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Hudsy Wudsy

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Everything posted by Hudsy Wudsy

  1. I just remembered that a fire at the GM plant that made Hydramatics caused some Cadillacs to be sold with Dynaflow transmissions, but I'm sure that happened two or three years down the road from '48. I would not change the pedal situation, anyway.
  2. No, the owner states, "This has dual foot controls, 2 gas pedals and 2 brake pedals. Rare option." He also says that it has an automatic, which would obviously be a Hydramatic. I'm open to the likelihood that it was retrofitted by a company that we would now days refer to as specializing in "accessibility controls", but because the pedals exactly match the original Cadillac ones and the fact the seller states clearly that it was an option, I though that some Cadillac specialist might speak to it. I guess that I could have posted this thread on the Cadillac forum, but I thought that others might find it sort of interesting.
  3. I just came across a '48 Fleetwood for sale on Craigslist/Fargo that has a factory option (according to the seller) that I've never seen before. Honestly, for my part, I think that it strains credibility, but I'm sure that if it's legit, one or more of you will know about it. Check out the dual gas and brake pedals: http://fargo.craigslist.org/cto/5157076814.html
  4. The car is some distance away and owner doesn't know much about it. I'm just trying to gather whatever info I can in advance of taking a long drive. Since I first started this thread, I've learned how hopeless the dash plastic situation is, though. It's a shame. I've always wanted to own a '39.
  5. I've been admiring a '39 Royal Winsor sedan. My questions for you are is that an overdrive knob to the left of the steering column? Also, does anyone reproduce the dashboard plastic?
  6. I always ask myself, "Is the car any more attractive because of the fancy color?" In most cases, I think good old classic black is superior. Whether it's 1961 or 2015, a lot of people still love to gild the lily.
  7. It hadn't occurred to me before, but you can find images on Google of these trucks. Here's a link: https://www.google.com/search?q=railway+express+truck&biw=1220&bih=648&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CB0QsARqFQoTCOu9h-eftccCFQtQkgodQ60EGQ It's funny, though, but they are mostly Fords, Chevs and Internationals. I thought that I noticed black paint on the Dodge's front fenders. Now I see it was a motif.
  8. I guess that I'm old enough to remember them fairly well. They were never anywhere near as common as milk trucks, but they were a regular sight around the neighborhood. It was a time when far more freight and merchandise was shipped by rail than now. I presume that when something arrived at your town's freight depots, you had the option of having it delivered to your house or picking it up. I'm speculating there, however, as I was just a kid in the '50s when I last recall them. I wonder when UPS trucks first took to the streets, as they, in at least some way, replaced the Railway Express trucks. I don't mean to say that UPS delivered things that were shipped by rail, I just mean that the whole industry evolved away from using rails, altogether. Unfortunately, many would say, because of how crowded and beat up our freeways have become.
  9. I just came across this rare bird on Craigslist/Rockford, IL. I don't know a thing about it and the ad provides little or nothing. Nevertheless, I thought I'd share: http://rockford.craigslist.org/cto/5160927729.html
  10. This is on Craigslist for S E MS. I don't know what it's worth. I just thought that some of you guys might find it interesting. http://semo.craigslist.org/cto/5142666431.html
  11. Yeah, I should have left the price speculation out. I'm not all that familiar with '20s cars. Still, I'll bet someone with a crate engine is drooling!
  12. I just came across this on my local Craigslist. I don't know, but I think that $17,500 seems reasonable: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/cto/5169608819.html http://images.craigslist.org/00h0h_bnEGEhDI8fD_600x450.jpg
  13. Wow, with shipping, someone paid more than a thousand bucks for these.
  14. Ben I guess that they only used Olds sixes from '34 to '37. I thought that they continued with them to a later date. Here's a little history of the brand: https://history.gmheritagecenter.com/wiki/index.php/A_Brief_Outline_of_the_First_Century_of_GMC_Truck_History
  15. GMC used Olds sixes in their prewar trucks.
  16. In '36, a year that I know fairly well, the paint on Dodges, Desotos and Chryslers was metallic, while Plymouths was not. It was an early, quite fine metallic they referred to as "Luminescence". In that year, too, there were west coast differences, though I don't recall any specifics. Like many other makes, there were spring color offerings to refresh the look of the line up, as well. As for why only the west coast Plymouths had metallic paint I can only guess that it might have been something in the way of an experiment to see if it would make any difference in sales. I'm reminded that '56 Chevies made in California had one piece back bumpers, whereas the ones made elsewhere had three pieece bumpers. I guess that some mysteries are never meant to be explained.
  17. Yeah, they certainly are Hudson-like, but they certainly aren't Hudson.
  18. I liked the thought of their being Pontiac initially, because of Pontiac's use of "speed lines" (in this case, the three horizontal trailing lines on the emblem). Could I ask how tall they are? They look fairly short in height (top to bottom). In that sense, they almost strike me as something that might have origins overseas. It seems to me that most American cars of the '30s and '40s had more circular radius to their fender reveals. I searched "Google Images" Nash, Hupp, Studebaker, Franklin and Graham in the '30s era, but didn't see anything that stuck out as a likely. My search was simply cursory and far from comprehensive. I will be curious to see what someone more knowledgeable than me comes up with for an answer.
  19. These folks will have the most reasonable price, if they have them in stock: Northwestern Auto Supply_ http://www.northwesternautosupply.com/
  20. Geez, it's sad that some guys simply can't see how that chopped top just ruins this beautifully designed car's fine proportions. I'm surprised that it isn't painted purple or orange.
  21. I'm puzzled by the claim that this is the worlds largest junk yard at a mere 32 acres. French lake Auto Parts here in MN is over 100 acres and Windy Hills, here as well, is larger than that. Both are modern yards which also specialize in vintage autos. French Lake Images from Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=french+lake+auto+parts&biw=1220&bih=648&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoA2oVChMI7P701KOexwIVUw6SCh2STAIY#imgrc=LTN1x5bubZmigM%3A Windy Hills Images from Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=windy+hills+auto+parts&biw=1220&bih=648&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0CAwQ_AUoAGoVChMIp93B2aSexwIVhVWSCh15PQHZ
  22. For what it's worth, here's a link to a parts car I just came across on Craigslist: http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/cto/5123113729.html http://images.craigslist.org/00M0M_1QiFi0kP0bA_600x450.jpg
  23. Being photographed in a junk yard doesn't enhance it much, but here's a link to a '39 Desoto on C/L -- Denver, for $2200. I think that DeSotos are maybe the nicest looking of the unusual offerings from Chrysler Corp for '39. This particular one has a beautiful set of grilles and looks, at closer inspection, to be more sound than the paint and the junk yard location at first indicate. I see so few '39 DeSotos, that I thought that I might share it with you guys just for the fun of it. http://denver.craigslist.org/cto/5081539262.html http://images.craigslist.org/00A0A_5SmyWCr29of_600x450.jpg http://images.craigslist.org/00Q0Q_ckJdvCI3hdz_600x450.jpg
  24. Someone is offering a '25 Chrysler parts on my local Craigslist: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/dak/pts/5107589779.html http://images.craigslist.org/00f0f_eXOlp6RWHYO_600x450.jpg
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