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Ken Tereck

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  1. Thanks for all the information provided. Greatly appreciated
  2. I am currently restoring a 1930 Pontiac Custom Sedan from the ground up. I am almost ready to begin assembling the engine and with all the literature I've attained and all the online searching I've done I can not find Torque specs for the main bearing caps. I could use general specs based on bolt size but generally the critical clamping areas within an engine require upgraded hardware that must be tightened to a specific value to maintain its clamping force. I found some specs but this engine has 7/16 hardware holding the front two caps and 1/2 hardware holding the rear cap. The specs I found gave one value only and probably to great a value for the two front caps. If someone could and would supply me this information I will be extremely greatful. Thank you
  3. I have a service manual for the 1930 Pontiac and nowhere in the engine or specifications does it provide the torque specifications for the critical fasteners such as the main bearings, conn rods, cylinder head, flywheel, etc. I have also searched the web for these as well with no luck. I would greatly appreciate anyone providing this information. Thank you in advance
  4. I have a service manual for the 1930 Pontiac and nowhere in the engine or specifications does it provide the torque specifications for the critical fasteners such as the main bearings, conn rods, cylinder head, flywheel, etc. I have also searched the web for these as well with no luck. I would greatly appreciate anyone providing this information. Thank you in advance
  5. I am interested. What is the condition of the working components on the chassis? Has there been any restoration work performed to it? What is the condition of the wood spoke wheels?
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