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Posts posted by Uncle_Buck

  1. Save your marriage by letting your spouse enjoy the journey rather than having one of those ‘spirited conversations’ regarding each others map reading & navigation skills.  

    Here’s how:  Garmin Smartdrive series, 6, 7 or 8 inch screens.  Through a feature called ‘Route Shaping’, one can plot the driving segment down to the exact roads you, your vehicle and your spouse prefer.  Prior to my driving day, I plant my self on the dining room table with the Garmin, a map and an open mind to select the roads most preferred to my destination.  Once over the learning (easy) curve, this takes just a few minutes and it is actually enjoyable.  Pop the Garmin back into the vehicle mount, now you are ready to go with turn-by-turn guidance all the way to your destination.


    My Garmin is usually the prime navigation instrument in our two modern cars too.  Learn one system, not two.  Now a few years into the ownership of these modern vehicles, by not buying into each manufacturer’s subscription service for map upgrades, I have easily paid for the Garmin.


    We also travel with a Garmin since rental cars seem to defeat factory GPS systems in favor of apps from a connected cell phone.


    I am aware of and do use the various phone apps - but sparingly.  In fact, a co-pilot looking at Waze (so you don’t have to) can be of some benefit.  Phones in general are a distraction with some states making that case with hefty fines.


    To me, one big key to any navigation aid is in the proper mounting of the device in a vehicle.  We all have had the GPS slide over and off the dash or the cell phone all of a sudden between the seats.  Ram Mounts make a plethora of mounts for vehicles which makes a Garmin GPS portable between vehicles as well as solidly convenient.


    The attached pictures show my Garmin Smartdrive in our 442.  You’ll see a Ram Mount attached to a slide out that I made where the ash tray was.  I have one more Ram Mount for the modern vehicles.


    Cheers all.




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  2. On 12/31/2022 at 10:10 PM, Marty Roth said:

    Resembling that comment, but minus the Geritol, we'll fix a round of true New Orleans :

    A Hurricane Lamp-shaped tall glass, shaved ice, 

    2 ounces of Light Rum,

    2 ounces of Dark Rum,

    4 ounces of Jero's Red Passion Fruit Cocktail Mix,

    a slice of Orange


    And your 2nd one will remind you just how much "quiet" kick it has-

    (especially if you choose to play Leap Frog over fire hydrants, but let the DESIGNATED DRIVER have her way)


    We're staying home - I had way too many years playing trumpet, heading up my band 6 nights a week, and then big nights like New Years Eve.

    Just the two of us at home,

    and maybe top off the evening with some Harvey's Bristol Cream.


    Tomorrow we'll grill some ribs and watch the Saints game, holding out for the Tulane - USC game on Monday,While daughter watches LSU 


    Best for the New Year to all-

    Build 'em,

    Fix 'em,

    Drive 'em, and share 'em with the public-

    but stay safe, so we get to




    “I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that is the best they are going to feel all day-”

     Frank Sinatra

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  3. Many of us use the GPS navigator in our modern cars to go from point A to point B via the fastest route.  But for those of us touring in our vintage vehicles using a portable GPS, routes chosen by the device are seldom the ones desired.  Yes, you can select ‘use secondary roads only’ on most models, however, long trips worth of preferred roads can be difficult if not impossible to program on the unit itself and can be annoying, frustrating and distracting doing so while in the vehicle.   


    Here is a method I found to precisely pre-select a ‘vintage vehicle friendly’ route, then load to your GPS to have it direct you, turn-by-turn, to your destination.  It is simpler than it first appears.  I use it alot.


    Now you can be assured of traveling on the roads you want without navigation confusion enroute while having the benefits of the GPS itself, with traffic/weather alerts, gas stations and restaurants.  It also virtually eliminates the ‘discussions’ between the driver and map interpreter …

     Here is the link:  https://youtu.be/VMv0yK7XCrY 


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  4. Dale Walksler, owner of the outstanding ‘Wheels Through Time’ museum in Maggie Valley, NC, passed away earler this week.  He was a wonderful asset to preserving our motoring history, both 2 and 4 wheeled, all carefully displayed at his his museum.  Dale lived his life by sharing his passion with any all, willingly and enthusiastically.
    There is much on the web about Dale, however this well done tribute shows him in his element relishing in his passion.



    Gods speed Dale.


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  5. Besides the extra cost to purchase an EV and the larger carbon footprint, the greatest drawback by far will be what to do with all those hours spent waiting while one’s car is charging.


    It has already happened on a small scale - stick ups, theft and vandalism.  


    So one thing EV owners can do is learn all over again what it takes to be ‘shotgun’ on a stage coach, just like in a John Wayne western, providing some level of ‘security’ while sitting around for hours in unfamiliar surroundings - a thugs favorite target.


    Yee-ha !!  🤠


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