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About Arkopolis

  • Birthday 11/25/1957

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  1. What great information! Thanks so much, Steve, for the clarification.
  2. Awesome! Thank you all for the info! I wish my grandfather had the car and not just the photo! Looks like one could be mine for only $70,000. https://thevaultms.com/inventory/1933-chrysler-imperial/
  3. I found this framed photo in my late father's storage space. He and his father had a Chrysler dealership from 1925 to 1969, so I'm guessing it was hanging there but I don't know the year or model - or even if it's a Chrysler. Was it a special model that still might be out there in some collection? Thanks for whatever help you can give!
  4. Hi, My grandfather and father had a Chrysler Plymouth dealership from 1925 to 1969, and after cleaning out my late dad's storage space, I'm gradually putting some items -- photos, brochures, promotional materials, and other miscellaneous things -- up on eBay in my personal account: jeoffreycat https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?item=204879616050&rt=nc&_trksid=p4429486.m145687.l2562&_ssn=jeoffreycat For simplicity, I'm doing everything with a 7-day auction, because I have no idea how much they are worth. There's one thing related to the dealership up now but I'll be posting others in the coming few days. FYI: I'm having a 1932 Plymouth from the dealership restored, so the proceeds will go to that. Thanks for your interest.
  5. Thanks, @Scott Bonesteel and @keiser31. Really interesting. The earlier photos in the thread show that the license plate frame does indeed say "San Diego." A really obsessed person might try to trace the plate number and see who it belonged to. Sounds like a trip to San Diego to see both museums would be worth considering.
  6. Thanks to the ID of this photo as a 1927 Chrysler 80 from the knowledgeable folks in this thread, I was finally able to find a contemporary publication of the photo. It appeared in several newspapers after Lindbergh's historic flight (as well as in Italian magazine ads for Chrysler). This was from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on June 12, 1927. It was probably put out by Chrysler PR people but was not identified as an ad. The text remains the same across several newspapers, with slight editing. Thanks for helping me solve this mystery!
  7. Didn't know about museum burning. That's a shame.
  8. Thanks for the detail about the doors and bumpers.
  9. Great information! Thank you so much. I hadn't noted the windshield frame or visor until you pointed it out and that's a great detail about the doors. I really deep dive might trace the license plate to ID the owner, but that's a project for a long retirement. As an aside, a reporter from the San Diego Union did a story on a Stutz that Lindbergh allegedly owned: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/lifestyle/people/story/2019-12-02/lindbergh-car-stutz-collector
  10. This photograph is of Charles Lindbergh and (I think) a Chrysler at what I suspect is the San Diego airfield. I'm looking for the year and model of the car in the picture. The photo likely hung in my grandfather's Chrysler dealership in the 1920s-30s. I have no idea where he might have acquired it from. A photography expert confirmed it as a vintage print dating from the 1920s, and an official at the Lindbergh house museum in Minnesota said she'd never seen this particular photograph but that it was Lindbergh in it. Thanks for the help! Jay
  11. Thanks to your lead, kaiser31, I was able to find this other photo online of the car and King and Queen riding up the West Side Highway in New York. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2013/11/the-1939-new-york-worlds-fair/100620/#img16 Scroll down to photo 16. The photo I posted is from their visit to the World's Fair in Queens. Thanks again for your help!
  12. Thanks in advance for help on this. My family had a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership from 1926 through 1969 and when I was going through my dad's storage space after he died, I found this photo. I suspect it may have been a promotional shot that the corporation sent him. On the back, it's marked "Eugene White 2-29-1940." Does anybody have an idea of what it might be a photo of and of the make and model of the Chrysler pictured?
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