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Everything posted by kreed

  1. Thanks Ed - just doesn't ring my bell . Will keep looking - it's out there! ( are you going to Cedar Rapids Regional BCA next week ? ). Kreed ROA 14549
  2. Just checked the auction web site and pictures are posted - not what I am looking for unfortunately . The search continues . I think you got the last beautiful 68 ! KReed ROA 14549
  3. I contacted the owner and asked for a few pictures but he said they would be posted on the auction house site soon so I made waiting to see those . Thanks for all your help - there's one out there somewhere ! Ken Reed ROA 14549
  4. Thanks Mike - saw that one a few days ago . Agree with your assessment . Exhaust looks a little funky too. . Gonna pass as I have not had a good experience with Gateway in the past . KReed ROA 14549
  5. Still looking -thanks for any help . KReed ROA 14549
  6. Hi Brian -interested in your 71 GS . PM sent . Thanks KReed ROA 14549
  7. Yep - particularly since there is no such thing as a Stage 1 1972 Riviera . KReed ROA 14549
  8. My horn bar broke in the usual place so am looking for a replacement . Tried Rick Rawls and the guy that was making them for him has "gone silent" so no go there . Know they're hard to find and not cheap. Willing to pay the price . Any help would be appreciated . Thanks KReed ROA 14549
  9. Hi Mike - thanks for the note . Already have a 69 GS with buckets but will see if I can track down the red one from the classifieds . There one out there somewhere . Love your car - the color is spectacular . Is it a bucket seat car? Are you going to ROA. In KC ? Thanks for thinking of me . Ken Reed ROA 14549
  10. Thanks Mike - yeh I saw this a few days ago . Pretty nice car but somebody needs to show someone how to touch up paint ! Still holding out the GS with Buckets - gotta be one out there ! Thanks for thinking of me . KReed ROA 14549
  11. $$$ka-Ching , $$$Ka -Ching . That car was a real mess but glad he saved it . First glance didn't look bad in the early pics but quickly got worse the farther they got into it. Unfortunately , you get to a point where you can't turn back on these cars . Hard to pull the plug sometimes. Will be interesting to see the complete body and paint and vinyl top work - plan on another $25-30 K minimum. KReed ROA 14549
  12. Thanks Mike - appreciate the tip but agree the color doesn't do it for me . Looks like a decent car though and price is right if it's the real deal. Do appreciate everyone keeping me in mind . I am in no hurry and will know it when I see it ! KReed ROA 14549
  13. Thanks for the notice but will pass since it doesn't have original motor - pretty car though . Will keep looking - there's one out there somewhere . KReed ROA 14549
  14. This is an interesting question. I have a 73 Riviera GS which does have both emblems . I questioned it myself when I bought the car a few years back and then saw the '73 Riviera of Mike Desianate featured on the cover of the July/ August 2015 Riview which also had both emblems. Contacted Mike and he bought his car new in 73 and said the double emblems were original to the car . The majority of 73 's that I have seen, however, do not have the double emblem and I can't find it listed as an option so... Still not sure what is correct . Bottom line for me is I'm keeping mine right where it is ! KReed ROA 14549
  15. It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Hardy Rawls (1932-2018 ) on April 28,2018. Hardy was a great Riviera lover and friends with so many of us who love our cars . His beautiful black 65 GS won Best of Show at the ROA in 2014 He finished the car literally the day before the meeting and drove it all the way to Colorado Springs and didn't miss a beat . His generosity and willingness to help any car lover will be greatly missed . RIP my good friend . KReed ROA 14549
  16. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Riviera-GS-Stage-I/163006628772?hash=item25f3f3c3a4:g:xAsAAOSwigla2B-7&vxp=mtr the Stage 1's are coming out of the woodwork now! Wish I knew who did that interior .... sweeeet? KReed ROA 14549
  17. Thought I would post a few pics of my 65 GS project - started with a true barn find three years ago . Have been through two previous so called "experts " from which I had to pull the car - long story , lessons learned, dollars spent but finally have a great guy doing a nice job with ETA of about 3-4 months . Changed the color from verde green to burgundy with black custom interior to come . Will post more pics as they come available .
  18. Thanks for the pics - nice car . KReed ROA 14549
  19. Still looking for a nice 68 Riviera GS if anyone knows of one available . Thanks KReed ROA 14549
  20. https://inventory.vanguardmotorsales.com/vehicles/2967/1973-buick-riviera-gs $79,900 ! A mere $35 K profit - beautiful car but get real. KReed ROA 14549
  21. For what it's worth regarding seat size on the 65 standard vs custom : 1. My 65 GS was built with standard interior and I know for sure it has the original seats . I am restoring the car and want to put a custom interior in it. 2. Based on Clarks website and their brochure , custom seat covers will NOT fit a standard frame 3. Went this weekend to a friend who has three 65 parts cars , one of which had original custom seats and interior . I had hoped the custom frames would be useable for my car . Unfortunately they were too far gone to use . Having torn off the original front seat covers to look at the frames I measured them and they are EXACTLY the same frame in every aspect , both upper and lower seats , as my standard frame . 4. What I do not know is if the backseat frames are the same since the parts cars did not have one. Therefore , I remain confused regarding the conversation that at least two of us has had with Mark at Clark's regarding the fact that custom seat covers will not fit standard frames . Not sure yet where the difference is based on my measurements . My guess is some one talented in upholstery ( not me ) can make them fit but at $900 /set I remain nervous . KReed ROA 14549
  22. Thanks everyone . I will call the Iowa guy and will osteopathic some before and after pics if he does mine. KReed ROA 14549
  23. I have a rear view mirror that's needs re-silvered for my 73 Riviera . Tried to find a new one but no luck . It's not terrible but irritating . Not sure if anyone does this anymore . Any help would be appreciated . KReed ROA 14549
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