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Posts posted by NudeAutoMall

  1. No Argument, We have a good few Firs on the rack ourselves, but mostly as you say, the cheep ones. There is a difference in quality. I'm sure you can remember the Fir Stores, when they were popular. There were the Firs that sold for a few hundred, and there were the Firs that sold for thousands. This is a Designer Fir, made specifically for Eva. Quality Clothes as used do raise the price moderately, Celebrity Clothes... Michael Jackson's Coat sold for 1.8 Million, and Eva had a lot more class than MJ could ever dream of.

  2. Thanks, SmithBrother, But let me save others time and money in regard to eBay. A few yars ago I sold a Kubelwagen. I did list her on eBay with a 20K reserve, cost a $100 just to list. Bids were insultingly low. Sold her about three weeks later elsewhere, and didn't get beat up on price. eBay, and other Auctions are for instant sales, often ridiculously low, and seldomly ridiculously high; patients is the far better formula.

    And for those that want this Coat cheep, simply find me an old pile of rust that I like, and make a trade. I don't care what you pay for something, just how much I like it.

  3. Offers are for Ebay.

    Thanks, but never been much of a gambler, and just consider all auctions a gamble at best, or good place to get rid of stuff you don't want or car about. More interested in trades anyhow...

    But for a ballpark, the equivalent quality coat today costs Ten Grand, and that is without any Celebrity Connection. It would take that minimum in trade to even wet my taste buds.

    Thanks for the interest.

  4. Reflections are indeed dangerous... :)

    The old ticker isn't playing too fare here either, just hoping not to get cheated out of bringing a car to my own Car Show.

    I posted over in the show section, but as it is on topic, let me reiterate a little here. I am putting together a Car Show with girls. Strictly conventional for the main show. The girls are planning something of a Show / Production, probably Old West vs Aliens, ought to be a hoot. There will also be an Alien Pageant, n the Alien Pick, the local Aliens favorite car... And the girls will be available to pose with our cars for tips.

    Show date is Nov 1st at the Alien Cathouse, north of Vegas.

  5. Buried, way back I'm sure, is an early 50's Buick with a "goth" girl model that was an original shoot by the poster and I inquired once about purchasing some prints for framing. I have lost his contact information. Anybody have (much) better search abilities then I that can go back, maybe 3 years ago and find those posts? It was excellent work, nice car, nice model and very well done shots with back lighting, filters etc. Kind of like this ---> http://www.nudeautomall.com/CarShow/Cars/GM/Buick/1955_Buick_2.jpg

    Why wouldn't you just link the page instead of trying to link a picture, which I don't allow. Besides on the page you will find a link to the owner of the picture as always.

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