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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. Very true - and we were only there 36 hours lol Till next time!
  2. Thank you to the Furnitureland Chapter for another great show at the NC Transportation Museum! Photos of the cars here: https://goo.gl/photos/rJao1aYm34rGUSdv8 If you ever get the chance to go anywhere near the NC Transportation Museum.... GO!!!! This is the 3rd time I've been to this show but never walked around (I wanted my husband and I to see it together) but this year, I made him take off of work to go with me and WOW!!! This museum is the best I've ever been to!!! https://goo.gl/photos/XyZf5DgpuaFC5zsC7
  3. Today is the Fall NC Region meet in Spencer NC. I was wondering what other states do Regional meets? I'm curious also because NC gives out the Red Bird Award your first time at at Regional meet. Do other states do this also? :-)
  4. Excellent! I find that Google does most things pretty well. :-)
  5. When will my husband come back from Chocolate field?!
  6. Again, we had a great time this past weekend in Hershey and got to see quite a few people, vehicles and the Library and Museum too! Here are photos from the AACA Administration offices and Library https://goo.gl/photos/oCKyYPodLtKigPhE9 AACA Museum https://goo.gl/photos/P8gDskZQGqMrt2cM7 Hershey Fall meet! https://goo.gl/photos/5cdjtwn4rUhWumMB6 Unfortunately, the camera died while taking photos on the Field Saturday, but Joel got lots of great photos
  7. They have one similar at our State Fair. Never been able to try it though.
  8. gorgeous!!! I remember seeing one on Long Island... where is this show?
  9. Beautiful!!!! Congrats - enjoy every mile
  10. That's one impressive vehicle!! It was at the New Bern Meet also:
  11. I'm sorry Matt - I just saw this now! I think I could have fit that IN my Burb! I hope she was able to get it home.
  12. THANK YOU Hershey Region for putting on another wonderful event!! My husband and I were finally able to visit the AACA Library on Friday and everyone was so nice and helpful and wow! What a place! I can't get over how neat, organized and orderly it is... and there's a TON of literature too! We then made it over to the Museum to see the current exhibit and loved it, as always. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello! I'm so glad to be able to reconnect with friends I've met in the past, those I see only at AACA meets, friends who are my friends and meeting new people! I had some wonderful conversations and had just a fantastic time. My Judging team again, was fantastic! I love being able to work with 4 great AACA members and putting our thinking caps on while judging cars and getting to know one another. Hershey gave me the opportunity to receive my 5th Original HPOF chip! It makes me happy to be able to receive my chip from Bob Parrish, who always has a smile on his face. (It must be because we love Chevy's ) Who's ready for Hershey 2017?! ME!!! Oh yeah, pics to follow
  13. This is where my father in law has been "planted" every year!!! My husband will be here also getting photos of all the vehicles driving in
  14. The show isn't for 5 days! How can you bail out so early?!
  15. Got mine a couple of days ago too Thanks!
  16. hi John and thanks I have no problem using Publisher - have used it tons. I think the problem lies in converting it to email. we only print ours for the few members who don't have email.
  17. Boy has this thread gone in the wrong direction. He found the money. Period. End of story. Can we move on?
  18. This would be awesome!! Please do drone video and share it
  19. Hi everyone thanks!! Charlie - thanks for the detailed answer!! I'm not going to put the Burb on the policy because it's my daily driver and not garage kept, so I don't think any of these companies would insure it on the classic policy, although I guess it can't hurt to ask, right? Come by and say hi! You see the Burb in my avatar
  20. Actually, the 6,000 miles was in the middle! I know i won't drive it that much, but that application didn't give me a mileage option. I'll check JC taylor also. Thanks
  21. Hey friends, I'm in the process of getting an Agreed value policy for my modified 1990 454SS and have gotten 4 quotes ranging in price from $178 - 586 per year with a range of mileage from 2,000-6,000. I got quotes from Heacock Classic; Grundy; Hagerty (most expensive); and Classic Collectors (least expensive). Please let me know what your experience is with each of these companies. I know the names of Grundy and Hagerty, but don't know anything about Heacock or Classic Collectors. Any information would be greatly helpful. And if there is another company you can recommend I look into (Chubb won't insure unless the vehicle is 30 years old) I'd like that information too. Here's a photo of the truck if you are interested ;-) Thank you!!!
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