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Everything posted by Taylormade

  1. I'm in the process of converting all my third party Photobucket pix on this thread. If some photos disappear, never fear, I'll get them back. Everything should be good past page 38, but there may be a temporary problem with photos earlier than that - if anyone is actually bothering to still read my posts from two years ago.
  2. That is what bothered me, they did this with no prior warning. I actually pay for additional space, so it wasn't free for me. By posting photos on this site or any other, you are basically giving up your rights to the photo. Anyone can rip you off and use your photo in a way you may not approve of. Look at the bogus cars for sale ads using other people's photos to scam potential suckers. I believe this will be the end of Photobucket.
  3. I have a very long restoration thread on the Dodge and Dodge Brothers section of this forum. It's up to 50 or so pages and up until page 39 all my images are third party photos from my Photobucket account. I just learned that Photobucket has changed its policy and is removing all third party usage unless the account user coughs up $400 a year. Since the site was basically free up to this point, this is about as close to extortion as you can get. This is apparently causing major problems on Amazon and other commercial sites as advertisers are finding their images replaced with a logo from Photobucket to pay or lose your images. So, if you are using Photobucket for your site imaging, prepare to lose any and all photos you posted here. I have been using the site download servicefor some time, and it works great. I'm going through my thread and replacing all the Photobucket photos with site downloads, but it's a long and tedious job. I'm making the effort because it helps me reference past work and also to help others in their restorations. More practical then anything noble.
  4. Nice looking car, but it's a coupe not a cabriolet. What work is needed to get it up and running? I assume the car is in Canada?
  5. . Some illustrations I created of a British ERA races and a 20s era Miller racer. If anyone out there would like an illustration done of their car (which can be rendered from any angle with any type of lighting), PM me and we can talk.
  6. Yes, Chrome and Firefox work, Safari does not.
  7. The weird thing is that the main AACA site opens fine in Safari on my IPad. All other sections of the site will load just fine, but when I hit the Forums selection I get "server can not be found." Something seems to be blocking the Forums from opening. I spoke too soon. Photos also doesn't open. Renew, Merchandise, Library and Contact work just fine.
  8. I can't open the site on Safari, period. It will open in Firefox and Chrome, but not on my IPad in Safari. This problem has been going on for three days.
  9. There is a problem. I usually go to the site on my IPad. For the last three days, I get "server can not be found" whenever I try to log on. I'm currently on my office computer. The first time I tried to log on with this computer (through Firefox)I got the same message, but when I hit the "try again" option (not available on the Safari/IPad), the site finally came up. I just tried my IPad again and it still won't come up, I suggest that someone investigate this problem as soon as possible. I just tried to log on with Chrome and the site came up, so this may be a problem with Safari.
  10. I think the original poster was asking about the TV series, not the movie serial. Cool clip in any case.
  11. I understand Gary's painting the hardware. Some of the bolts on my restoration started to rust before I got the car halfway together. It may not be totally original, but it's better than ugly rust streaks - unless you intend to remove the bolts every few months and polish them.
  12. Gary, what type of paint are you using on the bolts and washers?
  13. LaFong...capitol L, small a, Capital F, small o, small n, small g...LaFong.
  14. I don't remember a car on the show. It seems like I remember the Captain and Iggy flying to whatever adventure they were embroiled in that week in their Rocket Plane and then defeating the bad guys in between stock footage from old Columbia serials and B movies.
  15. I went yellow and decided to hook up the gauges and wiring first. I may regret it, but the car turned over easily and the valves are adjusted so I went cosmetic over mechanical. It just looks so cool with the fenders on I couldn't resist. As I said, I may rue the day!
  16. Got the front fenders on today. First job was installing the webbing between the frame and the fender. I used self adhesive webbing from Mac's and it worked very well. After that the fenders went on with a bit of fiddling. For any 32DL owners out there with sidemount fenders - take the sidemount well brace off the frame before installing the fender. I learned that the hard way. Here's my lovely and patient wife, Kathy, putting the brackets back on. Honestly, I was too frustrated at this point to do it myself. Fenders on with plenty of fingerprints to show for it. Rear fenders next and then covering the running boards. The weather looks good this week so I should be able to make good progress.
  17. Phil Kennedy (the former owner of my 32 Dodge Brothers) and I visited Frank in 2013 and he sold me a set of bumpers and some hubcaps at a great price. I, too, was worried about Frank's health as his posts continued to become more and more erratic. Since Phil lives fairly close by we both were concerned. I'm so glad Frank is getting the help I think we all realized he needed. Kudos to this site and all the caring people who offer help and encouragement whenever it is needed. Let's hope Frank is back with us very soon.
  18. I don't see the spotlight in the first photo. Very cool old sedan.
  19. Yes, I planned to go with the Restoration Specialties fender welt. Every once in a while, when I get a bit down, I pull out an old picture of Daphne and get a better idea of what she will look like when I'm finally finished. I love this one, taken by Phil Kennedy when he owned her around 1969.
  20. Looks like 3/16 it is! Thanks for the valuable information. I probably would have gone with 1/4 inch and been wrong.
  21. I was reading, with amusement, some of my early posts from April, 2013 where I confidently state I plan to have the restoration of Daphne completed by the Dodge Brothers Centenial Meet in 2014. Boy was I naive! Over four years later and I'm still grinding away. Still, despite many setbacks - and more to come, I'm sure - it's been a lot of fun.
  22. I used casting or freeze plugs on my 32 Dodge Brothers and it worked fine.
  23. All of the fender welting was gone on my car when I got it. Does anyone know what size welting was used on the 32 models? I assume it was either 1/4 inch or 3/16 inch, both of which are available from Restoration Specialties. Here are a few shots from an original car.
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