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Wayne R

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Posts posted by Wayne R

  1. Hi this may help, go to page 9 on this forum,July 7th,2023

    highlighted —-with—-40year Riv.

    I had to fit brand new shoes,sorry I have other photos on computer,but can not access them

    doing this on phone.

  2. Lovely example Frank, I have changed heater cores on  three Buicks—-all with air.

    65 Riviera,  69. Electra,  and 1966 Electra .

    started to do it on 1965 Riviera, but stopped and went out side under hood. These were all about 

    25. 30 years ago,    But I can tell. You , Do it from under your hood,  far easier, and less pain with ,worrying about 

    all the other acserories that you can and have to be careful from breaking or disconnecting while under dash.

    Go to page  15 this forum, —-head line is,   Anybody know where to obtain. New heater core,—-august 23rd

    good luck.

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  3. Forgot to mention on Buicks when ever changing  or fitting new spark plugs the 2 plugs at front passenger are sometimes very hard to get to, and what can happen is it’s easy to crack the white porcelain on the spark  plug—- this can cause a miss under load.

  4. Go check all your electrics first ,distributed, points, cap, condenser, wiring from all of these , plus another item to check is spark plugs the problem that you have can be caused by spark plugs with not the corrrect heat range. — to cold .

  5. Sorry had trouble loading photos, doing with my phone.

    all purchased in USA when I lived there, best one is at the bottom, unbranded 

    nest best is the top one all it says is made in Taiwan , then the 3rd best is the middle one it is a Chanel lock

    which is a very good brand but it’s a little on the light and small for Buicks. Good for a lot of European cars.

    sorry forgot where I purchased these years ago.

  6. I’m assuming you were trying to remove housing either because it had a leak, or that you were doing an oil change and changing the filter by removing  the complete filter and housing together 

    If you don’t have leak at the housing ,

    do as  RivNut says,  but  reattach bolts to housing firmly, then remove filter as normal with a good reputable oil filter tool,or like XframefX says drive screwdriver through as a last  result to remove , although filter should   Never be that tight to have to remove that way like RivNut says. I will send photo of one of my best oil filter removal tools when I get home later. Regards.





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  7. Ed , Others here will probably disagree with me here,  but I would ask  $ 10,000,

    my reasons are it’s the first  year generation, every option, you name it it has every option.

    The person that buys it would have a fabulous example after restored ,and ten years from now

    will  be probably worth at least  fifty percent more ,than todays market if restored.

    Also if the buyer was able to restore a lot him self ,would be worth  the effort.—— good luck.

  8. Hello  if you go to eBay or bring a trailer there is a few for sale. They usually show photos dash.

    sorry I owned a 73 years ago but don’t have a photo you require.

  9. Helo. If it’s mid fifty’s you own. You have a hydraulic switch mounted on the brake pipe distributor fitting near the master cylinder,   The switch is closed by hydraulic pressure when you apply the brakes.    That switch is probably faulty and needs to be replaced,——-old Buick parts——or another Buick parts outlet.

    • Like 1
  10. All looks great , when sourcing water pumps. You have a few choices, forgot who sells them , but someone sells  a high performance one has slightly higher or more vanes. Etc but costs about forty dollars more.  May be worth looking into that just thought let you know before replacing. May be best offer counts, sorry  I can not remember and my computer crashed last night— doing this on my phone , good luck.

    • Like 1
  11. Zimm63, if your drier does not have a  sight glass, just test with a  normal recharging hose and gauge tester,

    couple of photos to show,  just charge to the  max on the green  side ,but see the ambient temps are important when

    charging,--ignore  my  134a, as its the same with  12r,-- i have switched  to  134a because im in Australia.

    Dont be  afraid to  do it your self as its very easy ,.--Also if you  do have a sight glass  , dont just rely on getting a clear  

    look , as even when your a/c is working  great  its not always clear---just rely more on the  gauge.

    If ever you let air into the system it is  best to fit a new  receiver drier.  my photos show  me recharging a Porsche 911

    a couple of years ago, but  its the same with your Buick, should be able to obtain about 40--45degress.

    that photo is of  Ez chill  , very good from USA it also has the  small amount of oil that is required as well.







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