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Posts posted by vette-kid

  1. I'm a Vette guy through and through.  I've only owned two, a 78 and an 02Z.  Still open the Z.  I would absolutely love a C4.  I grew up in the 80s, so those are the cars that hooked me in the Vette.  When I had the money to spend on one, I decided to get the most I could for the money I had to spend, which landed me on the Z06.  The 78 was a desired project.  I considered a C4, but C4 projects scared me.  This was my first real project car and did just about everything you could without seperating body and frame.  Now that I've done that, a C4 doesn't seem so scary.  I just don't have time (3 kids and a 36 Plymouth gifted from Grandpa).  But one day I would like to own one, an 85 I think.

  2. On 10/14/2019 at 4:07 PM, jpage said:

    Steele has the rounded ones as I wasn't sure what the Plymouth used. I have no Idea why WPC used so many different parts.The Steele no. for the rounded ones is 50-0066-24.

    Forgive my ignorance, what is WPC?

  3. Anyone?  We've lost it and need to replace it with something.  It's larger than a half, but that's all we had on hand to try.  So it's trial and error at this point and then try to find a jam nut in that size.  

  4. 51 minutes ago, broker'bob said:

    steel sells the seals but the problem   you can not get them on unless you slit them     one side is the peddle the other the pivit    no way to get them on

    It's my understanding that the pedal is threaded onto the shaft.  You should be able to unscrew the pedal and slip them over.  I've not verified this on mine as yet, but Dad swears that is the case.

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  5. 40-0217-24




    Those all show as correct for a 36 P2.  I don't have a problem with the price for quality, but I'm far from certain I'm going to get that without when they list four different numbers for the same application.

  6. 2 hours ago, knobless said:

    Andy bernbaum has them $15 per set

    Have you used them?  His look like at least one of the sets Steele sells.  If still like to see a picture of them installed.

  7. I'm hoping someone can post a pictures of the pedal seals at the firewall for a1936 P2.  Mine are completely disintegrated and I'm having a hard time picturing how they go in.  Party of my problem is that Steele lists for different items for a 36 P2, all different sizes.  A picture of which direction they go in and how they stay put might help me...I hope!

  8. Does anyone know where to get the correct brown marbled Bakelite knobs for a 36 P2?  The choke knob doesn't match the rest and I'm having a hard time finding it.  Looking for the style pictured


  9. 36 minutes ago, ply33 said:

    Your Dad as a great memory: "Spring Green No. 2" is what I see specified for the "Plymouth Gunmetal Gray" on the P2. Unfortunately my references don't give anything other than that name so I can't help match that up to something that can be mixed.

    I think he cheated!  He's remembering something like a light mint green color.  Without anything better we will just pick something we like and go with it.  But if like to find a code.

  10. Getting out ahead of myself a little as paint is probably a ways off.  But Im wandering if anyone has a good example and perhaps a paint code for "Spring Green Number 2"?  According to what I can find that is the color of pinstripe that would have originally been on our gunmetal grey P2 and is what my dad remembers.  But its kind of hard to match a color from a 50 year old memory!  If anyone has a good picture and or paint code that would could use that would be a huge help!  

  11. to go along with the wire loom question, can anyone tell me what color/style the original plug wires would have been on a P2 Deluxe?  cloth covered?  All black?  Tracer?  we have seen some unofficial reference to light blue, but I cant confirm that and it seems a little strange.  We are at least trying to get it close to correct!

  12. what I have found is that the P2 would have the white/gold guage face, mohair interior, wood grain window time interior as well as wood grain dash pieces, bakelite knobs, among others.  Ours has all of that, so Im confident it is a P2.  The interesting part is that grandpa got this car in 63, dad repainted it sometime in the 70's.  Since 63, we are certain there were no accidents or body parts replaced.  So it had those at least as early as 63.  He is also fairly confident that it did not have any accidents previous to that (from memory of the deal grandpa made when he got it) and everything else back that up.  there are no signs of repair work anywhere.  We are guessing that its possible Plymouth reached into the parts bin to complete a few cars in those years when money was tight and that this P2 may have came from the factory with P1 stanchions.  He also remembers the molded strips having a pinstripe on each one that matched the pinstripe on the car.  Grandpa did not like the stripes, so dad sanded them out when he painted it.

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