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Laughing Coyote

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Everything posted by Laughing Coyote

  1. Once again I'm requesting some knowledge for my Mercury restore project. I pulled of the cross member for the transmission and started to clean it up. I removed the trans mount and noticed that it is pretty well shot. I have been researching a replacement and all I have been finding is a rubber mount that is nothing like what is on the car. I have attached pictures of what it looks like. If anyone knows where I may be able to find one or part numbers I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks :cool:
  2. It's been a bit since I posted an update. I have the pistons at the neighbors house waiting to get cleaned up. He has been busy building two 1950's VW 35hp engines for a shop in town. I guess two people are restoring some old bugs. He's retired so it's on his time. Mean while I pushed the car out and spent a good hour with an air compressor and vacuum. Blew out and vacuumed all the dirt from inside the frame rails. Got about 10 pounds of dirt out. I pulled off the cross member and started to clean that up. Pretty nasty. I'm going to have to post some pictures on the general discussion page in regaurds to the transmission mount. All the ones I have been coming across as a replacement are not the right ones?? I'm sure someone would know where I could get one. Other than that life seems to be winning on the car restoration side, but I will keep at it. It will get done. One piece at a time.
  3. One day when I was thinking of a company name I heard a big pack of coyotes out in the back property howling and carrying on. Sounded like they were laughing. So that's what the company's name became to be. Laughing Coyote.
  4. Well I have the crank in and all tighten per specs. The piston rings should be here this coming week. Going to take the pistons over to my neighbors to hot tank them to get the real nasty stuff off. Then I will dis assemble them, check them and get them all ready for the new rings. Starting to come along. Can't wait to see the finished engine all together.
  5. edhd58, If the engine mount is the original mount and the engine was the same color as the mount then that's what I would use for the color. I would look at Dupli color for engine color paints. They have a bunch of colors to pick from. Also you could have an auto paint shop mix a color, but see if they offer it in a high heat formula. Just my thoughts. Hope it was some help. :cool:
  6. Merc update. I got the crank all cleaned up. No more nasty cruddy oil. I have the block up on the stand again and installed the crank bearings. I have the crank sitting in the bearings and just have to put the main caps and bearings on and torque them down. Turns realy smooth. Now I have to get the piston rings on order and start cleaning pistons all up. Those will take a bit of time. I already have the connecting rod bearings for them. It's coming along, slow but steady. Been also working on small brackets and other little pieces too. Clean, paint and bag for later. I need to get working on the frame and underside pretty quick so once the engine is done I can put her back in. Still have a pretty good list of things to do.
  7. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will get a lot of help with part identification and buyers for all that stuff. Looks like you will busy for a while.
  8. Matter a fact I researched that for hours if not days. Read alot of engine builder forums for that motor and technical information on that very subject. I wanted to make triple sure that everything is the way it's suppose to be. Were good. Started to clean up the nasty crank. That will keep me busy for a few days or so. Thanks for the input.
  9. Well I finally got the cam bearings installed today and the cam. The bearing install tool worked like a champ. Installed the bearings nice and straight. Cam turns so smooth. Very happy with the outcome so far. Next step is to get the block back on the stand and get it ready for the crankshaft. Still have to clean it. Ordering the crank bearings tonight and will have them shortly. I also need to get working on the frame and under body so I can get them ready to be coated and painted.
  10. Thats a good point Donn2390. Once I get the motor closer to being put together then I will do what you suggested to make sure I cover any hidden areas. Then do the final assembly.
  11. Hey edhd58, Your project is coming along. At least your motor is together. I'm using Dupli color high heat engine paint. It can be found at auto parts stores. They have alot of colors to choose from. I did make sure all my parts were very clean. Scubbed them with a small stiff scrub brush and laquer thinner to get any oil residue off. Then masked off the areas where gaskets and other parts attach. Then I used the engine primer first and let it sit for a day or two after applying. That way it has a chance to cure up nice. Then top coat it with the same product but the color coat. I researched the engine color for my year Mercury and it is semi gloss black. Once my engine is all assembled (heads, intake, oil pan) I will mask off any bolt head and parts I dont want painted and put one last coat of paint on it. Then once it's cured out start hanging all the other items (coil, distributor, etc.)
  12. mlj427, Thanks. I used the Galaxie one. It covers more area than the other one that I saw for it. Plus it was cheaper. I got mine off a place on ebay. Had free shipping to boot. Make sure you look it over good. You want to check for all the exterior moldings are there, door scripts, and the top fender orniments. Those are really hard to find and very pricey if you do. Since it was a one year body style parts can take time to find. As far as the 3 speed i'm not sure. It may have been an option, but i would figure an automatic would be more desireable. You should be able to tell if someone chopped it up to put one in.
  13. Thanks Larry. I had the block hot tanked twice and chem dipped twice. Then scrubbed every hole with wire brushes, carb cleaner and laquer thinner. I think it's cleaner than when it was built originally. Should be good to go.
