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Posts posted by radioguybill

  1. Hi Everett;

    If your radio is a 7ML081 made by Zenith or the 7ML801 for Continental it's pretty straight forward. 

    Make sure the solenoid for station selecting is activating and that all tuning gears are free and turning. It's a slug tuning tuner and each slug will tune to an individual station. Also a manual tune position by pulling out on tuner knob when in manual tune position

    Use a mechanical vibrator initially when testing. Polarity will not make adifference using mechanical one. SS vibrator polarity sensitive.

    If you're stuck on any particular issue post it or contact me.



    • Thanks 1
  2. The clutch is probably slipping as the surface to t that it 's glued to has lost it stick um or the clutch mateial has deteriorated.

    A couple of differant ways to approach it;

    The lazy man'sw ay is to put a couple of small pieces of sandpaper between the clutch and drive.

    Another method is get an old tube from a tire and cut a snall cirle out of it,. Cut a hole to fit around the drive with a slit and glue it. Keep them apart while the glue is drying and remove the old clutch material.


    Bill N

  3. Wht not just replace it with modern am fm electronics. There are lots of us out there doing it and it will most likely last longer than any repair. Options are bluetoothusb and hd

    Probably ending up costing a lot less in time and labor then the trime and parts put into it.



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