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  1. I don’t intend to drive the car on 35°-40° days. As a matter of fact I probably won’t drive it under 60°. I don’t want the exhaust gasses up @ the carburetor.
  2. JohnD1956, I don’t want the exhaust gases heading up the intake manifold tube. The heat riser is no longer in place. It was frozen solid and damaged (in the open position) I removed it when I had the exhaust apart. Old tank, I have seen multiple different places where someone will use an Allen head bolt and nut with a lock washer. It’s installed on the actual intake manifold gasket. I’m concerned about the nut (or bolt) falling off and heading back into the cylinder. SpecialEducation, your talking about the passages below the carburetor (correct me if I’m wrong) not on the actual gasket itself. I have seen this, the holes are tapped and a plug is loctite and installed. Only issue is, 1) I was told they don’t offer this for the early nailhead engines. 2) I wanted to block the exhaust from entering the intake completely. On a side note where would I get “block off plates” for under the intake??
  3. Hey guys, I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas on blocking off the heat riser Channels from the head to the intake manifold. How hot does this area get?? I don’t want to do the Allen bolt and nut. Seems a bit too risky. Do we have any other options?
  4. Good morning guys, (and girls) just a few pictures on what I’ve been working on lately. The engine is a 56 with a 4 barrel bored 40 over. The exhaust manifold is original to 55, I removed 5 of the 6 studs with no issue. The 6th one is giving me an issue. Then again it can’t be an issue if it’s liquid. I also oil primed the engine, installed the water crossover with the thermostat and installed the distributor. It’s coming along nicely. 😊
  5. Thanks so much guys, I don’t remember taking anything off of the mounting surface. But I figured I would ask LOL.
  6. Good morning gentlemen, (and ladies if any) I’m wondering what bolts to the side of the bell housing in these pictures. (The pictures do not belong to me and were obtained through google) any help would be much appreciated.
  7. Your absolutely correct, the last marriage was a constant bickering. I don’t let things get to that point in my marriage now. If she gets angry with me we discuss it and vice versa. As far as the stuff is concerned I’m glad I got back what I did.
  8. So 5-7 years ago I went through a very nasty divorce. My wife took just about everything I had. Cars, money, furniture, computers…..you name it she left with it. All of my passwords were saved with her. She took the titles to my cars and everything else you could think of. I tried anything and everything I could to get it back, it went in and out of court for years. I just got my AOL account password back about two weeks ago and I was able to view some of my old emails from here. This is a great site and you guys are so knowledgeable. I need to speak to a guy who’s handle is Buick5563. Apparently I owe him something and would like to settle it. (If he would allow me to.) I have a 1955 Buick special that I pulled the 264 out of. It was running like crap and blowing smoke everywhere. I have a freshly rebuilt 1956 322 bored 40 over and it’s ready to go into it. It needs an immense amount of work but I’m willing to do it. My uncle has a 1938 Buick special with a 1968-70 Chevy 4 bolt bored 30 over. It is a very nice car. I’m looking forward to speaking with you all and I’m glad to be back.
  9. What a great yard this is, so many cars it’s unreal. That being said, they brought a first gen Mustang in that had nothing on the car but the shell, one tailight and a fender. Picked pretty clean. Looks like another yard called them and was like “hey you want this hunk of metal we got out here? Pay us the scrap price and pick it up” The unreal thing is someone will need that fender, firewall, taillight or quarter panel.
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