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Everything posted by Landman

  1. Roger, we're having some Swiss weather too. That is why yesterday was the first dry one, so we could have our little gathering.
  2. Thsnks Roger and Jim. I never get tired of looking at it.
  3. First time out tonight at our little weekly gathering. First time out and back with only the 6 volt battery. The ad that the paving company made the other day in my drive appeared in the local paper tonight. They had some old white haired fella standing by the car.
  4. Roger, what are you using to shape the wood? A Dremel tool? Is this what makes the dust you have to fight?
  5. Thanks for the photos Chris. There is something to be said about ol' William Lyon's ability to design swoopy, sexy cars.
  6. Don, in 1983 I bought a Packard that had been repainted in 1966 or 1967. While it wasn't 80 years old like yours it had faded some and had a lot of swirls in it. I brought it back with paste wax with dramatic results, both in the paint and my shoulders.
  7. That yard was almost 90% Buicks. I think he was a Buick parts supplier. If I find my photos I'll post a few.
  8. I've had this one in the back of my mind but I don't know whether it is still there or whether it is for sale. The red one is to show what it could look like.
  9. Thanks guys. I really enjoy driving it and it does get noticed. The upholsterer told me that he had a lot of traffic in his shop and they weren't customers, just coming in to look at the car. The marketing guy of the company who paved my drive last year came by to check the pavement and saw the car sitting there. He asked me if he could use it in one of his ads . That's what they were doing when I took those photos yesterday. They has wetted the drive and took photos of the car reflected in it. I'm still woking at sorting it out. Lot of niggling little thing that bug me. For example, I never did get the cowl vent to sit right and work properly. There is some work to do on the steering. That is something that has to be done in the right sequence because some adjustments cancel the other. I have to learn how to start it and get it correctly right off the bat. I still fiddle with the throttle and the choke. Every car has its "preferences" and I haven't found them yet. Then there's a series of oil spots underneath that have to be addressed.... A cowboy's work is never done.
  10. Installed the luggage rack. Dresses up the rear nicely. At least I think it does. Replaced the passenger side taillight arm with the one found in the bush the other day. It helped but still not perfect. May be there is a difference between right and left. Assembled my home made horn brackets, lined them with some leftover grabby stuff for the window channels. Mounted the horns. A problem. When you tighten them, the front of the horn rises. I wonder if it is because the light stanchions are not round.
  11. I can't wait myself to see their faces. As far as events go, I'd like to attend some eventually, but it is an expensive proposition, 3-5 days on the road with a truck & trailer . I suppose being a member of AACA would help too. I think there is a chapter here in Ontario.
  12. Packed up the parts taken in the bush for their trip to Arizona. Tried that taillight stand on the car. No awkward angle so I sent it to be painted along with the luggage rack. He delivered those parts a few days ago. Ran a tap in the threads to remove the paint. Installed the 79 year old untouched ornament. Polished and installed the stainless trim. Went for another ride the other day. It now shows 18 miles. It is also attracting attention. I was offered the used of an enclosed trailer to take it to a family reunion where several people will remember having played in it as kids and at least two saw it in operation during the 40's. As well, the contractor who paved my driveway wants to use it in an ad featuring my driveway and the old Chevy.
  13. We often wondered about that. In later years, when he always had the latest model, he was more particular.
  14. This isn't exactly about the car but rather about the people involved. My uncle Joachim had bought the car in 1943 and sold it to my dad in 1945 or 1946. He had "modernized" and bought a late thirties Hudson. I found a photo of him holding me in his arms on top of that Hudson. At the same time he had also bought a Jawa motorcycle. While rummaging, I found the photo of my dad which was used to trick out the one in posting #40 on page two of this thread. That was March 1942, leaning on a Plymouth or a Dodge.I have to find a getup like his and redo that photo with his car. I thought you might find these interesting.
  15. Did you know about the bell housing being shaved or did you find out the hard way?
  16. Chris, the lug wrench looks like a nice fit.
  17. We are looking forward to following your progress. Happy knuckle bruising!
  18. Roger, I think the sides are fixed and the floor remains removable.
  19. Despite having gone through everything I am still wondering about having forgotten something.
  20. Took it for another ride today after taking up some of the freeplay in the clutch arm. Noise appears to be gone. Odometer now reads 11 miles The horn brackets I got on ebay brought the dome of the horn perilously close to the headlight bucket. So I took off their horn mounts and substituted the ones which had come with the horns. That will lower the horns by at least 1/2". My taillight stand had been ripped off their mounting plates so I had welded them back in with the result tthat the right hand taillight is "off". The other day I had been retrieving parts off a hulk in the bush with my neighbor. Lo and behold, a taillight stand still attached. So I removed it, extracted a broken bolt, tapped the threads and cleaned it up. Told the painter to wait until I bring him that before doing the luggage rack.
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