so they could give them out to customers as I didn't want them. Today I was at the PO shipping some parts and he still had some of those boxes. The are not a flat rate box but called a 0-DVDS meaning small DVD box. Don't order any of these. They are smaller than an SFRB but are not flat rate and are a problem trying to fold them.
  22. The "standard" small flat rate box is the SFRB and is 5 3/8 X 8 5/8 X 1 5/8 and ships for $ 5.35 This box you fold in half, fold in the locking sides and then the top has a preglued strip on it. It will hold two '88-89 headlight switches. The PO used to have a small flat rate box that was terrible. It was smaller and thinner than the SFRB and you had to do a lot of folding to get it to work.
  23. I am really surprised you haven't sold those mats. They look very nice. At the 2010 Ames BCA meet I sold quite a few sets of mats and sold them for about double than you are asking.
  24. Very interesting looking unit. It has the mid 80s style buttons but with a CD player. I didn't think the CD players came out until about '90 but I remember is some past threads someone said they did come in the Grand Nationals. I couldn't make out what the build date is in the picture. It is Oct 11, 19XX ????
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