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Brooklyn Beer

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Beer

  1. So what year model T gives the best bang for the buck ? After struggling all morning and succeeding in getting a new fluid drive unit into my 46 Dodge, and doing it solo, I am sure there is nothing I can't do with a T !
  2. Thank You ! About 30 miles NW of Fort Worth and 5 miles outside Springtown.
  3. Needed an "excuse" to get out at 6 am and make a drive in the wonderful 67 degree morning. So went and got a donut. Not many mornings this cool left for us in Texas till late September. Turned into a question and answer session at the donut shop but by far the best one was "So you drove 8 miles one way in your old car just to get a donut?" I am guessing not many people these days get too enjoy an early morning drive with the windows down and the sounds and smells you get to experience in an old car. You either get it or you don't.
  4. Will do. What are the odds another Franklin is 26 miles from my house in fort worth ? ha
  5. Will do. I just contacted both the webmaster and the Service Station. I started going back into the old editions and it seemed that in the previous years many Franklins fitting my want have popped up. Starting out with the right car is very important to me as it will be a learning experience. Thanks for everyone's help !
  6. Thank you. I will remove the cover and find out what position that is. Do you have any idea how close to or if this position is correct I am showing a picture of? I got the little ball free'd up and it is shifting good right now. Just need to find out if I have it positioned correct. No big deal as I have to remove cover again and replace the gasket. Just what does the other lever do that doesn't shift anything and is quite loose?
  7. OK, Had some time this afternoon and removed the the gear shift housing. Seems the one gear shift ball is just pretty snug in it's housing. With the spring removed it allows shifting in a much easier way. The gears inside look great and clean. No chips. Nothing grinding at all. Not a stitch of rust and everything slides and functions as it should. One thing I notice in the housing cover is that The mechanism for the shifter lever is on a spring and for lack of a better term, crooked. It has a spring with it too. It seems complete and functions and as all I did was unbolt it I doubt I hurt it any as it came off with no effort. But I made one mistake. I did not take a picture and record the positions of the gears before moving them around. I am pretty sure the cover can only go back on one way but I could be wrong. Does this look correct ? I am thinking the gear shift lever has to go in between this rectangular leave out. FYI. It is the top ball that seems tight. Is there a proper procedure to remove and clean it or just a little marvel mystery oil on it and call it good?
  8. For a 1928-32 Franklin... A mechanically sound and driving car.
  9. Oh I have you beat hands down in disarray. About the only thing not is the bar and antique addition. I basically have 3 shops that things get moved to each other depending if I need space in the wood, metal, or car shop for a project. Hopefully that will change when the new garage goes up and I can take one stall of the old garages for material. Any flat surface bigger then a paint can lid is good storage !
  10. Thank you. It would just be another "around town" driver in the garage to go with everything else. Been bite by the "I think I want a 100 year old car" bug so an occasional grocery store run or 8 mile round trip to the hardware store jaunt is going to be about it. Being in TX we get a much extended driving season so an open touring is where my eye seems to be leading me. Going to be adding 2 cars this year with one being a Franklin. The model T seems to give the best bang for the buck in the 100 year old range. So if I decide to buy a 1920 and before T, in a touring model, what should I look for ? Is the Ruxstal rear that important? Rocky Mountain brakes seem like a must. I see many changed over to distributor. They come across as a motor that will run forever.
  11. I was able to score a complete 1948 Dodge , 3 speed fluid drive trans from bellhousing, to fluid coupler to trans, complete to replace the original trans in my 1946 Dodge coupe that had a crack in the casing. The flywheel is true and coupler spins nice. The existing clutch was actually in very good shape. No leaks in the F/D, no noises with that. Have a new clutch, release bearing, etc. The trans has a few seal leaks which I was going to set about fixing in the normal spots but nothing bad. Front bearing retainer seal, rear main seal, and the gear shift housing seal. Drained the oil and smelled good and looked even better. Nothing burned, no metal fragments. NOW. When I got trans separated and set on bench after removing it from the other pieces, it was in neutral. The clutch was stuck to the flywheel but came off easy. No struggle. I started going through the shifter linkage and hand spinning the trans listening for noises. Well it went into reverse easy and now won't come out of reverse. The old trans shifted easy by hand (Almost too easy). Was hoping to get away with not rebuilding this trans as the car is just a run around town 46 coupe and nothing special condition wise. I do have to remove the shifter case to replace the gasket regardless. Is there something I should look for when the case housing is removed? The lever feels like it wants to change gears but just won't do it. Before I start changing seals and gaskets is there something I am not doing to get out of reverse ? I have no history of the car it came out of (French Lake and great guys indeed) But the condition of the flywheel lacking any rust and never been cut and the clutch still having 3/4 meat left and no cracks in the disc has me believing it was out of a lower mileage car. Knowing the dependability of these 3 speed trans and the lack of any odd noises while hand spinning has me hoping it is just something I am not doing on my end to shift through the gears.
  12. I should buy a model T ? Never driven one, oldest vehicle I have ever owned is a 1940 Ford 2 ton truck. The oddities of starting / driving / shifting is one thing I find amazing. Magneto and Battery, limited braking, etc. But the 4 door touring just seems to grab me. So tell me why I should buy one ?
  13. Grew up on Long Island but now transplanted to TX some 25 years. Thanks for sharing a little bit of home. Glad to see Spring has finally sprung ! Where was the show located? I grew up in Blue Point.
  14. Now if I can only find 30-32 airman
  15. I am hoping to get word out to someone who might be attending to see if anyone is thinking of selling. Attending the trek is impossible for me as I take care of rescue diabetic and blind dogs. It is way too difficult traveling with them that distance from TX. So anyone who might be reading this and going please keep me in mind if you hear some chatter of a car coming up for sale
  16. I am in the market for a sound and mechanically reliable car not needing any major work or repairs as this will be my first Franklin. I want to try and avoid never ending hours of frustration as I learn the car and not get bogged down in repairs the minute it rolls off the trailer. Maintenance and repairs will come with time as I learn the car just like any old car. I am committed to buying a Franklin and broke ground this morning for the new 3 car garage that will house it and a two post lift. The Buick, Dodge, and Plymouth can stay down in the old garage Why a 3 car? I have heard that Franklins are addictive !
  17. Thanks Mike. First I must find my Franklin I know one is out there calling my name
  18. So someone tell me about Franklin's and their 4 speeds. Was 4th strictly just an overdrive or was the rear end gearing changed as well to work with a differently geared trans? And why did they other 2 different manufactures? Was shifting still done same with double clutch?
  19. Amazing the scammers. Maybe even you send an extra 4k you can get his lottery winnings too.
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