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Hudsy Wudsy

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Everything posted by Hudsy Wudsy

  1. Hmm...there's always a story. Usually some hoarder who let a bunch of cars turn to sh*t while refusing to sell them.
  2. Larry W, I see your point entirely. I can see where competing in a show where a car was being judged by factory new standards, the presence of inappropriate accessories would be glaring. I've been to mostly informal shows over the years and I have to admit that I enjoy the cars so much that I often don't pay a lot of attention to the finer points of authenticity and correctness. Still, while tail fins on a Hudson or a Chevy may amuse me a little, that shark fin, above, bolted to the trunk of '55 Corvette or T-Bird would give me a heart attack.
  3. Dave, this thread could go on indefinitely because I think that everyone has a little well concealed "Tail Fin Envy".
  4. TG57, thank you so much for sharing that page with us. It's such a hoot. Tail fins weren't the only things enjoying their heyday - the "Chrome Center Trunk Fin" is just a riot. It was an understandably interesting and optimistic time. Shortages caused the economy to stall and stumble for a few years, but in time there was money to spend and companies pitched an endless list of new things on which guys could spend their money. It's sort of interesting to see the array of war influenced products that were trotted out. Studebaker front ends looked like the front of Jet airplanes, Hudson named their cars (Hornet and Wasp) for aircraft carriers. (And you guys thought Hudsons were named for bees!) Nash, Hudson, Crosley and Willys all thought that the market would want small cars, when what they really wanted was Buicks. I hesitate to suggest that the front of a '50 Buick looks like a tank, but in a pinch it would do until a real tank came along. Back to the tailfins in the catalog page above, they reminded me right away of a car you don't see all that often. Namely, a Willys Aero. All in all, I think their little tail fins are kind of tasteful:
  5. Biscayne John, I'm not touchy about my threads. Feel free to expound on your thoughts here, if you would like.
  6. Now, four hours later, my total has risen to 281. I guess a couple of you didn't believe me when I said my "about me" page was a wasteland.
  7. Dave, they say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Or maybe in your case, admitting that you have Caddy tail fins. I'm sure that there is probably a twelve step program for you somewhere. Larry W, I agree with you. If I came across a '50 Chevy at a show with this fins, it would likely bring a smile to my face. Heck, the story of a Chicago Hudson dealer having enough clout to get away with rebadging new cars and selling them with these Caddy tail fins makes me split a gut every time I think of it. I mean really, what an anarchist! It's a little interesting to ponder just what in the way of aftermarket goodies are acceptable, though. Would a well restored '50 Bel Air loose points for having fog lights which weren't "Unity"? If it had back-up lights, would it be wrong if there were "Unity" and not "Guide?" I see a lot of Fulton sun visors on cars. Are they inappropriate? I suppose that my point here, is there are a lot of little aftermarket things that aren't anywhere near as outrageous as Caddy tail fins. What, if any, is acceptable?
  8. I'm not alone...now my tears will dry. Still, I feel like I've let down 279 nice caring folks who somehow expected more of me.
  9. Yeah, period-correct accessories don't bother me much, although we've all seen cars around that the owners clearly didn't know when to quit.
  10. You know, there's something related to this topic that I'll mention here. My "about me" page is about as sparse and pathetic as one could be. I'm not much to talk about myself and I don't really gush about my interests. At one time I had a few "likes" which I had received from others, but otherwise little of note. I notice now that they have disappeared. I just went there to see that my page has been visited by 279 people presumably because of my odd name or my remarks in my 569 posts. I only am aware of how inadequate it all makes me feel when I see the box the declares that I have "No Friends". Somehow it all makes me feel naked and ashamed! Anyone else?
  11. Marty, and others, that anti-Semitism can still exist at this point in our national history absolutely baffles me. America's Jewish came to our shores later and in smaller numbers than many of our other immigrants. While they arrived as impoverished any other group, they faced more intense hatred and bigotry than any. Despite having to overcome incredible obstacles, their indomitable pursuit of excellence has contributed to the success of our country in countless ways. Their contributions to science, industry, health, education, government, arts, business and so many other areas of endeavor are so glaringly obvious that to not recognize them is to be blind. This Irish American feels nothing but respect, admiration and affection for our Jewish brothers and sisters!
  12. Here's a link to an ad I came across on Craigslist for Grand Island, NE. The Buick is in tough shape, but reasonably priced, I think. Not a lot of '33 anythings around: http://grandisland.craigslist.org/cto/4637263992.html
  13. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Bizarre color schemes bother me the most. I generally am sickened by two toning cars without regard for the existing body lines. I will admit, though, that sometimes the stylists screw up big time. Check out the front end of this '42 Olds. It looks to me to have been styled by committee:
  14. Not mine, just a Craigslist ad for a complete driveline, as well as wheels, for sale in Eastern Montana. Looks like another nice car has fallen into the hands of the "Crate Engine Crowd". http://montana.craigslist.org/pts/4686439999.html
  15. This isn't my car. It's just a Craigslist ad I came across. You can't do a lot better than Roadmaster, and you can't do a lot better than a Wyoming body. I don't think the price is too bad for this one. I can't help but wonder if, in the hands of someone who knew what they were doing, much of that pretty interior fabric (assuming it would clean up) couldn't be wedded to new vinyl. $2,300: http://wyoming.craigslist.org/cto/4664238683.html
  16. D Yaros, do you know if "J C Whitney" was a real person, or perhaps a "waspish" sort of a name chosen to be less ethnic?
  17. 5219, thank you for that bit of info. Once in while I get something right.
  18. You do understand that we are not talking about pieces literally carved off of cars in junkyards, but, rather, dress up items available on the after market, don't you?
  19. I don't know how if JC Whitney was around back then or not, but I can't help but wonder if they, or some similar outfit, might have offered these for sale.
  20. Many of you will recall that back in early July a nice lady named Doreen requested help from the forum in identifying numerous old car parts that were in a building that she was employed in. The site may have once been a dealership, or maybe a body shop. I don't recall right now. Of the many items she posted pictures of, one was an odd bolt-on Caddy tail fin. It took me a while, but I eventually remembered that a particularly eccentric Chicago Hudson dealer offered new Hudsons with those add-on Cadillac tail fins and other adornments in a package. He had name plates made for the cars which labeled the Hudsons as "Jets", two or three years before Hudson actually marketed the unwanted, unneeded and ill-conceived Hudson Jet. (I apologize for boring you with all of that background). I wasn't around at the time, but those post war Cadillacs with the tail fins must have really caught the imagination of folks. I can say that when I was a kid in the fifties people were still talking about them frequently in one context or another. I don't know if there is anyone around anymore that still has "tail fin envy", but here's a '50 Chevy with bolt-on Caddy fins for sale on ebay that I thought you folks might get a chuckle out of. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1950-Chevy-2-door-hardtop-rare-car-WILL-TAKE-PAYMENTS-/200639119874?pt=Salvage_Parts_Cars&hash=item2eb7060202&vxp=mtr
  21. Thanks, guys. Oh well, I guess that I have to unbury it!
  22. I'm having a little difficulty getting at the serial number on my '36 coupe at the moment. The car is in a particularly tight location. Would any of you nice gents be able to tell me if the serial number is also on the frame somewhere. If so could you say where?
  23. Any of you ever refer to suicide doors as "kissing doors"? Whether it's a term from the past or a colloquialism, it's new to me! http://kansascity.craigslist.org/cto/4615511582.html
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