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Pat Curran

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Everything posted by Pat Curran

  1. You can clearly see where the added length was attached to this car. It looks like they took the front clip off and added the new piece to the firewall then attached the front clip to the new piece. I agree with Mike Lawson's comment.
  2. He claims he is new to buying on line yet is familiar with how PayPal works? Stay away!
  3. There have been previous discussions on this forum regarding this so do a search. From what I have read, it is not as simple as bolting on a front clip to a 73 car.
  4. Don't know which I like better................the girl in the fourth picture or the nailhead in the last picture. Decisions, decisions.
  5. If the listing is fake, is it a real GS as well? The Gran Sport emblem on the rear panel seems to be sitting higher than the stock location.
  6. If you are having the car judged at a BCA show, make sure the jack handle is visible. I had stuffed mine up with the spare tire to keep it from sliding around and forgot about it...........and got dinged. Lesson learned and never repeated!
  7. If it isn't a typo then they have a better chance of seeing God!
  8. I had them get into my exhaust system on my 64 during winter storage one year. After that, I put steel wool in the ends of the tail pipes to keep them out. They don't like steel wool.
  9. KReed, I would leave that original trunk material in the car. You may be able to spot clean it up a bit but it is in good shape for the year. I would not get too aggressive with a brush or sponge as the fabric will be brittle with age. Try your cleaner of choice in one area first to measure the results before attempting to clean the whole thing.
  10. Some were vacuum operated while others are electric. I recall a friend with an old T'Bird that had issues with the vacuum locks.
  11. I hope I didn't offend you Dave! I may live in Connecticut but I am still contributing to Massachusetts coffers as I work in MA. Hope you are well!
  12. I miss the benefits of living in North Carolina. When I moved there in 2007, I had my 65 and 69 Rivs as well as my 71 Monte Carlo. Coming from Massachusetts where you are constantly bending over for the state, I just assumed you had to have your vehicles inspected on an annual basis (It was up to $31.00 per vehicle when I left MA). I was pleasantly surprised to find out that once your vehicle reaches 35 years of age, it no longer requires a state inspection in NC. I was a happy camper! Now I am in Connecticut and they don't require one either.
  13. $3.10 an hour in 65/66 was not a bad wage considering the minimum wage in 1971 was $1.65 an hour!
  14. Bring a Trailer is a decent site to post vehicles and parts for sale.
  15. I have to share this story with you guys. I bought my 64 in 1972 from a local used car dealer. I don't know how many owners the car had before my purchase but the original "Built Expressly For" plaque was still on the console. The name on it was "A. Caponigro, Jr." I always wanted to find this person and of course the internet didn't exist then and over 24 years of owning the car, I never found the original owner. In 1996, I decided to sell the car and put it in the car corral at a car show. Three guys were walking by the car and I overheard one of them say "hey, that looks like Tony Caponigro's old car." I immediately ran over to the guys and asked him to repeat what he just said. The guy repeated the name and I responded that indeed it was his old car and I can prove it. I asked if he was still alive and the guys said he was. Long story short, I sold the car that afternoon to someone else but how weird is it that on the last day of ownership, I found a link to the original owner? I was really happy with that. In the early 80's I found a blank "Built Expressly For" plaque that was never engraved and I bought it. My plan was to replace the original with my name but I never got around to doing it. I still have the blank plaque!
  16. I think there is always a chance for slight variances during production runs. The only way to be assured of a perfect match is if an item was manufactured in the same "lot." This goes for many items, not just automotive parts. One of my neighbors put a new roof on his house a couple of years ago and not all the shingles were from the same lot. Depending on how the the sun is hitting the roof, you can tell which shingles were from a different lot.
  17. Although I am a huge Riviera fan and have been for many, many years, nobody did dashboards better than Pontiac in the 60's. They were elegant, stylish and functional and made with quality materials.
  18. Jason, take a look at the jack stowage picture from my 69 that is posted in the folder on the ROA website. You will see that mine matches the picture above. Mine seems a bit darker but I think that is related to the lighting at the time.
  19. If you are looking to maintain originality, the T3 headlights are being reproduced. There are several companies out there making them. Do a Google search and you should find what you need.
  20. They have the wrong year Tom. It is for a 1970. That is a good find for someone who needs one. The Riviera script usually fades or comes off with years of cleaning. It was painted or stenciled on. The wood was no longer real by this time. This piece most likely will fit a 1969, the only difference being the 1969 did not have the Riviera script on it.
  21. I have seen 2 small emblem Gran Sports with the white deluxe interior. I think the large emblems were phased in around December? That can help narrow it down a bit.
  22. Randall, that combo makes yours very desirable. I wonder how many red on white GS's still exist with the deluxe interior? I believe the white standard interior was available throughout the model year.
  23. From what I have been told over the years, the white deluxe vinyl interior was not offered at the beginning of the production run but was re-introduced sometime during the model year. It had been offered throughout the 64 model year. I have seen others and the 65 GS that took best of show at the ROA Kentucy meet was dark blue with the white deluxe interior. It is a stunning color combo. A friend of mine has a black 65 GS with the white deluxe interior.
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