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Posts posted by Riviera63

  1. Winston,


    Thanks for the pep talk. I am still going back and forth. One thing I will send you pictures of for sure when I get it done is my trunk. I took your advice and got the 65 trunk liner kit from CARS. I also took Pete's advice and covered my cardboard with vinyl. I am working on some other things right now but, that is next on my list. Also, thanks for the tip on another thread about letting the air out of the spare to get it on the shelf. I also have 225/75's and was wondering how in the heck the guys in the garage got that in because I sure couldn't.



  2. Hi,


    After much back and forth, I have decided to sell the rear center armrest that I had refurbished with the intention of putting into my 63 Riviera. I am pretty much a stock, keep the car as it was built kind of guy. I had my seat out and was getting ready to start the installation. There would have been some minor metal work that would have to have been done to the seat bottom to make it fit which was not an issue. The little devil on my shoulder kept whispering "keep it stock" finally won out. I just did not want to change it and/or the car from what it originally was. It is a complete assembly including the shorter seat spacer, bolts, screws etc. All the metal work has been painted Rustoleum Satin Black, screws/bolts wire wheeled and clear coated, upholstery redone in white with Clark's Corvair rear armrest upholstery kit and some upholstery padding added/replaced where needed. Being white it is a good candidate to respray any color to match your interior. I am asking $450.00 (which is what I've got into it) plus S & H. Please PM me with any questions or if interested. Thanks.




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  3. Hi,


    For the last 2 years my brother-in-law and I have attended the ROA convention. This year we are unable to make the convention and are trying to come up with another nice trip that we could take my Riviera on. I saw the article about the "Back to the Bricks" event in the February issue of the Buick Bugle. My car was built in Flint and the celebration sounded like a lot of fun packed with some great GM/Buick history. I have tried several times to get in touch with the contact person on their website. My requests for information have gone unheeded. I am wondering if anyone out there has info on the "Back to the Bricks" celebration in Flint, MI. or could point me to a source/person. I would also be open to any information about any other regional Buick event lasting 2-3 days within a reasonable driving distance from central WI.  Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.



  4. Ed,


    What I was referring to was the actual length and shape of the line itself. The line pictured in my previous post is the type I need, while the one on e-bay is not the same. The fitting aside, my question was: were there different shaped vacuum lines for different Buick models? I previously had contact with a member about a vacuum line. He had the same type as the one on e-bay which is not the one I need. Thanks.



  5. I really appreciate the heads up. I found it on e-bay and it does not look the same as what goes on the Rivs. Did they have different vacuum lines for different models? I have seen another one like the one on e-bay before. I have attached a picture of what I think is the line that I need. The fitting in both cases is different than what is needed for my application.







  6. 1 hour ago, petelempert said:

    I bought a set of black ones from OPGI for my first gen. They look good, fit fine and are a perfect match for the Clark's carpet I've got. To be honest, the price was decent, the hassle was zero and they are only mats after all so I'm not too picky about them. PRL


    I second what Pete said. I did the same and I am very happy with the OPGI mats. They were the cheapest at the time I bought mine. Wait for one of their sales.



  7. 6 minutes ago, RivNut said:


    Make sure that you don't get just any "tee."  The "tee" that you're looking should have the fitting on the end of it.  The fitting is a valve that shuts off vacuum to the a/c under full load.




    Is the check valve part of the tee or is it a separate piece that screws into a tee? I thought Tom Mooney had mentioned to me awhile back in a post that I did not need to get an original check valve and that I could get a check valve at an auto parts store. I'm a little in the dark on how everything fits together as my car does not have this set up and as a result I have never seen it in the flesh. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.



  8. Pete,


    I too think the Buick tach looks the best. That sounds about right. I asked a guy that had one for sale what the diameter of the back was and he said 3 3/8". I have heard the Buick tachs can be pricey and somewhat hard to find. True or not I don't know. I have not looked into them that much as of yet. As an alternative I have also been looking at the Olds tachs from the same period. They are pretty sharp and seem to be reasonably priced. Thanks for the info.



  9. Hi,


    I am looking for a wire wheel cover center medallion. I need the 1963 black and silver tri-shield medallion that will work with the 4-hole spinner with no cracks and/or scratches. I am also looking for the metal vacuum line that went from the brake booster to the front of the intake manifold and the brass tee that it goes into. If you have any of these items that you would be willing to sell please PM me. Thanks.






  10. I just got the mystery solved today. Now that the "mystery" is solved I am feeling a little foolish as to how simple the solution was to my supposed mystery part. I had never seen one of these in the flesh except for the one I own. I got my armrest all refurbished and back together. Once I had it together I started to fool with it to see how it actually opened and closed. Why I never fooled with it when I first got it I do not know. I got it to open to the full up position and much to my surprise there was the mystery piece. It is actually the part of the bottom of the armrest mechanism. The mechanism sits completely flat when it is in the down position and the front portion hinges up when the armrest is raised to the full up position. The mechanism worked totally differently than I had anticipated and I am still not sure yet how I am getting it to the up position. I'm sure it will be much more apparent once I get it anchored in the car.





  11. My car has the rear armrest option and has the vertical piece. The armrest "sits" on the vertical piece when in the up position (like your photo).


    Thank you for your input. I have another question: Is that piece attached to the armrest mechanism or is it inserted after the armrest is raised to the up position? Thanks.



  12. Hi,


    I just purchased a rear center armrest to put into my 1963 Riv. In doing some research on this forum I ran across a picture of an armrest in the "up" position. This picture shows a vertical piece under the front of the armrest down to the metal base that sits on the hump. The armrest that I received did not have this part included. Can someone please tell me if this piece is part of the actual armrest set up and should this have been included with the armrest I purchased? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.





  13. Hi,


    I have decided to put a rear center armrest in my 1963. I realize that this is not on option on the 1963 but, I like its functionality and look. I rode all the way back from the ROA show in Colorado Springs in the back seat of my 1963. My brother-in-law accompanies me on trips like that and I like to let him drive as his parents had a 1963 Riv and he has an appreciation of these cars. I can drive it the rest of the year. We had 4 guys in my car on the way back and between myself and the other rear passenger there was a soft sided cooler between us that worked well as a faux center armrest between us. That probably sold me on an armrest.


    I know that I will have drill holes in the lower seat frame to attach the armrest. I am wondering if there is anyone out there that has done this to their 1963? If so, are there any tips and/or advice that would be helpful before I go ahead and tackle this project? It seems pretty straightforward but, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    I would also give a shout out to Clark's Corvair. I ordered their rear center armrest upholstery. I thought it to be very reasonably priced and looks great. They not only give you the armrest cover but, they also give you the piece that covers the padded area behind the armrest already stitched and cut for size and fit. That will save time, money and a trip back and forth to the upholstery shop. If you are planning to redo an armrest this is the way to go.





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