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Posts posted by 30dodge35

  1. The process on fabricating new roof bows for the Bill's 1916 DB, is progressing nicely,. The first try bending the old pine was a major disaster,  I was able to acquire some white oak,. Steamed it for 2 hours, then installed in fixture,  oak bent very easy with no cracking noted,. Will remove from fixture tommorrow and steam another. 3 more to go,  I will make another set and bring with me to New Jersey meet, If someone is interested, let me know.





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  2. This is what I have to work with, the ones on it were laminated, but I ripped some old pine, the ones on it were broken off at the mounts,. Measuring as you can see 59". Across. Bows are 1 by 1 1/2" , I measured off from where they were broken 74" and added 8 per side,  I am starting with pieces 90 inch long . I will bend after steaming, then fit to the mounts to get the correct flow of roof. , bending 1 extra, 

    will see how it turns out








  3. Shane, does a lot of business for oil and gas , he puts a electrochemical coating then heats it, then Powdercoat,  the anodized coat is a thin layer for rust protection, 


     I mounted them this morning, only 1 minor chip, 

    happy with the end result!



  4. 25 is low normally around 75 to 90. Max difference of 10% between cylinder, if low squirt oil and recheck , if goes up rings , if stays same valves, You can use a differential test with shop air to determine exhaust or intake, listen for leak,

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  5. I wonder why , when you look at list of tool for Dodge six, a hammer and plyers are included, and no bonny wrench for the water pump, ?

    As the description says , Tools made of best quality and ALL of the tools to maintain car.

    Sometimes when you are on the road, away from you home base and complete inventory of tools, you improvise, in order to get home!! 


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