  14. Well Labor day came and went. The Mrs. had me do stuff around the house. The in-laws are coming in for the up coming holidays and she has a list of things she wants done before they get here. Not to mention the business has been very busy. So no I didn't get the bearings in yet, but they are the next thing on MY list. I did manage to cut off work early this afternoon so I can raise the body. I didn't go as high as I was thinking, but it has enough room for me to get things cleaned up and painted up. Call me scared, but I didn't want to have an issue and screw up the body. Once I get it on jack stands it will be even higher to work under. This way it will make it easier to rool in and out of the garage. That way when I paint it I can put a big tarp down and paint outside without painting the garage inside. Is it considered a frame off if the body is not touching the frame technically? I have been working in smaller parts too. I did the inner fender splash panels. DIdn't have any of those factory staples so I used rivets and back ups and painted them. You won't be able to see it anyway. Posted a few photos for your enjoyment.
  15. If you look at the last picture on the CL ad for the car you can see the shadow of the hood orniment. So it looks to be intacked. The wife says no more since I have one I'm doing now. I also came across a 1965 Comet 404 2 dr with the 289 2V with factory air. It was all there and could of had that one too for about $2000 with no rust. I find stuff like this all the time out here in the desert. Thanks for all the info on it. Different, but cool. Maybe someone will buy it and restore it and not chop it all up. So many cars and not enough money, time and space.
  16. Added a link to the CL with the car. Be a good project for someone.
  17. I was scrolling thru the local craigslist and there is a 1965 Marlin for sale. It's an automatic with factory air car. Needs restoration of course, but wanted to know how rare are they. Never heard or seen one before. Kind of neat looking. https://tucson.craigslist.org/cto/4606726134.html
  18. I got the cam and it looks nice. The block has been honed and is ready to go. Have the cam bearings so now I just have to put them in. Well after watching numerous videos on how they put them in I decided that I would need to get a bearing install tool. The auto parts stores don't have one to lend and after searches on Ebay I decided to make my own. So after several evenings in the shop on the lathe I think I got something that may work. It has a 1" solid driver bar with an aluminum bell that centers on the block and bearing spud to hold the bearing. I even put an o ring on it so the bearing surface doesn't get torn up. Now all I need is to get some time. Oh time. Seems like I don't get any of it to work the car, just the business. I guess that's life, but I will get my day to work the car some more. Hey, Labor day is coming. That would be a good day to labor on the car!
  19. Got to love them AZ finds. That's where the old Merc of mine is from. Right in Tucson. Dave I found a build sheet under my front seat and a prestine one behind the passenger door panel. :cool:
  20. Well I got the cylinders honed and cleaned up casting flashing that was restricting some of the oiling holes. That will help the oil flow better from the lifter valley back to the oil pan. Now I have to blow out all the oil gallies and make sure the block is super clean before I start the rebuild. I have the cam coming this week along with the new cam bearings and some other smaller items. I've also been sand blasting small brakets and getting them painted. Been really busy with the job so haven't had much time to do anything dramatic. I guess that's life.
  21. Anyone know of a camshaft supplier that has original spec camshafts? It's for my 1961 FE 352. Thanks
  22. Yes they were. Thank goodness. I think if he would have changed the oil more often it wouldn't have been sooooooooooo bad to clean up.
  23. My buddy dropped off the engine block today along with two 80# bags of media for the blast cabinet. Told me if I need more let him know. Has 3 more bags laying around. That was a nice surprise. Now I can blast parts for a while. The block looks good after two hot tanks and two times in the chem dip tank. Just didn't want to let go of the old grime. They said everything checked out good and can use all standard bearings and rings. So I guess it's time to start shopping. I will be running taps in all the holes and double checking all the oil gallies to make sure nothing got over looked. hopefully by the end of the year i will have it all done and looking pretty on the engine stand. :cool:
  24. Well the block is still at the engine shop. My buddy said that they tanked it twice and it still has a good amount of crud in it. They told him it was due to cheap oil and no oil changes back in the day. They're going to put in the acid tank to get it cleaned. Once it's cleaned they're going to mic it and check it for craks with some dye or something. At least I will know exactly what I will be working with. These guys build high performance racing motors so I think they know what their doing. They're also going to him other tips and tricks for better oiling and other stuff. I will get the info on it when he drops it back off. Been cleaning up the rest of the engine parts and getting things ready.
  25. It's Friday and the block is finally going to be picked up tomorrow. Yeah. I've been doing alot of cleaning of little parts and the transmission. I have all the trans cooler lines cleaned, speedo cable, linkage, bell housing and some other misc. car parts. Took about 3 hrs to clean all the grease and grime off the transmission, but now I will be able to work on it without getting really dirty. It will be nice to re-assemble the car and not be covered in grease and dirt. Have a little bit of work left on the car body stands and I will be ready to lift the body. The Mrs. has been having me do home improvements lately so it's cutting into the car time. Like they say "Happy wife, happy life".
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