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Posts posted by rocky5517

  1. With a minimum amt of talent, money and tools, I removed the wheels/ painted the wells with rubberized paint ( Pep Boys, $6 per can x 2 cans) , masked and painted the black inserts w semi flat black, and gave the chrome lugs and wheels a good polishing.

    I think it made a pretty decent improvement.post-85985-143142813623_thumb.jpg

  2. Anyone know of a good chrome plater within 50 miles of North Jersey? I've been reading up on some different companies and I've never seen such a wide array of complaints/compliments from different people about the same outfits. What's up with that?

    I want my bumpers re-done for my 67/ rear has a couple of dings/minor rust. Front has a decent size crease in the middle and some rust on one side.

  3. What I like about my 67 is the compliments I get from other car guys, not just civilians. I won two trophies this year, and my car isn't a show car. The first came from a Buick dealer ( I got dealer's choice); I asked him why he gave me the award, he said, 'it's just a cool car"

    The second came from a cruise nite; the guy said :"That's just such a cool car".

    Go figure.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me at the talent and ingenuity of craftsmen like that, and of good mechanics in general. When I walk around a local cruise or car show, I always wonder, "what other country could you see this type of work in" ? It seems that no matter where you live in this great country, you don't have to go more than a few blocks to find a guy who is willing to roll up his sleeves and do a decent repair.

  5. They've always been good with me; if, however, you need something really fast, I find it's better to call and speak to someone to make sure it's in stock. I ordered something on line, then when time was ticking, I called, only to find it was backordered. It was only a decal, and was in my mailbox the next day.

  6. I see this term from time to time and although we all know, or think we know, of instances where GM engineers must have designed something to fail, is there any written proof or documentation of this practice? Any retired engineers who spilled the beans on this practice?

    What would the most common "planned failures" be?

    Seems to me GM and other manufacturers were doing quite well in the 50's and 60's/ would they have risked their reputation on this?

    I wouldn't be suprised, jaded as I am in my older age, but I wonder if it's been documented.

  7. I repainted the rear wheel with semi-flat black (rattle can), and the front wheel is original. I think it's a pretty close match. Any comments?

    I never realized how many finishes there are ( flat, semi flat, satin, semi gloss, and gloss) but I fing that in and around the engine compartment, if I had only one can of paint to go witj, it seems semi-flat is the choice.post-85985-143142677278_thumb.jpg


  8. I built a collection of Lionel trains over the past 25 years; the values are down about 40% from the early 90's, when it was common to see guys walking the aisles of the shows with $2-5k in their pocket. Those days are gone, which is why I started to dump my high end stuff 3-4 years ago. I tell other collectors, when they ask why I'm selling cheap, " you better carry some ketchup or mustard with you cause you'll be eating that stuff in a few years". No new blood, plus spectacular re-makes at 1/3 of the price of an original, = bad news. Luckily I bought a lot of it right, and if I have to eat what's left, then so be it. I need a hobby whan retirement comes anyway, which is where this story is going.

    I do see a differnce in a cool car, though, in that laying down $5-15k for something that runs, can be used on a regular basis, and brings back memories, is feasible for many people reading this. And as long as you look at it as a labor of love vs a profit-making endeavor, you'll be fine.

    One bit of good news- I've spoken to several people who collect what I do ( M-1 Garands, trains) and I notice that more than one guy has said- "I'm retired now, and I have the extra time and money to buy.."

    I guess you can collect hundreds of, say, trains, but most of us only have one "collector"car. Cars should be an easier sell- you only do it once every, what, 5 or 10 years?

    Mabe too many of us watch "Mecum/Russo/Barrett- Jackson" and think that's what the world is but I think those cars are the execption, not the rule.

  9. Dave- hope these pix help/ you'll see a before and after, and it wasn't that hard to do when all the components from the front of the engine are off. You'll see those alum brackets that hold the A/C and PS; I thought they were black until we scraped all the gunk off, washed them down, bead blasted, and wiped with alcohol. I think I sprayed a clear on- don't remember. Pay close attention to the front cover; looks great, right? It ended up in the trash because I damaged it trying to pry it off. OPGI- $500. At least it included the bearings. post-85985-143142642355_thumb.jpg




  10. On my 67 we did the timing chain, fan clutch, rebuilt the radiator, and, while the mechanic was busy doing this I did some painting and detailing at those hard to reach places on the engine. Painted the shroud, fan, and everyrthing else I could reach. He also rebuilt my oil pump, PS pump, and new fuel pump. Ill try to post pix. And he made it clear to use distilled water when replacing the anti freeze. Im lucky to have a good friend who's also an instructor for GM and loves old cars.

  11. Dear Blue

    Welcome aboard! I have a 67 and am enjoying scrwing around with it for the past 2 years. I live in West Caldwell, and have learned a lot re who, what and where to go to re parts and services.

    Feel free to contact me via this site, or my e-mail scola1951@aol.com. I'm no mechanic but I sure know a few good ones.I'd be glad to take a ride one day.


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