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Posts posted by Kmrumedy

  1. Hi Everyone,


    New Canadian member here.  Joined the AACA this summer and enjoying the club magazines right now. 


    I'm just a backyard mechanic that likes to tinker around with fun cars.  


    I'm supposed to be away on vacation now in Nova Scotia at my wife's parents place. But we were told if we were to fly there, we had to self-quarenteen for 14 days. 


    Meaning I would be stuck in the same house with my mother-in-law for 2 weeks and couldn't leave.....I'd rather catch the virus!   


    So I didn't go and here I am.  


    Thought I would also join the forum and have some fun.


    I am currently tinkering on a Canadian Dodge Regent two door hardtop.  Essentially, it is a Plymouth with a Dodge front clip.  We call them Plodges.  Very few 56 hardtop mopars were made up here, so it's nice to have something a little unique at shows.


    It sat in a barn for a decade and took me 2 years to get it running and pass provincial inspection.  An auto publication heard about me and the car and published a story on it this summer.  That is kind of cool.  


    Also finishing up a mean 64 Plymouth.  


    My rule is if I buy stock original or previously restored then it stays that way.  If I buy already modified then I'm free to do as I like.


    Here are some pics and here is a link to the 64 running.  







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