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Posts posted by Taylormade

  1. It's with a heavy heart that I've decided to sell my

    great old 48 P15 four door sedan. I never would have considered letting it go

    under normal circumstances, but an extrordinary thing happened over the weekend.



    a bit of history. It was 1965 and I was attending Syracuse University. One day

    while walking to class, I spotted a large black sedan in the faculty parking

    lot. I'd loved "old cars" since I was a little kid and this was an old one - a

    long black four door with suicide doors and sidemounts right out of one of my

    favorite TV shows - The Untouchables. I crunched through the

    snow over to the ancient beauty and discovered a For Sale sign in the window. I

    jotted down the number and that afternoon called the owner. He told me the car

    was a 1932 Dodge DL Six and he wanted $400.

    After spending some hours on the phone with my dad trying to weedle a loan

    out of him, I finally talked him into forking over the cash and the next day I was

    the proud owner of the Dodge.

    I drove it rain, snow or shine for the next three years. It never failed to

    start, always ran great and was the best car I've ever owned. Sadly, my brother

    started college in my senior year and money got very tight - my Dad couldn't

    afford the insurance anymore and I wasn't making enough to afford tuition, room,

    board and car insurance. I was forced to sell the 32 to fellow Frat member Phil Kennedy and

    I moved on with my life. But I bet I thought about my old Dodge at least once a

    week for the next 45 years.

    He she is on the day I bought her. Check out my grin - and the length of my pants.


    About three years ago another Frat member contacted me and we spent some

    time rehashing the old days. During the converstation, Phil's name came up

    and my friend said he'd give Phil my contact information. Later Phil e-mailed

    me a message and a picture of his "new" 32 DL that he'd just

    purchased. I sent him photos of my 48 Plymouth, 50 dodge convertible and

    promptly lost track of him for another three years.

    A month or so ago my wife suggested I join Facebook and find my old college

    friends - again. Facebook isn't really my thing, but I did end up reconnecting

    with a bunch of old classmates and frat brothers.

    In one of the posts I put up the photo of the old Dodge. Someone mentioned he

    thought Phil still had it. I rummaged through my fading memory banks - had

    Phil mentioned my old Dodge in his e-mail? I thought maybe he had. Could he really

    still have "my" car?

    After I finally got in touch with Phil I discovered he did - in his garage, where it had

    been sitting on blocks for over 40 years! He said, by coincidence, he'd finally figured

    two 32s was one too many and was thinking of selling my old car. And the first person he'd

    thought of was - me. But he figured I already had too many cars to want another.


    Long story short, my 32 is coming back home after 45 years. She has a few nicks and

    bumps more than when I sold her, but she's still got shiny black paint and

    doesn't look much different now than she did then. Sadly, I only have one

    restoration left in me and need space in the workshop, so the 48 and my 50 Dodge

    Wayfarer convertible are going to find new homes.

    Life is funny sometimes. I'm sure glad I sold the Dodge to Phil, a guy who loved it as

    much as I always did and kept it waiting for me.

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  2. I regretted selling the car to Phil from day one (losing the car only - no reflection on Phil), but if I hadn't, who knows where it would be today? Luckily, he loves the old Dodges as much as I do, and it was there in his garage all these years later with only a few more minor dings and scrapes then when I saw it last. It must have been fate that I sold it to the right person and he is graciously selling it back to me 45 years later. Twists and turns indeed.

  3. Plymouth did not make a Wayfarer, only Dodge which offered a Business Couppe, A two-door Sedan and the Sportabout. The early 49 Sportabouts had side curtains, but it didn't go over well with the public. Later 49s and all subsequent models through 1952 had roll up windows. The car I have for sale in a genuine 1950 Sportabout, not a clone. The spares are from a 1949 Sportabout which has the later roll-up windows. The cowl and doors are the same, the rear convertible section is slightly different but would adapt to any year convert.

    As I stated in the ad, it has a manual top, not a power top.

    My first car was a 1932 Dodge.

  4. SOLD

    [TABLE=class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center]


    [TD=class: alt1]I have a 1950

    Wayfarer convertible, complete. I also have a front cowl, both doors, the rear convertible section, the frame and the top mechanism from a 49 Wayfarer

    Convertible. Plus a ton of extra parts.

    I'm only selling this because I actually located the first car I ever owner 45 years ago, and I need the workshop space.



    The convertible is a rare car known as the

    Sportabout. It's a single seat - no backseat - and is based on the business

    coupe. It's a solid project car. It's all there, with all the convertible parts.

    Fenders are good - and I have a set of four NOS fenders I found in an old

    dealership that still have the factor primer and inventory tags on them. The

    back floors and trunk are in really good shape - a little work would be

    necessary on both sides in the back corner of the trunk - but it's minor. The

    spare tire recess is not rusted out! The front floors were Swiss cheese and I

    have cut them out. The body floor supports are all there and in good shape. I

    have a complete floor from a Wayfarer sedan or you can buy replacement

    floorboards. It needs new outer rockers which are available. This car had huge

    inner support rockers that are actually just a long metal box made of sheet

    steel. They are in bad shape, but I have a complete, but rusty, sample from the

    parts car for a pattern. The passenger door is rust free. The driver’s door has

    a patch on the bottom that I would replace. I have two doors from a sedan with

    perfect bottoms that could be used to replace any bad metal - it's only on the

    driver's door though. Both bottom quarters - the narrow section behind the door

    and in front of the removable rear fenders need work, but the panel is almost

    flat and has no patterns or embossed parts.

    Some of the body mounts on the frame are a little rough, but I have an extra frame with good body


    All mechanicals are complete and I drove the car home and into the garage. The PO

    claimed the engine was rebuilt less than 3000 miles ago but I can't verify


    The seat was shot, but I found a nice original seat that you can recover.

    The top mechanism is all there and in good shape - the top is manual so no need to worry about

    leaking cylinders or rebuilding the motor.

    I have an extra front grill, bumpers, rear axle, convertible frame, two complete dash panels with all gauges, front suspension parts,

    two solid doors from a wayfarer sedan (the botton 9/10s of the door is the same as the convert), extra wheels, the bottom of the front cowl from the sedan

    with all floors and supports, extra transmission, gas tank and rear springs.

    Basically this is a nice restoration project with all the parts you'll need. If sheet metal work - mostly floors, rockers and

    quarter panels - bothers you, this is not the project for you, but it's mostly flat panels and much of the work will be hidden.

    I've done tons of research on the car and can provide info on your project.

    All the spare convertible parts are there if someone wanted to take a nice business coupe and

    turn it into a convertible. Many parts on this car are unique - the doors, the

    windows, the frame, the top - none of them fit the regular Dodge convert. I've

    spent years collecting all these spares.

    The convertible alone is $3200. The total package

    is $6000 - that includes every part I have. The NOS fenders alone are worth

    $1500. The car is a roller, but you're not going to drive it home, the tires are

    dry-rotted. If you want everything, be prepared to basically take two cars home.

    I can work with you if you just want some of the parts with the convert.

    The car is located near St. Louis, Mo. I can send more pictures if

    you need them.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Richard Taylor

    618-635-2444 home

    314-780-4422 Cell


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