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David Scranton

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Posts posted by David Scranton

  1. 16 hours ago, 8014haar said:

    Also, something looks amiss on that left front wheel and steering🤔

    Thank you for the tip on the wheel bolts.  As for the steering, i belive it mightjust be the camera angle.  The day i took that picture I had moved The steering a bit to check if everything was good and left it turned a bit, but next time ill take a closer look just to be sure

  2. 11 hours ago, F&J said:

    I agree.  Especially the "fun" part which will turn to despair if you tore the car all apart and then it looks like junk and hopelessness.

    I agree fully with just getting it to run, yard drivable, for your main goal (as a newbie)


    I'm 70 and had many prewars, (when I was "virgin to prewar cars")  back when I was a teen I found a "same condition" decayed 34 Buick in a farm field for 5 dollars!, and the farm owner hauled it to my parents place for 10 dollars more.  I somehow got it to run, and one day several friends came over... I showed them that it did run run good....


    They said "lets go for a ride!!!".  We piled in, one kid was even standing on the running board.  It drove so nice and lots of power, and as typical teens, we drove all the way across the rural town to another friends home. Brake cables all frozen, muffler rotted off, smoked a bit, no license plates ... but I will say positively: That car ride was the most pure fun I have ever had with a prewar,


    Look at how many disassembled prewar cars have been coming up for sale now; the owners took them apart with good intentions but then reality set in, and it sat again for 40-50 years more.  Not all cars like this need to be restored.  A "fixed up" version of a car like this one seems to draw more attention and favorable comments than a restored trailer queen. 

    And thats exactly what I hope to active!  As nice as it would look, im not interested in a show room quality restoration.  All i want is for the car to run, even if its just once.  All the other kids my age have all their 60s and 70s muscle cars but I wakt to be the only guy my age to come into town in the antuiqe 30s car that I fixed myself.

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  3. 7 hours ago, critterpainter said:

    In your efforts to move the car to a new location do NOT attempt to crank or turn the engine over.  Keep it in Neutral!!.   Remove the water pump before trying to turn the engine over.   The Water Pump may be stuck or frozen and it is driven by a Fibre timing gear.   If the water pump won't move then the cam gear is the next weakest link and hard to replace,

    Thank you.  I will keep this in mind when I go down to visit my grandma and work on the car

  4. 18 minutes ago, usnavystgc said:

    Have the windows been rolled down forever?

    As far as i know yes they have, at least since 1968.  Since most of the windows are damaged anyway I just assumed they were removed or broken at one point, so i never bothered to check.  Ill have to take a look next time I go down to work on the car.

  5. A last year i made a post about what i belived to be a 1920s buick that had been sitting at my grandmother's for quite some time.  Ian pleased to say that in the year and a half of inactivity ive managed to take a look at it and begin doing research on it amlnd talking to the local antuiqe car clubs before I begin the teardown.  


    So the car is a 1931 Buick series 50 with the Valve in Head straight 8.  The car specifically is the model 57 5 passenger 4 door sedan.  The car is in pretty decent shape and the frame is solid.  The car was last used in 1968 and has sat under a canopy next to the barn since.  I have met many wonderful folks who all wish to help teach me how to do this restoration.  Below are some pictures i took.  I had more but my phone was destroyed at work before I could upload them anywhere, these are the handfull that I had left.


    Work has had me tied up the past year and gas prices made it hard to travel, but now that im living on my own and have the space, time, and soon a job change, i hope to get going on this project. 





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  6. On 2/26/2021 at 7:27 PM, Morgan Wright said:

    I am Abcde on Youtube.


    It's not a 1971 Buick and people get mad when I call it a 1917. Nobody knows what year it really is. Thanks for watching my videos.

    Lol oops, meant to say 1917, I type so fast nad the buttons are so small on this phone a mkae alot of spelling errors and miss some sometimes,  good to meet you though, I found you back in october and your videos definitely helped kickstart my idea

  7. Everyone,

    Excuse my inactivity for the past few days, between home life mad work I've been reading the replies to my post and reading stuff online.  Some of you have asked where the car is located, and it is outside a little town called Birmingham in southern Iowa.  I however am located 5 hours north in the Rochester, Minnesota area, which is why I dont make it down often enough due to work scheduling.  I've also been taking a look at videos on youtube by a user just called Abcde with a 1971 buick hes been working on the past 3 years and got it running and driving good last year.  I appreciate all the tips and advice by you guys and will hopefully have pictures soon.

    -David Scranton

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  8. Hi, my name is David Scranton.  Just turned 21 in January and have been getting into cars alot more the past year, but I've only ever helped my dad in the garage and the oldest car I've helped him with was my 1999 jeep.  So I have hardly any experience doing things on my own which brought me to this forum because of a car I've taken great interest in that I've known about my whole life, but have never even seen it be moved.  My grandmother has had what I believe is a 1920 4 door buick model K sitting in her barn for what I'm guessing has been the past 80 years, and I would like to work on it just for fun and see if I can get it running.  I dont have any pictures at this time as I have not been down to her house since covid began, but I know the windows are broken and the interior is ripped up. But the frame and body are in good shape if I remember correctly.  Planning to get down there soon and would like to know what potential problems I should look for and where, and if it's possible how the problem could be fixed or if it will need replaced.  I apologize in advance if this post doesnt give alot of detail on the car's current state,  as I said I dont really have much experience doing this sort of thing so not entirely sure what to look out for other than frame damage amd if the engine block is cracked, and I havent actually seen the vehicle in about 2 years.  Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I greatly appreciate any and all information that anyone can give 

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