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Mark Wetherbee

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Everything posted by Mark Wetherbee

  1. What a beautiful car, I wish I had the money for that! Dad had an unrestored coupe just like that in the early to mid 1970’s that he sold around 1976-77 and it was one of my favorite “toys” at the time. I would sit in it and play like I was driving the Hot Rod Lincoln and in my version that Caddy was trying to catch up. Now I have to wonder if I sat in that exact car when I was around 10 years old... can’t be too many around. Thank you for the memories.
  2. I read the thread but had not posted. The Roadster was on eBay with poor pictures and I was hoping to find the better ones out here but the entire thread disappeared. The pictures were so bad that the car didn’t get any interest and I passed on bidding thinking it could have been a scam with poorly scalped pictures.
  3. There was one of those on eBay for some time and I exhausted every reference I had with absolutely nothing similar related to automobiles... could be from a truck or something foreign (not likely with the Auld markings) but I believe nzcarnerd is right to suggest non-automotive application. Please let us know if you find out differently!
  4. I must not have been the only person not to trust that eBay sale as the car only bid to $10101.00 not meeting the reserve. I still don’t know if it was a scam or just another case where the sellers didn’t think good pictures would matter on selling such an unusual and rare car...
  5. I saw a 1921 Stephens on eBay that was a discussion thread within the last couple of months here, but I cannot find that thread. I was hoping to see better pictures as the ones on eBay stink for selling it... another possibility I was concerned about was whether the sale was fraudulent or not? I could see someone scalping pictures and “selling” it there (seller has a zero rating) Thanks!
  6. I have seen several engines made for marine use that used Model T parts because of the availability of spare parts around the world. It appears to have the Model T main bearing caps as well, and could even use the same cam as they could play with the rocker arm ratio. It is a very interesting engine and hope someone can identify it. I also question the spark plug location, it looks like the piston would be nearly touching them.
  7. I know where the remnants of one is in mid-coast Maine. It looks like someone cut just the suspension and wheels from each end and saved them for a farmers project (fishermen’s project in this area) but I don’t think it’s in a condition to be salvaged, and I have never tried to approach the property owner. If anyone is interested I can get you a physical location and you can try to contact them yourself so long as you understand that old Mainers can be cantankerous on a good day...
  8. But you still won’t add pictures of the signature and foundry marks?
  9. Several variations available: https://m.ebay.com/itm/Large-Oversize-Rolls-Royce-Silver-Lady-Statue-Electro-Plated-Bronze-Figure/232367156971?hash=item361a296eeb:g:gB4AAOSwnK9ZO8HM https://m.ebay.com/itm/Rolls-Royce-Large-Bronze-Sculpture-Size-14-L-x-17-W-x-18-H/182703600383?hash=item2a89fbb2ff:g:~1MAAOSwxGRZhgqa https://m.ebay.com/itm/Rolls-Royce-Spirit-of-Ecstasy-Bronze-Sculpture-Silver-Finish-15-in-Price-Reduced/372043395976?hash=item569f83b388:g:aU0AAOSwB9xXO4i8 and a somewhat larger original showing that it’s SIGNED https://m.ebay.com/itm/Charles-Sykes-Rolls-Royce-Spirit-of-Ecstasy-28-Bronze-Sculpture-original/332242838072?hash=item4d5b376238:g:YsMAAOSwblZZLGGv I could be wrong, but one of the scum artists pictures was from eBay and it looks really cheaply done.
  10. Never mind, I think I know where you bought it... https://m.ebay.com/itm/Rolls-Royce-Small-Bronze-Sculpture-Size-9-L-x-9-W-x-14-H/182720132861?hash=item2a8af7f6fd:g:hSgAAOSwcj1aAzIe
  11. Can you please add a picture of the signature and foundry markings which are also necessary to provide authenticity. Thank you, Mark
  12. Similar ones have sold on eBay in the $250 to $300 range, they show up at least once a month if not more often (not including the fake ones). A slightly better one than yours with the cap sold for around $365 within the last couple of weeks and if you search by sold listings you will find several to judge values with.
  13. Thank you all again, I have passed this information on to the owner.
  14. I am 100% sure it is out of my price range (high teens). Now if it was in the rough and not running maybe but not a car that beautiful.
  15. The Westcott has a National Highways Association hood ornament on it as well...
  16. Graham truck might be it as there was one in the family at one time. If if anyone could use it, it is available just south of Bangor, Maine, and if you PM me I will pass on the owner's contact information.
  17. A good friend of mine has this engine in his Barn and would like to identify it so he can sell it. Thank you for any help in advance, and have a great Christmas!
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