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Everything posted by ArticiferTom

  1. On pos grd system + toward points ,- towards key . You'll get spark with low voltage ,but not enough to fire reliably . My U suffered this, after 5 year sit on engine . Jumped to starter terminal, and fired up fast . Needed to clean terminals on amp gage and key switch to get 6 volts back . When cranking pull spark retard half out till crank increases, then right back in. You can pull plug on bottom of carb to verify fuel and cleans bowl too . To late to have you pump oil through system manually before starting to pre lube , I guess . Last resort a little starting fluid down the air cleaner , I do mean little , spray .
  2. Check voltage at coil for at lest 5 + dc . Is amp gage showing discharge ,indicating ignition normal ?
  3. Check out Dodge Truck forum above about August 7th date is BTT of a set of very nice lights I have . I believe them to be same, as Dodge /Graham where build on Plymouth chassis . I hit two set in one week when needed them , fixed up both sets . Can may give you different glass if wanted .Mine were paint not chrome and do not know about your mounts .
  4. Looks like them . The number is on under side . Would be interested two sets of bolt, wedge and nuts .
  5. Thanks for the offer Ron most generous . If no one answers here , I wait till Hershey this Fall . I made a copy for now and used standard hex nut . Shipping across is only reason . THX TOM
  6. Looking to buy replacement wheel clamps and spare bolt and lug nuts . Lost one on last trip, Kelsey 789A about 1-1/4" square see attached . Nut is 5/8 flats with bowl for 7/16" bolt . This goes on my '31 Dodge pickup 19" wood wheels to tire assembly .
  7. Open one of oil journal plugs ,adapt fitting ,use suction gun to introduce a couple tubes of oil . You'll see gage move if forced enough and lube most of engine . It should get you filled back to pump check or gears setting up a prime . I use plug above pressure relief nut .
  8. Well , back from checking my dwell and points . First , I confess to miss reading the scale of the dwell meter . I read the 6 cyl scale and there is no 4 cyl scale you double 8's . I guess should read direction first , that also say's designed for 12 volt system only . Well that being said reading on this old KAL cheapo meter, would then translate to 64 when doubling 32 . Points gaged at about .017 . Readjusted to .020" gap making not much difference in dwell maybe 62 . Skinned Knuckle's reference in Ply33 states 50 -54 . No- way, I'm getting there and I do not put trust in this old meter . So will leave at gaged gap and set idle with vac gage. got 17.5. Adjusting for elevation, I think makes it 18.25 @ 1000 rpms. Turned idle down to 900, noted 1 drop in vac and left it at that, adjusting gave no better reading . What would good idle be ,even at 900 seems high but fear de-acceleration stalls if lowered . Thanks again,, well see how test run does . Also found a couple vac gages with some interesting info inside ,Watch for new thread about.
  9. WOW!! , Was only able to view 1/4 of it need a hour of time . great vehicles and excellent photography .
  10. Was thinking of meter , was not sure of there meaning ' starting to ' . that make a lot easier . How do you tell exhaust stroke ?
  11. I never tuned this truck before or checked point gap but will lean toward getting closer to dwell while keeping gap near or in spec. I agree with White on the wear issues . That's why I was searching out dwell it is so much easier to hook up two wires from a meter and test running with all backlash removed . If you get points pitting or erratic dwell you can tell in no time ,to look further . The timing sucks setting as you have to gage the 4 cylinder on exhaust stroke and watch for cam lobe ' starting to open points ' ., while holding backlash out of rotor . I ve read some time ago about tuning with vacuum gage also . This is something I must revisit . Once again thanks all , TOM
  12. Sounds right , found site listing spark gap .022 , point gap .018-.024 , dwell 52 , timing .046" . This was for 28-31year U and U-30 engines. My manual list plugs .022 , point gap .020 ,-----points to break at.050" . So all seem close . As my dwell is currently 43 1/2 degrees, something is off . Checking tomorrow . Do not know about checking timing as must be with special indicator in cylinder . Head scratching time , I have dial indicators so will work on .
  13. Looking to check dwell on my Ply UT engine in my '31 Dodge truck . was doing RPM and while hooked up read dwell at 43 1/2 degrees . Any thoughts ? Thanks Tom
  14. I would say turnout was down a little . It is only third time was there . Having looking at mostly 20's 30's cars and DB's . I saw a lot few of them .Fords and A+T's were plenty . Crowds were same . Food vendors where a plenty , some kind of barbeque cook off .
  15. Just got back from there . It is a great day, there was very light 10 second drizzle this morning cleared to hot sun . left about 1;30pm and 88* F , firework are on for tonight . Also met Dave in swap area , was a pleasure . Tom
  16. Couple gallons of Evapo-rust . Pricey but effective . Move tank around .filter when done use again on other , non toxic . Or if you can get horse feed molasses and make you own solution . Formula here if you search very good as with evapo takes about a week or more . Not only fuel pick up but may have a baffle in middle ,I say no chains or aggregate .
  17. Found it with help of Spinneyhill's Graham . He broke the code , I was viewing the poorly stamped letters with a mirror on truck last letter is actual a number 6 not C . Hence CB1136 = n1136=Dorman 1136 = Federal 1752 and about 40 others on Sfk site cross . Thanks Taylormade .
  18. Hello , I am looking for some cross number of my clutch throwout bearing . It is on my '31 '32 UF-10 PU 4cyl trans 320666 . Bearing says " Green Made In USA CL or CB 113C " . Not having luck on internet or local bearing shop or Locate Bearing .com . Thanks in advance again . Tom
  19. I enjoyed ,with out audio you concentrate more on the details .
  20. On line E-bay always seem to have the new ethanol rated ones . Not a hard change .
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