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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. Did someone here buy this? Owner deleted the listing.........................
  2. JohnD1956, Nice to see that your boys were raised well!
  3. Back in the garage tonight! Worked on the drivers floor pan. I have 4 spots with little pin holes. Luckily I have the body from a 2 door sedan to cut the patch panels from. I have sinus headache and man I feel like crap! Got my "miracle paint" from Hirsch today and cannot wait to get the floors finished up so I can get it all coated. Ran out of wire for the welder. So off to the gettin' store tomorrow for more.
  4. Mike, how you makin' out with your cars? Haven't heard any more about the wagon in awhile. Any more advancements on the convertible? Just checkin'
  5. Mike, If you'll check the rest of the site, you can post your wants in the Buy/Sell forum. Welcome anyways! I hope your car becomes everything you imagine it will be. There is a "world" of help here on the forum, and as long as you're patient, someone will answer your questions. We all have our babies that we are working on and sometimes don't get a chance to get right back with you.
  6. Had some more time on Sunday and Monday to do more on the buick. Things are moving little by little. I'll let some pictures tell the story. Any ideas on removing bullet holes? Some are blind and can't get to the back side.:eek:
  7. this is the one that I was referring to earlier. Wish I had the money!1947 buick woody p/u reduced
  8. I also wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that everyone is safe and with their families, if possible. God bless all of our military that are abroad and cannot be with their families.
  9. Still have some more fitting to do so the cowl sets back where it is supposed to. I'm quite suprised with my progress! I want to take my time and assure myself that the windshield is "square" with the doors, so still have to put the passenger side vent window frame on and make a few more small adjustments so it sits back on the lower section correctly. Ordered new body mounts and shims from BOB's yesterday, so it will be Thurs. or Friday before I can really move too far forward again. But, I assure you that I'll find something to do on it until that time.
  10. Tonight, upper cowl section and winshield section off the car! Tomorrow I dress up the other cowl section and start fitting and welding. I have to take out the rest of the things off the firewall. Will also coat the areas that I won't be able to reach after having it back in place. Put up a few pictures of my "garage art"! It's nice to find Vintage Automotive stuff with your own last name!
  11. Tomorrow, I finish drilling out the spot welds with my cutter. Then I'll finish getting the cowl off. I'll get pictures then. Then again, after I set the other cowl section on.
  12. 1925 Buick convertable pickup truck Found this one. Not what you guys were looking for, but none the less. Matt Just so happens, I saw one a week or so ago. Still looking and it was for sale.
  13. Car is at home, safe in the garage! Still no pictures:mad: Wife made me come in after I got the car home and in place. Said I spent too much time out there today. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I gotta get the dash out of the car, and cut the top windshield frames out and prepare for mounting the replacement. I'll post pictures when I get everything cleaned up.
  14. thanks to all of the vets, here in the buick community and abroad. sorry i missed posting this yesterday, but my days have just been so busy! I take off my hat and salute all of you! THANKS!
  15. Update, I have a upper cowl section, which includes the window frames for the 76C ready in the back of my truck now! I wonder how hard this is gonna be to change out? Anyone have any experience in this? Matt:eek:
  16. Hopefully one of these days, I'll get the chance to meet some of you fine people at a meet or maybe @ Hershey.
  17. Mud, Glad you're back in the groove too! I'm getting ready to get started again also and will be needing lots of motivation from several of you guys. Looking forward to some good posts and lots of pictures. Matt
  18. This forum is my favorite spot, every night! Nice pictures, good stories, great information and good laughs. Thanks:)
  19. Mike, Your getting further along with both of the babies! glad that you are getting the motor problem finally out of the way on the wagon. You'll feel much better after the motor is done and laid to rest.
  20. Caribou, Remember that any Buick project is an Elephant! How, you ask, do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Might be a bite today, or this weekend, but it's still a bite at a time.
  21. Aw, come on Mike. I got bit by a Buick and can't get it outta my blood!
  22. Got the body on the frame today. No pictures yet as I didn't take the camera with me. Went on with the help of my brother and a forklift at work. I somehow mis-counted and didn't have enough body mount rubbers, so I selectively placed them.:D First time that this body has been on a frame in 50+ years. Amazing! Now I have to get the other buick outta the garage and get this one in. Lot's of body panel beating and a little welding, but we're working with a essentially good, solid body this time. I dunno about you guys, but I'm excited for winter!! Work time on the Buick. Bonding time!
  23. Robert, Great job on the polishing of the steering wheel. I think you're doing a great thing and enjoying the car at the same time. Matt
  24. Mike, Excellent work. I really love the woodie projects and to see them brought back to life, really puts a warm feeling inside you! Congrats and keep up the good work! Matt
  25. :DWe had 10" here and it only lasted a couple of days. Sure did put a slow down on getting everything finished up before winter. Now I gotta put priorities on some of the stuff so I get done! glad that everyone is o.k.
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