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Posts posted by Paranoid

  1. Dwight,


    That was my initial thought..(Just to keep it simple)..but after thinking about it!.....Yeah, I would like to have the basic accessories that are always

    hot...(lights, horn..etc)

    If Someone could direct me in the right path as far as the proper wire configuration to the master kill switch so that it cuts power and kills the engine I could

    take care of the rest......


    The attachment shows how to install using an alternator but no options have I found for the 12v generator install.



  2. Hello Gents,


    The VARA (Vintage Auto Racing Association) requires that a "Master Battery/Kill Switch" be installed. I spoke with tech support at Pegasus Auto Racing Supply and they recommended this switch..(See Attached)



    I am running the following:

    • Type " A " Circuit 12v Generator.. typical "Arm and Field" poles.
    • The " L" (Load) terminal from the voltage regulator is powering my fuse box.
    • The Master Battery/Kill Switch is intended to be used as both " Ignition On " & " Kill "
    • A " Push to Start " button will be used.


    The Master Battery/Kill switch must completely cut battery power to the car and shut off engine.


    My question is:  How would you do this?  Just as I think I have it figured out...I doubt myself and would like a second opinion.






    Untitled 1.pdf

  3. Thanks Tin Indian,


    I do appreciate the time you take to post your given experiences with this car type.

    I will post some additional pics that gives an actual visual of the orifice in  the mechanism in question..not that it will help any more than my

    description..but will help validate my sanity...lol


    I always look fwd to your replies on this car as they are usually accompanied by a solution or answer.


    May you never run out of patience!...At least not till I'm done with this automobile..haha!.



  4. Yet another Question for the 1929 Pontiac...


    Caburetor...Marvel..I have it on the bench..cleaning and checking.


    The vertical shaft going into the accelerator pump (See image) has a factory pin hole (on carb side) and squirts fuel out of it  when I allow the throttle spring to return to idle position...


    • Is this norm?
    • Will it quit with engine running and under vacuum?...
    • Or.... Is this an indication of something wrong?







  5. Good morning gentlemen....


    I usually exhaust all my resources before I post any Q's on here and this one is no acception.


    For the life of me I cannot find any images of the hardware used for the fwd engine mount on the 6 29-A Split Six..I have the Oak/Pont manuals and no reference to this is noted..


    Searched web images in hopes catching one with the proper angle to get a visual of this area and has left me still wanting...


    If anyone has access to this and could submit an image? I sure would appreciate it.







  6. Post # 165

    Q:..What did you do about oil leak from side hole where brass plugs are installed?


    Post # 166

    A:..I'm pretty sure I'm going to try a dab of Yamabond and a lead split-shot driven into the hole...At least on one or two of them to see if it works...



    I appreciate the reply!...I really do..but this just doesn’t quite touch on the info I'm looking for.

  7. Hey guy's...


    I have another question in regards to the 1929 Pontiac Split six engine...

    I have included pictures of the subject matter..

    On the side of the block and under the valve covers, there are 4 holes that lead into the cam mains..


    • I was told by a fellah(who pours babbits) that these holes are for brass dowel pins to aid in holding the babbits stationary, but if the babbits were tight enough a short dowel pin could be used just to prevent oil leakage?


    • According to the book (Oakland / Pontiac) this engine did not require cam babbits?.....I found this rather odd..but tolerances are to spec.


    ....If anyone can verify the information above it would be greatly appreciated!.....


    .......This engine will be used for "Vintage Auto Racing Association" events.......

    • Question?....Would it be beneficial to thread these holes to accept brass oiler lines from the oil pressure fitting to help aid the lubrication process?..


    • Question?...Would this result in too much of an oil pressure drop feeding the other components?

    Above pic....two holes just under cover..leads to center cam main.



    Above pic...hole to rear cam main under cover....another is provided for the front main as well.



    Above pic..Holes lead into top of all cam mains..

  8. Thank you!..Thank you!..Thank You!!

    I have been searching very hard for these specs!!...I talked to the guys at the Oakland Pontiac Club a while back about a different matter and was informed then that the Oakland and Pontiac were two different cars and shared nothing in the way of parts..So having no experience with these engines, the thought of using the tolerance specs from the Oakland for my Pontiac was dismissed.

    I am new to this forum but I have browsed it enough to recognize your name along with your unforgettable profile pic and I was in hopes that someone of your experience would chime in..

    When I picked this car up I was under the impression that the parts and information about it would be as plentiful as the Fords...I was mistaken..haha! but it is the rarity that has made it even more desirable to complete.

    I sure do appreciate it!

    Tinindian?...How fitting...I just may name my car after you.


  9. Hello People!

    Rebuilding the original Split Six out of the 1929 Pontiac and cant seem to locate any of the tolerance specs for the build..

    I am in need of the following:..

    • Sleeve wall to Piston clearance (For original cast pistons)
    • Ring clearance
    • Rods and Mains clearance

    Hoping someone has been through this already and has the much needed information!... Any help locating these specs would be very appreciated!

    I don't think I could have picked a more obsolete project to rebuild!



  10. You can lower the rear an inch or 2 by reversing the spring eyes. This requires taking out the main leaf and pounding on it until it bends the other way then putting it back upside down.

    For a light weight car you can remove a few spring leaves and you can have your springs rearched with a flatter curve, or new springs made.

    Any spring shop can handle this work. It is not very expensive when you look at the work involved. About $100 per spring, installed.

    And I did just that!

    I found a place near me(St. Louis Spring Co.) that will a reverse eye and de-arch for around $100.00 per side...Hella deal compared to the time and hassle in trying to find a suitable replacement from a different year or make.



  11. I appreciate the info....

    The Underslung is little extreme...but worth mentioning..Have seen it done....What I'm really after is dropping the rear 4" without having to use the blocks..was hoping for a leaf spring with less arch off of a different model or make....the front is easy enough.

    Thanks for the replies.


  12. Hello People!

    Trying to figure out how the racers would have lowered their 1929 Pontiacs back in the day....I want to lower my car but I want to do it using the same techniques available within 1929 to 1932...

    Also...What spindles will fit the 29 Pontiac?



  13. Hello People!

    I am starting my oldest engine build ever and is proving to be a very challenging one.

    The 1929 6 29A split six...leaves alot to be desired in the way of available parts and tech-info.

    The engine was in parts at time of purchase...so much for reverse engineering!

    I have the books on order....

    Have yet to give her a name...But I'm in love!


    My question for the day:

    Did they use a cranks seals?..and where can you get them?






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