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46 woodie

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Everything posted by 46 woodie

  1. TAKerry, Klaatu, Barada, Nikto!
  2. The so called "Fat Man Steering Wheel" was an accessory item and as Wayne pointed out was available for many different makes. Some were for specific makes and some were available with adapters for the make you were looking for. By the way, it's no longer politically correct to use the term "fat man" you now need to say "large person wheel".
  3. If you are talking about the red Model A roadster pictured, it is not an original 1930 Ford. First of all it is a 1928-1929 style, 1931 Ford bodies are totally different. The headlights are not original nether are the horn's. Also the gas gap is the modern type and not the screw on cap used on the '29 Ford cowl. Model A's also did not come with dual windshield wipers, a passenger side tail light or radio antenna.
  4. What a great video and what a CHARACTER! I love his accent and wording, "bloke" and "quid" aren't words we hear every day. I couldn't believe my eyes when he stepped out of the car and watched, as the running car made circles around him. He then got back into the moving car and without any roll bar or helmet started doing "donuts" at speed with the car. He reminds me of the old racing pictures from across "the pond'' with the drivers wearing a white shirt and tie with coveralls on.
  5. ex98thdrill, The Model A 4 cylinder motor and the '32-'33-'34 4 cylinder motors are different. The two most obvious difference's are the latter motors have a mechanical fuel pump located on the passenger side of the block and the head and water pump castings are different and there are several other minute differences. Also, are you saying that the 1932 and the '33-'34 frames are the same? I think you need to do a little more research on the subject.
  6. If you log onto a site called "The Ford Garage" there is an article titled "The Model C Engine Myth". It gives a very informative explanation of the '33-'34 four cylinder "C" motor.
  7. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to "reinvent the wheel". Pilot bushings have been around forever and seldom fail. Way too much work to replace it when it fails.
  8. jpage, you can get 48"x48" and 36"x36" sheets of 6061 aluminum in almost any thickness from McMaster-Carr.
  9. I buy all my hardware from McMaster-Carr, great delivery time, usually the next day and great price. A lot easier than picking thru my local hardware store.
  10. If you are missing any of the metal bracket's for your '39 there is a company called "Treehouse Woods" located in Taunton MA, that has most of them on reproduction.
  11. Find a competent TIG welder and have him weld it. I don't know why people make such a big deal when they hear "cast iron". Pre-heat, high quality nickel wire and allow the part to cool slowly.
  12. Very enjoyable video. That factory is an O.S.H.A. nightmare, I was getting nervous watching those cutters without any guards!
  13. Holy Mackrel, I just saw Hershel "Woody" Williams introduced at the AutoZone, Liberty Bowl, football game. He looks great!!!
  14. It's already been proposed in New York City, it's a new program called "Congestion Pricing". There will be sections of the city that car's will not be able to enter without being taxed. They are still trying to work out the details, but the NYC government is really pushing for it to become a law. What they are doing is trying to encourage people to use mass transit.
  15. The picture of the old guy with the overalls and lunch box reminds me of a story a co-worker told us. In the '30s and '40s, his Grandfather was a bricklayer in Brooklyn and worked on several big projects. Every day he would abscond with exactly four bricks that neatly fit in his empty lunch box. At the end of the project he had enough bricks to build a backyard barbecue grill with a pizza oven that is still there.
  16. Was the Woodie delivered yesterday as promised? We're all waiting for the pictures!
  17. As Bhigdog points out McMaster-Carr has about 20 different variety's of rubber bellows. I have purchased several from them over the years for my job. Log into their website under "bellows".
  18. Because of the poor picture quality they are hard to identify, they could be several pumps. Might be Gilbert & Barker, Neptune 855 or Tokheim with missing globes. There were dozens of pump manufacturers and several were very similar.
  19. It would never work in the NYC metro area. Blowing your horn or flashing your lights could get you in trouble. Leave a car length for every 10 MPH, try that on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the Cross Island. If you just try to leave a car length on those roads someone will squeeze into it.
  20. Yes, in New York for certain violations you get points added to your fine. If you accumulate enough points you get your license suspended or revoked.
  21. A reminder to all like me that carry a detail bag in their car and live in cold climates to bring the bag into somewhere warm over the winter. Last year it totally slipped my mind and in the spring had several cracked spray bottles and sludge in the bottom of the bag.
  22. 41, any update on the '41 you were going to look at on Nov. 16th?
  23. Plastic covering is not worth the $100 fine and points on my license. It's a '46 Ford Station Wagon and I'm not in the habit of running red lights with any of my cars.
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