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Posts posted by Durkis

  1. Hi.
    I changed oil in my Fluid Matic gearbox M6 1951 and now my governor is leaking oil so the silvertip/contact in the cover gets all oiled up so it wont shift unless I open it and clean it, than it works for a time and then I need to clean it...you get the picture.
    I asked the local Tractor shop for a good oil that is lubricating AND hydraulic and they said that this oil was the best. I cant get hold of 10 w engine oil here in Sweden...belive me I tried.
    My question is if there is a way to change the seal/oring, I really dont know how it looks if a take it apart.
    If anyone here has a governor to sell and will ship it to Sweden I would be happy.
  2. Hi Rusty!

    I had a tachometer before and I used that one to put the idle at 450 rpm but I broke the tach so now I'm not sure, but it sounds about the same.

    The carb is rebuilt, and the compression reads like 109-104-114-115-109-106 so that I know is good.

    The oil pressure is between 45-50 psi while driving andjust around 40 on idle and like 35 psi when I'm standing still in gear, so that feels solid.

    The ignition...I have not checked that, but it starts really easy and it drives really nice with good power, I can cruise at 50-55mph and open the throttle and feel that it accelerate more but I will check that.

    I have a slight valve ticking that I will try to adjust this winter.

    Maybe it is just a bit low on the idle, I mean if the tach shows 5% low I have a idle speed at 420-425 rpm and my ear is probably not that good so I can hear the difference.

    Well I will increase the idle just a bit and see if theres any difference.

    Thanks for the advice and quick answers.


  3. Hi everybody!

    Here is my new issue with my Windsor Deluxe.

    I have cleaned the governor and everything else and checked all the wiring and such because it didnt want to shift from 3 to 4,

    now that I know about that thats just a minor problem to fix for me.

    After the cleaning it shifts just fine again BUT when it shifts down in 9 times of 10 the engine stalls, especially when I come to a dead stop.

    If I go in fourth gear and slows down untill like 3-5 mph (not a complete stop) the engine wont stall but if I go to a dead stop it will stall.

    The idle is about right and it works really good with my new head gasket and carb, it is like it always gotta be some small issue.

    Anyway I drove it today and it rides like a charm, exept that it stalls on me.

    Gratefull for some ideas from you all good people.


  4. Well, in my shop maual it says 7,60*15 and when I convert that to metric it says 225*75*15 an that is what I have.

    The speedo scale is not mph it is km/h so I dont know if there is anything changed when they did the switch.

    I can live with this "problem" I am just curious if it is a quick fix.

    Thanks for the fast reply


  5. Hi all.

    Is there any way to calibrate the speedometer on a Windsor deluxe 1951?

    I have noticed that there is a screw on the cluster backside, the speedo shows like 5-6 mph to little or about ten kilometers to little. It's not a big problem...



  6. Just an update.

    I got the gasket last monday, it took like two hours to put everything together.

    I torqued the nuts three times and than I drove it for a bit so the engine was up to temerature and then I torqued it again.

    Yesterday (saturday) my wife drove like 100 miles when she entered a "rally", when she came back home I checked the nuts with the torque wrench and everything looked great.

    Hopefully I dont need to change that gasket again :-).

    Now the car runs really smooth and it feels strong and it starts like never before, it will be interesting to see if there is any different in the fuel consumption.

    Thanks for your advice


  7. Thank you folks for the quick answers.

    So when I reesembly the head I put in the bolts as it shows in the manual, tight them a bit at first and then torque them to like 45 lbs in the right order and then torque them to 65 lbs.

    Then after about 100 miles (160 kilometers) I retorque them to 65 lbs again like Rusty said.

    After that I hope I never need to take of the head again.



  8. Hi everybody.

    I went for a drive 2 weeks ago with my 1951 Windsor, when I came back home it was just running on four cylinders and it did smoke a bit.

    I had a blown head gasket :-(  

    When I pulled the head of there was a piece missing of the gasket between 5th and 6th cylinder, I did not get hold of a new gasket here in sweden so I had to order it from US (E-bay).

    The head had been a bit warped so I milled it down so it is flat again, I had to take 7/10 of a millimeter (0,0275 inch), I messured the valve lift and it seems to be enough clearence but I will check that before I tighten the bolts.

    Now here is my question:

    I have searched the internet and my shop manual and I can find two different torque numbers, the shop manual says 65-70 foot pounds and I read on the web that it should be 75-80 foot pounds.

    Do you guys think I should go with the shop manual or is there something "new thoughts" about the torque on the cylinder head bolts?

    Thanks in advance

    Lars Durkfelt

    A proud owner of an old Chrysler.

  9. I have a 1952 new york do you know how to start it?

    it has a 2 position switch for a key. no buttons or other switches.

    I have the 2 position key switch and a start button just above the the key so I just turn the key and push the button.

    But my car has been here in Sweden for a long time and it is converted to 12 volts so I dont really know if that is the original starter procedure.

    Listen to what Rusty O'toole and C49er has to say about this because they really know what they are talking about, they helped me alot.

    Good luck with your car.


  10. Hey!

    I got my "new" carb today and immediately I have a question!

    The climate choke, it is broken on my old carb.

    There is a hose or tube connection, but where on the engine shall I connect it?

    If someone has a picture on it it would be great, I have googled for a couple of hours and I can´t find a good picture on the hoseconnection.


  11. We just use the Chrysler in the summertime and not like a daily driver and the annual roadtax is like 8 bucks and the insurence 100 bucks a year, and that is an insurance that covers everything.

    Our daily driver is a Saab 9-3 twin turbo diesel with a diesel consumption like 44 miles per gallon.

