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Hudsy Wudsy

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Posts posted by Hudsy Wudsy

  1. There is a Saginaw in Michigan, as well as one each in Wisconsin and Minnesota. It's an Ojibwe word that means "outflow" (of water, I assume). Do you want some more trivia from the frozen North? We are experiencing "loon fallout" -- loons falling out of the sky.

    See the following:  Loons fall from the sky in Wisconsin; late April cold snap to blame | MPR News

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  2. A lot of true Hudson fans actually bristle at the sight of a Jet. The money spent on designing and tooling up for this ill-fated little car could have been far better spent on developing a V8 or a new body style for the existing line. Also, the "smarter-than-anyone-else" chairman of Hudson Motors at that time, Roy D Chapin, insisted that he be able to get in and out of the new car while leaving his hat on. Thus, the disproportionately high roof line. The continental kit in the rear actually helps to offset the short, boxy lines, somewhat, but it was still a car that the public didn't want.

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  3. I recall, some years ago, a member asserting that he didn't care for all of these cars for sale that weren't owned by AACA members. I had been posting quite a few at that time because I had been ailing and browsing ads gave me something to do during a long, boring recovery period.  I apologized and said that I hadn't meant any harm by the practice and that I was just trying to point out interesting cars that some might not be aware of if they weren't experienced with "mash" sites. I felt that at that time there was a big gap between ebay and Hemmings, on the one hand, and Craigslist on the other. I was pleased by the number of guys who responded that they enjoyed browsing all of the ads and didn't see any reason to see them stopped. In time the moderators saw fit to separate the two categories and these days there are more listings for cars that aren't owned by members than there are the other. I'm pretty busy these days and don't have the time to source and post like I did before, but I still love to drop in and see what others have found to share. Keep it up, Guys!

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