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Posts posted by mcCat1962

  1. We are running a 29 Whippet engine in our 27 Whippet and we have had some issues with the water boiling over. Generally this only happens on very hot days (90 degrees +), and only after driving the car for an average of 20 minutes or more. We have pulled the radiator and back flushed the system (everything was pretty clean) and we have checked the water pump and the impeller appears to be moving the water. We have done some research on the Internet and we have some period repair manuals, however they all seem to say the same thing, check the pump and flush the system. We are using an original radiator that appears to be in very good shape with no leaks and does not appear to be clogged anywhere. I know that old engines sometimes over heat and it may just be the hot weather, however any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  2. I am going to be doing a touch-up on some places where the paint has been either scratched off, or various "dings have removed the paint, and exposed the primer underneath. What is the best way to remove any wax from the area before any touch-up is done? I was told years ago that Polishing Compound will remove the wax, but before I go forward, I thought I'd get some feed-back on my task ahead of me. I just want to make sure that none of the surrounding paint is damaged.

    Thank you!

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