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Everything posted by STEVE POLLARD

  1. A little bit of both Ted....lol. Come to think of it, I think my Dad had studded snow tires on it..... Steve
  2. Speaking of the Mustang, has the new owner been identified yet ? Steve
  3. Another of McQueen's movie vehicles going to auction this March... https://www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/articles/2020/02/20/ex-steve-mcqueen-meyers-manx-dune-buggy-auction?utm_content=sf117757495&utm_medium=spredfast&sf117757495=1&fbclid=IwAR3wW2mVD-bxI8lt5TWIXJnPoUGIVtBWZQ53-0rOcFS-IlVPhAo_k390-sk
  4. Another great program brought to you by Walt & John. For the new members here that have never been to Hershey, they would benefit from watching! Check out their other programs as well - you will not be disappointed ! Steve https://www.4vs.org/4VS-WatchNowPage3-TheAntiqueRoadTest-21.php
  5. Joe - if you like to have the paper copy, I'll send it your way..... just pm me your address. Thanks Steve
  6. Yes.... I have it right in front of me. Steve
  7. Wow, I had no clue... Been a subscriber from early on and I was just reading February's edition last night... Always like reading Jim Richardson's how to articles ! I will miss this publication ! Steve
  8. Hey John, here is a picture of my parents '69 Impala.... they paid $3000 for it brand new ! This was taken around 1980 or 1981 Steve
  9. My parents had a '69 Impala 4 door as well... 327 engine. Prior to getting my driver's permit, I use to drive it up and down our driveway....I had a lot of fun doing that until my father started asking questions about the streaks of burnt rubber markings on the driveway...😉 Steve
  10. When we were going over the specs of a new engine that we were ordering, the green color came up....I'm trying to remember, but I think it had to do with visibility of the apparatus .... needless to say, we stayed with the traditional fire engine red ! Steve
  11. Ted - what is the name of this color ?? I like it, very unique .... was it a common color ? Steve
  12. Nice..... Looks like the same color that mine originally came with - Frost Green Thanks for posting ! Steve
  13. Being in the Fire Service years ago, I remember one of our rescue trucks - 1972 Ford F250, I believe it had 6,000 original miles on it. It sold thru the Fire District by seal bid...beautiful truck, but people at times fail to realized the engine hours on those vehicles... like mention above by 3macboys, a lot of idle hours. After a run, all of our vehicles would go thru a check list... starting miles, ending miles and engine idle hours etc.. So if you see a retired emergency vehicle for sale, always take that into account. Steve Here is a picture of that Ford.... by the way, the individual that purchased it, ended up restoring it years later.... it's now a welding truck !
  14. Exactly ! 46 Woodie, our 1948 American LaFrance pumper was donated to our Engine Company back in 1969 when we established.... It came from LI..... not sure of the where about of it now.... Steve
  15. It's a little past 9am here in NY and I'm craving for PIZZA NOW....lol I guess you know what I'm now having for lunch ! Steve
  16. I know it's progress, but I'll take the 1969 Ward LaFrance I use to drive in the Fire Service. Steve
  17. Actor Robert Montgomery ( father of Elizabeth Montgomery of "Bewitched" television show ) was a close friend of my Uncle while growing up here in Beacon, NY. Any idea of the make / model / year of the vehicle that he is standing next to ? Thanks Steve
  18. Wow....neat information Walt, I didn't realize that !
  19. Yes... Turkey boarders Iran, Iraq and Syria....
  20. Just out of curiosity, did General Motors export vehicles into the Middle East ? I've seen some postings on a few dedicated Chevrolet only FB sites of full size Chevrolets from the sixties and seventies that reside in Turkey. I have asked questions on these sites, but have not received a reply. Possible that they have been shipped into their country recently ? I have to say that they are in really nice condition ! Steve
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