    So the money we save by driving the Saab we can fill the Chrysler tank with, but still I would like to get the gas consumption down to a little more normal so we can use it even more because it is such a joy to drive.

    And my wife really would love have the car like a daily driver.

    By the way, do anyone of you nice guys and girls know if you could get fenderskirts for the Windsor? A new friend of mine that owns a 2 door Windsor 1951 here in Sweden asked me that.


  12. Kerosene? Is that what ju use in oil lamps? That stuff is even more expensive here than gas.

    When I bought my Chrysler the guy had one gearbox that seems to be complete (not the governor) and one gearbox that was pulled appart plus one fluid drive turbin and I got that in the buy. A couple of days ago I meet a guy on facebook who owns a 51Windsor two door with a broken gearbox, so I sold the stuff I had to him for 500$ so he can get his car back on the roads.

    So with the money from that I will by a rebuild carb and hopefully I will cut down the gas consumption.

    Otherwise I have to check the engine.

    Oh right I just bought myself a shop manual :-)


  13. Just to clarify....the fenders on the Chrysler may look the same, but are WAY different and will not interchange.]

    Oh ok, I thought it would...I know that a Desoto front will intechange with my car and I thought that it was the same wtih the Plymouth. Lesson learned :-)

    Anyway the Plymouth has a very nice front.

  14. Hi Rusty.

    the engine is in pretty good shape, when it has not been used for say two weeks it usually start after 5-6 cranks and there is good power, I have not tested the compression yet but I will.

    The gas consumption is somewhere around 14 miles per gallon, maybe it's not that bad.

    I just thought it may be a worn carb, the carbonmonoxid, is a bit high in the exhaust , so they said when I had the car tested.

    The lowest octane we got here is 95 unleaded and it's almost 1$ in tax on the gasprice, the farmers got some tax relief on diesel fuel otherwise it's full tax...but hey, you gotta put the money you earn somewhere so why not on gas.

    thanks for the answers


  15. Thanks for the quick answer Skyler.

    Welll, he says that he rebuilt it and tested it on a statonary engine.

    There is a total of 4 Windsors from 1951 and 2 from 1952 here in Sweden that are driveable and used in the summertime so when you find something that goes with the car you want to buy it.

    Well, I think I gonna buy the carb and see if I can cut the fuelconsumption a bit, we pay something around 13kronor/liter (thats about 6,50$ A gallon).

    Thanks again


  16. Hi!

    I think I need a carb rebuild and I found a guy here in Sweden that sells rebuild end tested carbs and he had a Carter E9A1 that is the same as in my car (1951 Windsor 250,6 cui with fluid drive).

    My question is if that carb fits my car because he says it´s from a Desoto 1953, but it has the wire connections and it´s the same number as on mine thats in the car.

    He wants 375 dollar and it comes with 1 year warranty, but I don´t know if it will fit my car.


  17. Well, when I drive my Chrysler I do it like it is supposed to be done...around 50 mph max and just let the other traffic overtake me and realize that they dont have a clue how it is to travel with some class hahahaha.

    And the looks from other people ahh they havent seen a car like this before and lots of people asks what it is and so on (there is only 4 of them here in Sweden). There is alot of late 40s Buicks and Chevys.

    When we go to carmeetings I put up a flyer on the windscreen with a bit of history and some tech specs, and there is always someone standing and read.

    Some younger people dont think it is fun because it is not a V8...I think it is more fun with straight 6 engines because it is what the car came with, altough I wouldnt mind a real automatic gearbox but what the hell the Fluid drive semi automatic is the original stuff.

    I will check if I can get my hands on some new shocks, we have a pretty good store that have some parts for old cars and it is called Hansen Racing, they had the radiator cap and thermostat for like 10 bucks each.

    Oh and sometimes I drive my queen (girlfriend and later on my wife and we celebrate 30 years togheter next summer) just downtown.

    • Like 1
  18. Hi Skyler.

    Well I grease all the joints and everything in the front end and it is not that bad actually...I mean the car is 63 years old.

    I think it is the steering box that needs some new parts, but here in Sweden it is not easy. There are only four Windsors from 1951 and 2 from 1952 so parts is not the easiest thing to find here in Sweden.

    i will try to get my hands on a repair manual.

    Yes it is a very nice car to drive if you are not in a hurry, I have had it for a summer and it is good fun because it is so rare.

    Thank you for the quick reply and I wish you a nice holiday and a happy new year.


  19. Hi everybody.

    I hav just tucked away my Windsor for the winter and I have a couple of questions about the steering.

    Is it possible to get some sort of repair kit for the steering gear box?

    Is it possible that there are some stores in the US that sells Steering gear boxes?

    Is it a lot of work to repair it with a lot of pins and ball bearings?

    The steering wheel is a bit "loose" I can turn it nearly 4 inches before the wheels start to move and I would like it if it was a bit firmer,

    I have been driving it the whole summer and it is not a big problem, but if it is an "easy" fix...why not fix it.


  20. Hi!

    Here in Sweden we have had this culture with american cars since early 1970s.

    From the begining it was yonger boys and girls driving around, drinking, screaming and making older folks scared.

    Now a days a lot of the people are the same, BUT a lot older, I would say that owners of american cars these days are somewhere between 20-65 years of age that still cruises down the streets in the summertime.

    We have a lot of shops that buy cars in the US and take them here to sell and make money.

    A nice driveable Chevy 55 in US you can get for maybye 12-15000$, shipping, registration and taxes you have paid...lets say 18000$ and you can sell it for 30-35000$.?

    It is a fun hobby, the only thing is the gasprice in Sweden today we pay about 2$ for a liter (thats about 8$for a gallon).

    My Chrysler needs about 1,7liters to drive 7 miles?. But it is good fun.

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